Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday, 1 July 2024

1st July 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The only sure miracle that can sustain us is of God, and let no one deceive you. He will give unto you at His own time, which no one has any power to influence and or delay. 

The only purpose for humanity is to serve and honour God and everything will be added. Remember, when you move contrary to this will, you are bound to find yourself in unnecessary problems which will require the Grace of God to solve.

If the Lord says “Follow Me” it is for a reason – to secure our peace. Why then do we need to use our own imagination in providing answers to only what the Lord knows?

ln this new month of July, and while we are still living, it is very easy to make a change.

May God’s Goodness enrich us and give us the understanding to know the true value of following Him in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

30th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

John 3:16 states "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life". This is a life cover we all take for granted. 

Although, it comes with nothing to pay and with lots of benefit, we very often choose to go after the insurance of this world which carries lots of attachments or conditions. 

The only condition with Christ’s cover is for you to believe in Him and align your ways with His; nothing more! Are you sincerely covered with Christ’s insurance which is hassle free or would you rather put your trust in the mundane things of this world and suffer the consequences sooner rather than later? The choice is yours. 

As the month of June draws to a close, may the blood of Jesus Christ place His eternal cover upon us so that we can sincerely be called into His Kingdom on earth and in Heaven. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday, 29 June 2024

29th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today is a brand new day where the Lord has declared everything anew by Himself. Before we run away with the delight of the new day, let us pause and think for a moment about the following scenarios. 

As a child, when we received a new gift, we spend so much time to relish the moment. After some time, that delights begin to wane and the impetus to have another gift is rekindled in us all over again, so also when we become grownups. 

We celebrate birthdays, promotions, house warming and anniversaries from time to time. Sooner rather than later, the celebration becomes stale as we are already looking forward to a new position. 

There is purely nothing wrong with all tendencies to aspire but when we all aim high, do we also stop to consider what the economists call law of diminishing returns? 

It is so dangerous when we apply this principle to the daily grace of the Lord. We just must celebrate its newness as it is present in the morning dew and the same desire we must have even when the morning grows dim and night begins to take its form. 

Would you allow diminishing returns to set on your pattern of the day? Are you easily lost in the maze and simply forgets who owns the day and your life? What burns destiny is the ability to shun the covenant of God upon us when we shift focus away from His mercies which are forever new everyday (Lamentation 3:19-23).

We fervently pray against all effects that allow our abilities to flourish before You to diminish in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

28th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

A very good day to you all and welcome to another opportunity to return to the path righteousness. You are in it and I suppose we are all enjoying the benefits of Grace together. 

However, what you get out of it depends on how much you put on the path of righteousness. There is no doubt about it “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”. (Matthew 6:33)

Today is another day in Your presence Father, let your Grace overwhelm every of our desires so that our thoughts will always be aligned with your Grace in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

27th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today has been declared by Christ as another "meeting place" to ask if our days, thoughts, deeds, worship have all been conceived with the most talked about Christianity? 

Are you seeking perfection only within the Grace that bore our scars and healed us? Remember, today might be the beginning of another journey for all flesh and the whole body. 

What happens when that body ceases to exist? The answer is very simple; the errand of flesh finishes and another journey begins for our soul that has been harvested. And this new journey is for eternity. 

What a remarkable difference? Father, Perfect is Your grace that healed us, therefore we stand together in unity through this platform to pray with That Only Name, let our seeds in You be mighty in Your name as we seek and claim righteousness in Your Presence. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

26th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Welcome to another story in our lives. It is so true that the Lord has set us free again by keeping us till this very moment. However, if you must be free indeed you must have sown the seed of righteousness. 

God loves the soul of men and sweet has been His remembrance upon their creation. The question is how sweet have you been in His Presence? 

What seed do you plant in each day? One which is rich in unrighteousness, filled with disgust and guilt or that which is overwhelmed with His Grace coupled with the fear of His Might? 

Today is another mercy day and very soon its story will be like yesterday because the day is never static. Therefore, what will be your input in the pattern of the day? 

God whose love is forever rich, we beseech You to enrich our lives today. Let Your richness take away our guilt so that we can be free and free indeed. (John 8:36) Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

25th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

God has declared everything new again, giving us the opportunity to start afresh from where we have left off and or to build on what we have already started that is within the confines of His Grace. 

Therefore Children of Grace, what is it that needs starting afresh in your life? Could it be your retarded relationship with God that needs His revival or the love lost between you and members in Christ Assemblies, homes and work places? 

For every endeavour, there is always time to rethink, restart, refresh, realign and address towards the dictates of His Might. 

What is it going to be this morning apart from your unyielding position to righteousness the previous night? 

