Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 21 May 2024

22nd May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

And in this new week, is it not the case that we are very quick to call ourselves Christians? Are we not proud to wear colourful robes denoting us as men and women of God? What about titles? 

What of those titles we answer to that brings honour in high places, signifying where we sit and what treatment we are accorded with. Have you been paid rather unduly as men and women of God where you only represent yourself?

Do you know if you have failed the criteria for those who were genuinely called? If you do, have you been pretending to be one, thereby deceiving people as you go on empty tank in the spiritual domain? 

Being in Christ means you have been restored and that should have replaced spiritual death to spiritual life because you are now dead to sins (Romans 6:11). In order words, you must grow daily in your quality of life as a Child of God because God continues to perfect His Work which He began in us at salvation (Joel 2:28) 

May the joy of today link us to His Grace and perfect all that concerns us in the Spiritual Realm in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

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