Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 7 May 2024

7th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

We are in a period of time where the name of God should be uppermost in our hearts and this should be by genuine efforts. The only thing that can stand in our ways are the unrelenting/unforgivable spirits. 

Please take a close look at the Martyrdom in Stephen in the Book of Acts 8:60. Despite the inhuman treatment visited upon him by the people of this world, he still managed to plead to God that this ferocious act upon him should not be counted as sin towards them. 

This singular act is traceable to our Lord Jesus in Luke 23:34, apart from this two there is no other person recorded to have suffered similar fate. What a great sacrifice of love? 

In part, being genuine with our Christian worship and duties should more often than not take us away from the comfort zones of our worship to the level of offering severe sacrifice in the area of love, forgiveness, worship and humility, just to say the least. 

Therefore, this new week, what are you willing to put to an end in all your uncharitable duties? So also, what do you hope to imbibe from all the Wordings of Jesus Christ? 

Time is not a friend to anyone because it can't be held to ransom under any guise. We are talking about the new week today and it can also be the end of time to anyone at anytime. 

Wishing you all the Grace of God in all we do. But please note there is no surer way to serve God other than to worship Him in righteousness. 

May we all get the empowerment to achieve this aim in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

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