The choice is yours? By His Stripes we were healed, (Isaiah 53:4-5) have you forgotten that? 

May the joy surrounding the resurrection of Christ cover each and everyone today and always in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Monday, 24 June 2024

24th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Welcome to another reign in His Presence. This morning, the question is of what category is your reign with God? Could it be one that is filled with misconduct in His Presence and or the type that is capable of drawing people into perdition? 

For you to be able to serve God, the issue relating to self control has to be considered. It is a disease that can cause the hearts of many to somersault with fear and into jeopardy, including even the most adamant man. 

Are you therefore righteous enough or is it just a case of self righteousness? We must begin to consider therefore the Words of God in relation to its teachings. It is the only way that can build a home for us in heaven. 

God, unto you we have come on this special day, representing the first day of the working week, let your mercy locate each and everyone and give us peace in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

23rd June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

If the day has been retailed free of charge by God, we must know that the day must have a story to tell. That means everything in this world has some kind of story attached to them. 

We must therefore consider time, worship, and love to name a few. They all have tales they carry which must all be discharged when our souls are purged out of our flesh.  Our bodies will come to an end but our souls will begin a new journey. 

What was in your story last night and how did you spend your day? Was it filled with hatred or any sinful nature including deceits, gossiping, and uncharitable escapades in the path of unrighteousness? 

If everyday must have a story, what will be your new story today? Remember, today has been retailed free of charge, be proud and begin to live a good Christian life so that your soul will make heaven.

We beseech You oh Lord our Father to give us the courage to improve on our stories where they clash with Your Precepts in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

22nd June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

We should use today to examine the achievements of the week thus far. In all, what have you achieved and what opportunities have you sorely missed through anger, hatred, gallivanting, mischievousness, frivolities, pride and jealousies? 

Perhaps you don't know that when we allow ourselves to be blinded by all the uncharitable virtues above, very naturally and except by grace, we cannot receive from the goodness of Him who created us. 

If you are overpowered by anything short of the Christian Virtues, in such state you will watch the goodness and mercies of the Lord drifts and sidle away unchecked. But here is another Weekend to think. 

Do not allow the mischief of the days before to become the clog that will obstruct the goodness and mercies of the Lord which are forever renewed daily. 

Merciful Father we pray for You to help us in such a way that will not allow the issues of self-righteousness to deprive us of Your goodness and mercies in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

21st June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Welcome to His Presence today. You are encouraged to stay within His Light to continue to enjoy His Grace. Please note there is no other attribute that supersedes this gesture. 

May the Grace of God cover our endeavours in Jesus Mighty. name. Wishing us God's favour today and the rest of our lives in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 

Happy weekend to you all


Just checking into His Presence...

20th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

This morning, let us examine how valid is the claim l believe in God. Is the claim the type that is perfunctory in nature and mainly made to extract gains in God’s Presence? 

Or such that having gotten to the position of fruition in your escapade, you then forget the position of your humble beginnings and begin to move out of His Presence? 

Let me remind you that Satan once enjoyed a very lucrative position in heaven. He was described as the most beautiful of all the angels until pride got into him and he began to compare himself as God. 

Today, he roams the earth looking for those to choose as his disciples because he was banned from heaven as result of his nonchalance (Isaiah 14:12-14). 

Judas too enjoyed the same privilege, rising to the position of a treasurer among the Christ disciples, which is the most trusted position in any organization. What happened? 

He forgot his humble beginning and sold his Master out. In this new day, how great is your believe in Him that created you? Can we describe your thoughts towards Him as half baked? Like those commonly exhibited to ourselves and clearly displayed by Satan and Judas? 

Or such that rests solely on His Promises through thick and thin because His Covenant will never fail? (Psalm 89:34) As you enjoy your presence before Him today, l beseech you to keep according to God’s Rules, do not shunt in your journeys of life, stay and journey according to His pace holding on to your Believe in Him and the Power of His Might. 

Most assuredly, you will experience God in a very new dimension and so shall it be in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 

Wishing you all a pleasant day ahead through Christ that strengthens us. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence.

19th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Welcome to another display of the awesomeness of God. The word that comes to mind is beautiful and as Christians, our initial thought will be to look at each day and see the beauty of God them. 

As the day progresses, directly or indirectly the thoughts of the goodness of the day very often evaporates as many through their hands invite calamities into the pattern of the day created by God, albeit with mercies. 

Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis followed the above pattern. Although, the Lord had already described His creation as beautiful. (Genesis 1:31) Eve then aptly described and carried the beauty of God unto man made beauty, bringing the first sin upon the earth. 

In like manner, how do you perceive the Lord's instruction? Do you consider them beautiful enough for you to shun all worldly attractions and deception in God's honour? 

