Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 12 March 2024

13th March 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today I wish to talk about the act of giving. Giving is an act of love. It is a way of expressing and expanding God's miracles on earth, thereby causing people to come before Him with testimonies.

God gave us two hands; one for our immediate needs and the other to lend support in bringing people unto Him through the act of love.

Apart from the delicate nature associated with the gift of love, God still expects we fulfil His command through giving and there is nothing as peaceful as when we offer the gift of love.

Giving does not have to be for monetary gains alone. 

You can look at it from the position of offering peace instead of war. It is an act that rests solely on the sacrifice of love or offering love as a gift in the face of any terrible situation.

When you give, you bring people to His Presence without knowing. There should be no limits set upon giving; however it must attract the spirit of humbleness from both parties. You are also fulfilling one of the fundamental principles of why God created us in the first place.

What have you lost for the sake of giving? 

Know for sure that all hope is not lost if you give righteously as God will always repay you. When we look at the world today, the missing link is love. Give, so that it can be given to you (Luke 6:36-38). There is no other way to experience peace in our lives and cause the blessings of heaven to erupt upon us.

May the grace of God binds and allow His love to enliven us so we can experience growth, joy, testimonies, peace and breakthrough through the acts of giving in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

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