Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday 9 March 2024

9th March 2024

Checking into Gods Presence...  

To those who do not believe and to those who have very simply written themselves off at all fronts, it is another morning and it is a new opportunity to come into the Presence of God.

The Word of the Lord is quite simple, walk with Him and you shall find peace. Please take time to read the Book of Judges. You will discover that those who were called by His name but retracted in their steps were delivered into the hands of the enemy and those that chose to heed the Word of God became conquerors.

Would you believe that same principle applies today in the journeys of life? How much do you allow the Word of God to translate and fester in your life? 

When you fear God and obey His Statutes by walking in His Ways, God deposits some assets in you. This has been confirmed, tried, tested! The Lord is good to everyone, only our conducts deprive us of so many good things in life. 

We therefore pray for a turnaround from this approach that is ruining the purpose of God in us Jesus Mighty name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

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