Or would you eschew the traits of self inducement to sins, just like what Joseph did against Potiphar's wife in Genesis 39? 

The different is very clear, you can either see the beauty in God’s law, commandments, precepts, statutes and abide by them or you can put the description of your beauty in everything that is unrighteous and follow them through. 

Adam and Eve may have failed in removing the beauty in God's law in their eyes but Joseph clearly displayed to us that with self will and control, one can through the help of God mastermind a great escape from the intricacies of Satan. 

So this morning, I will encourage you to see beauty in all the commandments of God. You can get through them with a little self will. I am sure you will reap the rewards just like Joseph did in the Book of Genesis. 

On the other hand, you can conjure beauty in all forms of unrighteousness and suffer the unknown penalty. The choice is yours! 

In the area of your laws God, let us see the beauty in them so that Satan will not claim our desires like that of Adam and Eve. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

18th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Proverbs 11:30 states "the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise" Just how many souls have you won for Christ? How many souls have you sent packing from the House of God clandestinely? 

What campaign do you meet out to the House of God through gossips, prophesies, misinterpretation or misrepresentation of facts? 

Do you know that in life, some words are better left unsaid if it will cause disunity, rancour and or constitute misconception? The Bible in 2 Corinthians 3:2 claims "You yourself are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone". 

What can we say or read about you? Trouble in the time of peace or someone that build bridges instead of burning one. What are you noted for? Remember what Ecclesiastes 12:14 says. "For God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing, whether good or evil". 

What have you used your mouth to confess? And what are your secret moves? Do you undertake journeys that are edifying in nature or such that are culpable of sending you into perdition? 

And just to round up, do you know you are judged by the amount of peaceful resolutions you achieved and not vice versa? If that is the case, walk rightly before God and let the whole world know that you are truly called after the name of God. Afterall, that is the overall essence of our creation/calling. 

Today is another day and God is not interested in what havoc you have caused up until now. His interest lays so much in your penitence and how you will close the overwhelming gap between you and Him. 

Touch our souls today, make them work for you. Touch our mouth, let them confess only fruits of the Spirit and speak to our hands, let them be perfect for Your use in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Monday, 17 June 2024

17th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Welcome to a new day and a new beginning. It is an opportunity to set your mind anew and begin a new journey with Christ where the destination is His Kingdom in Heaven. 

Do you know that once you have accepted Christ, your aims should set a new standard with the Kingdom Principles in mind? If your old ways of doing things is not different to when you have now accepted Christ, you cannot be classified as a new creature, although you may be seen and still called a child of God. 

What classifies you as a Child of God is not so much about the church you go to, the gift of prophecy, and the ability to write and deliver sermon but the ability to eschew what Proverbs 6: 16-19 describe. 

The Bible is very succinct about the intention of God to mankind. What is yours apart from carrying the Bible as a camouflage? How valid is the Christian in you? You have been renewed once again today. Make the day count and be renewed from your innermost heart so you can enjoy the newness of God in all capacities. 

And so shall it be in Jesus name Amen. Create a new mind for us today and give us a new spirit. Let both work together with Your purpose for us on earth so that we can boast of the heavenly Grace even when we are still on earth. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

16th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

How valid is your claim that you are in Christ? Do you really create time to worship Him? How do you worship Him when you are in His Presence? Do you exhibit so much love at home and then turn it to hatred when you get to church? 

When you get into His Presence, do you gossip unnecessarily and get drawn easily into frequent fights? Do you also pick faults, found in the camp of those who practice heresies and practice things you will not ordinarily do at home? 

I want to assure you that these act does not constitute any sign of significant obedience to His Words, rather it draws people away from the value of His Presence. 

What is also certain is you cannot be a meaningful Christian without any valuable contribution in His Presence. So how valuable are you to Christ apart from your normal trouble shooting? 

The irony is, the more honourable you are to Christ, the more honour you will earn to yourself as a person. 

We depend on You God, we beseech You to empower us in all capacity and make our reign with You in this world to be meaningful so we can have a place in Your Kingdom in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday, 15 June 2024

15th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

To all those who have chosen to be associated with the powerful name of Jesus Christ, please know that you have not only made Him your Christ and Saviour but also your very Good Shepherd. 

Being in Christ is like trading or going into a business that will always produce results. In business however, there are certain conditions that has to be met in order for the business to flourish in any market operations. 

Doing business with Christ also means operating under the laws of God which are certain, pure, unambiguous and very simple to the core. (Psalm 19:7) 

However, as simple as they are, they need to be followed with due diligence, discipline, simplicity, self control and humility. Just like Joseph in Genesis 37-50 and Samuel in 1 Samuel 4:22. 

