Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday 30 May 2024

29th May 2924

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Like every other passage in time, life itself has a beginning and an end whether we like it or not. If time is a passage therefore, what method have you adopted in the practice of Christianity which can only link you to the Creator of Time? 

Are you marketing your flesh, cheating, or misusing the gifts of prophesies or positions? Do the very standard of God you profess to keep and honour remain short in your life? And do people see Christ in you? Please note that if what you wear, profess and represent does not show the essence of Christ in you, you are merely a counterfeit.

Lord, we ask that you help us be true replicas of Christ and not counterfeits in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

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