Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday 19 May 2024

18th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The key thing today is, one day is enough to make the change you have always promised yourself and you don't need to look any further. The day may have proven to be elusive in nature to many, please know that once you have it in your possession, it can create opportunities whereby you can begin to amend, reshape, restart, revive and re ignite the passion God built in you and then begin to walk towards where He wants you to be. 

So where are you presently? Are you walking righteously before the Lord? Or are you still waiting for another day before you can make the important decision and begin to walk with God? 

How many days do you think you have left? Remember, everything in life depends so much on the story of one day. Therefore make today count in your favour. Let it be a blessing so you can shine in it. 

Do decide to make it a day worthy to be remembered, even when you cease to be part of it. The story of each life also starts and ends with one day. And so is the story of the intervals between the start and the end of each life. 

May we have the grace to spend each day wisely so that the stories of our life surrounded by each day will be counted as gain for us in the Kingdom of God. Amen 

Do have a blissful weekend. 


Just checking into His Presence...

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