If you therefore fail to understand the cross words of God and follow them through as perfect as they are, you are bound to fall into the cross roads of Satan that will be so hard to decipher as attractive as they may be. 

Remember Matthew 6:33? If you don't, you are missing the key to the Kingdom and to His abundance of Grace/inheritance. 

May the Lord empower us so that we will not toy with the key to His Kingdom in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

14th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

It has always be my overall delight to share the words of instruction from God from time to time, to encourage, admonish, revive and challenge all those under the banners and pillars of Christ, to live according to His very clear Instructions. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) 

As believers therefore, are we willing to guide the gospel with clear intent and show through faithfulness to His Instructions the need to proclaim the power behind every creation? 

Do you also know we must be willing to surrender our thoughts and make it suffer as a consequence for not following lustful desires? The time is now! We need to know we must guide and guard the Words of God the way we will protect our belongings jealously, otherwise we can never be in the right frame of mind to be called a Christian, let alone a Child of God. 

On this very day, we beseech You to give us the privilege that will make our journey count before You in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

13th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The Lord chose to simplify the way we live and has already made known the greater part of His will, directions, teachings, instructions, examples and testimonies for us in the Bible so that we can be saved through His Words. 

Very clearly and very much like the secular manuals, the Bible stands out and it is very full of instructions and directions as to how the people who are called by the name of God should live in this world so that they can enjoy the benefits in the Kingdom of Heaven. 

This morning, what is your relationship with God and what is the place of prayer in the homes of all believers and in houses designated after the name of God? 

Do we just read the Bible, walk into any church to dance, sing, give monies and then prayerfully wait for miracles to happen? Mark Twain quoted once and that is "it is not the things in the Bible people don't understand that trouble them, but things that they do understand". 

And I am aware that "for the things that people don't understand, the Holy Spirit had been set up by God to teach and also direct so that we can obey the Words of God to the letters". 

Where is the Lord's Spirit in your life? If you live a life filled with sins, most certainly, such life will be devoid of the Spirit of God and that means the clear understanding of the Words of His Grace will be very much elusive and it will then be like a sailing ship without a pilot. 

Therefore Lord, we want You to take away every sinful lust in our hearts so as to allow your Spirit to teach and give us the understanding to allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit of Truth. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

12th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

God has accomplished a lot of things through His Spirit so that the purpose of creation can be achieved. Human responses to the manifestation of the Spirit therefore becomes paramount in view of the weak human frame which is exhibited through the physical and emotional tendencies. 

It is however imperative for us to suspend the physical control of our bodies that gives room for all human tendencies, seeping in through lust and sudden desires for the mundane things of this world. 

And the Spirit of God will then take absolute control of the weakened frame of our bodies for proper manifestation of the Spirit. We must always remember that man is very incapable of satisfying God's justice and that purity is not about holiness alone but absolute relationship between us and God. 

May this Mercy Day in the month of June begin to do a new thing in our lives and open up ways to have a proper relationship with God in Jesus Mighty name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

11th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Whether we like it or not, the powers of ascension into His Holy Throne depend so much on our relationship with Him who created the heavens and the earth. 

Let us therefore take a cue from this Bible Passage (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) "14 be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? 

And what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? 

For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 

18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." And so Brethren in Christ, let all those who fear God unite to promote His truth and righteousness. 

It is certain that in your journeys you will come across wicked men of every rank and profession. Their overall aim is to plot in high places with the intention to run the works of God down at all cost. Please be aware that even though these wicked men may have succeeded in breaking the spirit of prayer, God is still seeking for that particular somebody who will stand in the gap and rebuild the walls of righteousness. (Ezekiel 22:30) 

May God see the attributes in us to be enough and therefore enlist us as one of the builders of the walls of righteousness in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

10th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today I wish to emphasise on Christian values and living out these values in the world we live in. Christian Values are based on the teachings of Christ. 

The most important one can be found in Mark 12:28-30 and not on the number of times we make pilgrimages to Jerusalem coupled with excessive devotion to worldly values that promotes jealousies, resentments and conflicts among people in accordance with the purposes of Satan (1 John 3: 8-10, Roman 16: 17-20 and John 8:44) to mention a few. 

Many are particular about their visits to Churches. Some on the gifts of prophesies, the power to write and of preaching too. Other categories are those who rely on the success of their reigns as Pastors, Shepherds and others as Ministers of God. 

We very often have conflicting ideas of what can be classified as Godly lives while issues relating to self righteousness destroys and set Christians wildly apart from each other, giving Satan the power to inherit what God had and purposely built for Himself. 

