Checking into Gods Presence...
Happy Easter Sunday to everyone, would you all believe that Christ popularity rose even more in resurrection than all the plot that led to His crucifixion?
So, where is Judas today and what happened to Pilate and his henchmen? I therefore wants to congratulate us for the victory of His resurrection because it is those that the Lord had restored that can only be empowered to see the beauty of this day (Psalm 145:20).
Isaiah 46:6 says "I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles".
Today should therefore be seen as a Covenant, specially wrapped and delivered as a gift by God. Certainly, it has become an empowerment for us to continue to be the light unto the Gentiles. The Gentiles however represent a group of non–Jew who claims from Israelite heritage.
It is also a term that is often used to describe outsiders. Although people see you as a Child of God, are you still an outsider in His Presence? And how do you see this Easter Sunday in terms of your presence before God?
What does today represent as a gift to you? Does it remind you about His Covenant or is it another ploy to cast your vote on the illicit gain of yesterday?
If indeed you have been restored through His death and resurrection so much that you can be a light in the camp of unbelievers, then you have the empowerment to do just that, nothing less!
Any acts that violates this conduct makes one susceptible to the whims and caprices of the antichrist, and such person would be spiritually dead; he/she would then have been filled with unclean spirits.
In Mark 1: 21-28, Jesus looked deeper into the issues with unclean spirit more than the outward rules. He identified them and cast out "spirits of uncleanliness" that have haunted their victims, spirits that have stunted or destroyed people’s relationships with one another and with God.
“Do we have such "spirits of uncleanliness" among us today? Of course! Do we need to exorcise them from our midst if we are to be proclaimers of the Gospel of God? Definitely! No church can survive if these spirits remain healthy and strong in our midst because they will always bring confusion in their reign.
These can only happen when you drop your armour as a Soldier of Christ. It starts by taking each day as a pinch of salt and by abandoning the Commandments of God. As a result, such a person would then begin to live in the camps of outsiders.
On this much acclaimed Easter Sunday, I pray that we will begin to see Christ as our leading light and His glory will be our portion in Jesus name. As Christians, we will continue to live according to the rules and ordinances of our Lord through Christ who alone can strengthen us. Amen
Happy Easter Day celebration to everyone and may His journey in this Lenten Season link us back to Him. Amen
Just checking into His Presence...