If what we know in the Bible are not mainly our problems but the causes of all challenges, then let us pause and consider what we do know and reflect on them so that we can begin to lead a righteous life. 

What does God require of us? How can I obey the Word of God? How can I be faithful to God in my everyday life? Philippians 4:8 sums up the virtues and values of what we do know and we must greatly seek after them. 

And only if, we can prize our desires after them, we will be very close to what the Lord intended us to be, and so shall it be in Jesus name. Amen 

In this new week oh Lord, all we need from you Father, is the empowerment to be able to lead a worthy Christian life and the ability to sustain the desires of living righteously before You in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

9th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Welcome to the Righteousness of God through which Christ once died for us even when He was considered sinless. 1 Corinthians 5: 21 states "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 

This statement clearly classifies righteousness as a concept, what comes with it is the attributes in leading a life of holiness. What is very alarming which we may not know is that sin enjoys as much of conceptual notions which are very much like what we can find in Holiness and Righteousness.

It is therefore safe to conclude that righteousness came through Christ and very simply Christ automatically becomes our righteousness. Consequently, Christ has earned the status of being righteous in God. 

We then have the right to see Righteousness as a gift given by Christ. To be in Christ you have to earn the status of Holiness but the concept of sin is also a status we can acquire. 

You may pretend not to know that it stands very much against the Righteousness of God in Christ through our ability to lead a life of holiness. What fruits are from your produce? What steps will you take to rectify the acquisition of the concept of sin overwhelmingly at work in your heart? 

This Sunday, I want to encourage you All not to deviate from the concept of holiness upon which Christ chose to lose His life in honour of His Righteousness to the Almighty God. 

Lord of mercy, we thank You for bearing the guilt of our sins. We beseech You not to count this exercise as vain upon us in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

8th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The interesting thing is we are all part of what makes the history of time. Very sadly though, we may have also witnessed the sour nature in time history as caused by people like us. 

They have become armchair critics in various camps; sending/putting forward different ideas that they think can serve as the best option to the orthodox ways of doing things. 

What are the states of affairs now that you have been put in charge? Are they getting any better? Would your efforts have been better served in a supporting role than actually being in charge? 

Do you need to pull him/her down to achieve your goals in the history of time? It is another history made today. Where will the pendulum swings, to the left, to cripple the standards of God or to the right, to maintain the ordinances of Gods righteousness in us? 

Father, we beseech you to look on this day in the history of time. Please support us so we can leave peaceful marks upon the sands of time in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

7th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

This morning, let the wise among us consider this statement in Matthew 15:11-"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." 

From the heart comes anger, pride, jealousies, hatred, murder and love, to mention a few. Apart from love, all other attributes bring so much unholiness into the method we choose to lead our lives. 

We therefore have as gain an avalanche of unsettlement in the ordained process of peace given as a covenant by God. Jeremiah 11:29. 

How are you today? This is in terms of what resides in your heart. If you know the answer, then where do you go from here? Let what you feed the world with through your mouth be from the fruits of love. 

This is another time of our lives Father; we beseech You to give us the Grace to live according to Your precepts. Let us be able to give back unhindered love to our neighbours, like the way you taught us in Christ Jesus. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday, 6 June 2024

6th June 2024

Checking into God’s Presence…

I am again privileged to welcome you to His presence and to write like Apostle Paul to remind us about the truthfulness in God's word which we may not understand. 

Today, I want to ask if you are in Christ and still searching for the truth in the Christendom? Can you recognize the truth even when you find it? Do you know if God's Word is very true to you? 

This is because the concept surrounding truthfulness in God's Word are not based upon how good it sounds but the fruits that its practice produces. And so in practice, how truthful are you to your church, friends and your spouse? 

Are the words you considered truthful ready/capable to destroy and bring death? We must know that practicing the truth in God's Word must be able to build, produces joy and also life to those who hears and receives it. Yes! 

You are always right, what Avalanche have you caused in its wake? And you want to be right, just how many people have you destroyed? Very simply, the truth is in God's Word and it is all about peace. 

Anything short of that is all about "Me syndrome", nothing more! We want to be led by the truth in Your Words Father, let our desires in this world match the steps we are to take to Your Kingdom in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

5th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

I want to welcome you especially to another expression of the Lord's Mercy geared significantly towards giving us a renewed opportunity of building our Kingdom in heaven from this very earth. 

The daily expression of God's Love to those He kept alive avails every willing hearts the chance to rebuild where necessary, if there had been cracks in the structures they may have on earth in the Christendom as we all aim towards the heavenly goal. 

Are you prepared for the Kingdom Call? Have you reduced your errands in life to the state of panic on earth even when you are very popular in the corridor of many churches? Is your faith leakages proven? 

Do you shunt from churches to churches, from Pastors to Pastors and or from Prophets to Prophets. Please note that your walks of faith with God, through living and believing in His Righteousness supersede any pilgrimages you may make to these earthly beings.

God can still perform His miracles wherever you are if you carefully follow the conditions of your faith in Him. Father, we want to donate for Your Sake all fleshy thoughts capable of drawing us away from Your Kingdom today, instead equip us with the pride to worship You perfectly, and in accordance to Your Ordinances. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

4th June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

I want is to consider today as a gift because we have been powered to check into His Presence despite all the shortcomings we enjoy in the face of His righteousness. 

Now that you have the gift in your custody, what gift do you have for God in return for this special favour? Do you know you can keep the Spirit of His righteousness simply by remaining faithful to the pledges surrounding His Covenant? 

Do you also know that this attribute can unfold the promises of His heavenly Grace, mainly to those who choose to walk and stand by His Words? God has given you the gift to life; and you must stay within the confines of His Promises for you to enjoy godly riches both on earth and in heaven. 

Our dear God who has lived from ages past, you remain our hope in life for the future. We beseech You to grant us Your Spirit so that we can lead a faithful life for Your peace to be assured upon the gift of your promise which is shared by all daily. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Monday, 3 June 2024

3rd June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

This morning I would like to share a statement I found on my daughter's wall which caught my attention. 'Our acts can be no wiser than our thoughts. Our thinking can be no wiser than our understanding'. 

It made me ponder and ask if indeed our acts can be wiser than our thoughts or our thinking wiser than our understanding. I came to the conclusion that if only we can decipher meaningful answers to these questions, we will also enjoy the daily eruption of God's Grace upon our endeavours according to Lamentation 3: 19-26


“I remember my affliction and my wandering,
    the bitterness and the gall.


I well remember them,
    and my soul is downcast within me.


Yet this I call to mind
    and therefore I have hope:


Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.


They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.


I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”


The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
    to the one who seeks him;


it is good to wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.”

In this new week oh Lord, we beseech You to make today count for us in your Kingdom race. Let your thoughts take control of our actions, allowing your understanding to reign over and saturates our thoughts and not the other way round. 

Moreso because It is the only way we can build a wall of righteousness around us and so shall it be in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday, 2 June 2024

2nd June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

It does not matter how, when and where you receive the message of Christ, but how well you are in tune with the message of the Holy One is what that really matters. 

I also want you to believe that anyone can wear the cross as necklace, mainly to signify their true religion. It can be in silver, gold and or diamond. But does that mean you can carry His cross also? 

The answer to me is no except you are prepared to offer as sacrifice unto God your sinful nature. That is the only method that can testify to the way you wear your Christ and not through any emblem of Christ. 

O Lord our Redeemer, we pray for Your Kindness upon us. Let what we do before you be linked to Your Holiness in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

1st June 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Happy new month of June everyone and you are all welcome to another history in the palace of the Most High God. 

As we match within His daily Grace, I encourage you to see each day as a living library. Only in this case, I am not talking about a building where you have access to a collection of books, films and periodicals. 

Therefore, let us see today where we all have access to a collection of the Lord's Grace which are richly reserved for only those whose ethos matches that of His Righteousness according to Deuteronomy 4:4 

And so, today is another library opened for the dispensation of His Grace. What you earn as s result depends very largely upon how well you can hold unto God in this perilous time. (1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 3:1 and Jude 1:18) 

Now that the Library is opened, what do you intend to search for? Unlimited Grace or the mundane things of this world which can be classified as vanity? (Ecclesiastes 1:14, 17) 

Our Father Who art in Heaven, we pray you will give us this day with all its benefits. Also make it an inheritance for us in Your Kingdom in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

31st May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

To really live and dine with God requires a great attitude in faith, belief and righteousness. Today I witnessed someone who displayed a poor attitude and to the onlookers this was very displeasing. 

It was the case of a young girl travelling on the over ground who was questioned by inspectors for presenting a child's pass. At this point, the inspector was very unsure of her stand and was ready to let everything go and walked away. 

But the young girl then made  sarcastic comment to the inspector which caused him to escalate the matter and made a note of the encounter. On closer scrutiny, it turned out that the young girl did not live in the country and therefore was not entitled to the concession in her mode of travel, neither was she 15 which is the age limit for the child pass. 

What a dilemma as the whole family were hoisted off the train to ascertain the claims of the young girl. Where will your attitude take you? The provision of Grace by God without the right attitude often brings disaster very much like the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15: 11-32. 

Today, I implore you to check your attitude before it becomes swollen. Bring your attitude back if it is running unchecked and away from you. The young girl lost her opportunity of grace because of her bad attitude. 

I pray that God helps us to rebuild the right attitude in us. Let His strength sustain our attitude where it is necessary so that we do not fall from our position of Grace. Amen 


Just checking into Presence...

Thursday, 30 May 2024

30th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

You may not know, you may have simply forgotten or just having the highest disregard to the fact that you are kept alive today at the expense of Christ. And if not for Him, where do you think you would be? 

In Christ, there is complete manifestation of God's requirement which were carefully presented through the Gospel of Christ in the Bible. And it is by following Christ examples with wisdom and the knowledge of God that salvation can be assured by the virtue of our faith in Him. 

As always, you are again being called for the acceptance of the completed work of Jesus Christ which was centred on His death and resurrection. Those who believe in Christ however, are bound to triumph over sins through the righteousness in Christ Jesus. 

What have you given up for Christ to reign in your life? What draws you away from His Mercy Gate and what sin are you finding difficult to jettison in His favour? Remember, in Christ is the complete manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven requirements on earth. 

And they must be strictly adhered to for us to have a meaningful relationship with God. Let our love in You strengthen us, our faith in You keep us and believe in You order our steps so that we do not falter in Your presence in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

29th May 2924

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Like every other passage in time, life itself has a beginning and an end whether we like it or not. If time is a passage therefore, what method have you adopted in the practice of Christianity which can only link you to the Creator of Time? 

Are you marketing your flesh, cheating, or misusing the gifts of prophesies or positions? Do the very standard of God you profess to keep and honour remain short in your life? And do people see Christ in you? Please note that if what you wear, profess and represent does not show the essence of Christ in you, you are merely a counterfeit.

Lord, we ask that you help us be true replicas of Christ and not counterfeits in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

28th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Welcome to another endless cycle of His Grace which undoubtedly puts everyone on a mission to succeed in life no matter what. For you to have any meaningful presence in life, you must live victoriously above the invisible power of darkness which is capable of seducing our thoughts and drawing us deeper into sins. 

Let it be known that you are recognized as a true Christian not by what you say, write, wear, the gifts you possess or by the virtue of your positioning in life. We can only become full time Christians when we truly live as Citizens of His Kingdom, who work tirelessly mainly to move the Heavenly Kingdom forward whilst still on earth (Acts 3:6).  

As a result we must be geared towards developing holiness in hearts, manifesting through the heartbeat of integrity, dignity and high moral standards. Being righteous in Christ should therefore not be misconstrued as an empowerment to link or view the heritage of God's Kingdom with selfish desires; overwhelmingly found in unholy camps. 

If your alliance therefore is with and in Christ, you are reconciled with Him. If your wicked works prove you otherwise, you must from now seek to be blameless and above reproach in the sight of God (Colossians 1:19-22).

Take our lives, let them be for You. Take our hearts, fill them with Your Thoughts, take our eyes, use them as Yours and reconcile our ways with Yours, let us walk together in them with You oh Lord. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Monday, 27 May 2024

27th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Another day comes and although in a different format, it is still part of the daily grace of the Lord. We must see today as a privilege and therefore should be joyous in the fulfilment of His Covenant through the gift of the new day. 

I therefore, welcome you to His fullness today. Do you believe God resides in everyday that is born? But are you part of the day? Let us with a gladsome mind, praise the Lord for His Kindness, May His Grace lead us to the everlasting grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence

Sunday, 26 May 2024

26th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

God wants the best for everyone as much as we all want to succeed in life. Without saying, God also wants the prosperity of our souls that brings about very good quality to our inner self. 

This invariably comes under dedication and commitment to the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). These processes undoubtedly bring about divine prosperity which is not momentary in itself but can still be experienced both in the physical and the spiritual realm. 

Therefore, in understanding the newness of the Grace of God, albeit forever renewed daily, we must also note that what goes with His Special Grace is spiritual warfare which constantly works against the souls of men and women. 

Occasions will therefore arise where blessings meant for the Children of God may be hindered where steadfastness to His Holy name can be viewed as nil or lame. 

Are you in need of His prosperity both in soul and body? If truly you are hungry for God, you will be filled mainly through His Covenant of peace upon us. (Jeremiah 29:11) And also, if truly you lack anything spiritually, you shall be satisfied. 

Challenges stems from being a part Christian and that is by following mainly the ideals of the world. (Ecclesiastes 12:14) 

May the joy of the Lord keep us on this Lord’s Day and beyond and we shall continuously proper in growth, age, wisdom, health and in soul through Christ that strengthens us. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday, 25 May 2024

25th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

What you may learn from this story can rebuild your relationship with God. The whole experience stems from a very queer fire incident that occurred in March 2015. In the early hours of the morning, I received a call from a member of my church stating that our church building was on fire.  

I was rushed to get there only to find it in ashes! The main structure of the building stood but everything else was completely damaged and we were due to hold a birthday thanksgiving celebration for in the church that week. 

We all knew that this was Satan’s attempt to instil fear in us and destroy our hope but instead the opposite happened. The church, family and friends came together to pray and not only that but also showed continuous support in areas I could never have imagined. 

We were sent numerous financial donations and to my surprise some were anonymous. This was surely the Lord’s doing. As a result, we were able to rebuild His Temple by turning all ashes to beauty in a very short space of time. 

I was stunned and very grateful to God for this uncommon favour. It really showed what the Lord was capable of doing in our midst, particularly when you trust Him. It sets my mind ablaze about how great God is and for this reason I cannot sleep.  

I sincerely thank those who rendered their support in rebuilding the Church of God. I can categorically say the support was unprecedented and by our standard unrivalled! 

I conclude by saying the Lord at work in the life of the church will transform your lives. Rebuild your hope in Him where you may be nursing doubts and realign your ways with His. The fire of the evil one will not burn you in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

24th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Whatever end you may have come across the day, please be rest assured that you cannot exonerate the numerous blessings God promised would be that of the Israelites, if indeed they carefully obey and follow His Commandments. (Deuteronomy 28:1) 

So, how have you started your day and at what point did you come on board? Are you still in a state of disbelief to the clarities within the instructions of the Lord or are you just a risk taker? Surely, there are provisions for those who flagrantly disobey the injunctions of the Lord. 

And undoubtedly, this pattern invites fear into their ways because of the repercussions which are necessarily attached to fear. Fear, again and without saying reduces the potency in faith as it clearly state the complete opposite of what the Words of the Lord stands for. (Proverbs 29:25) 

Today, I encourage you to seek the Lord so you can stay alive in this world and beyond (Deuteronomy 4:4). Going after the mundane things of this world invariably brings conflicts in all our ways thereby causing confusion which sends erring member to the cross roads and then point of no return. 

The Grace of God will cast off all desires that send us to the path of unwanted cross roads; His Power will realign our position with Him so that we will faithfully desire His attributes in Jesus Mighty name. 


Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday, 23 May 2024

23rd May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

You may have the day in your possession but do you have with it a heart of worship? I present to you Revelation 14:7 "Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters". 

Through your spirit of worship, can you answer just as we have in Revelation 7:14? Which says "And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb". 

Having a heart of worship depends so much on the above provisions and without saying, your response too determines who you are when it comes to apportioning His overwhelming Grace. 

What you put in is what you get! We beseech You God to erase the spirit that "journey" away from your Grace in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

22nd May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

And in this new week, is it not the case that we are very quick to call ourselves Christians? Are we not proud to wear colourful robes denoting us as men and women of God? What about titles? 

What of those titles we answer to that brings honour in high places, signifying where we sit and what treatment we are accorded with. Have you been paid rather unduly as men and women of God where you only represent yourself?

Do you know if you have failed the criteria for those who were genuinely called? If you do, have you been pretending to be one, thereby deceiving people as you go on empty tank in the spiritual domain? 

Being in Christ means you have been restored and that should have replaced spiritual death to spiritual life because you are now dead to sins (Romans 6:11). In order words, you must grow daily in your quality of life as a Child of God because God continues to perfect His Work which He began in us at salvation (Joel 2:28) 

May the joy of today link us to His Grace and perfect all that concerns us in the Spiritual Realm in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

21st May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

It is very possible that we don't know that our help resides in His Holy name and that is because God loves us very endlessly. Today, I want to charge everyone to be the agents of His love as we carry on in His presence. 

Let His grace hold us in His hands and keeps us all on His sight without any deviation, so that we can continue to receive His love and Spirit. As Usual, I want to welcome you to another Lord's Table to day

I would like to remind you that His body was broken so that we can be made whole and He became accursed so that we can enter into a perfect relationship with Him. 

At the brake of this new day, we have all come to God living within the grace of the harvest of our previous sowing. Let us therefore see every day as a seed in our relationship with Him. 

Set your mind to recognize the Lord's mercy and begin to live a life that is full of peace and joy and your weapon of choice should be love. 

On this mercy day, may the Lord bless us with His presence today and always. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

20th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

If we constantly commit our ways to the Lord in prayer, if we walk with Him, seek His guidance and then obey His Word, God will directly use people to bring about good opportunities in our lives. 

Proverbs 16:23-33 throws light on this as follows 23" The heart of the wise teaches his mouth, and added learning to his lips. 24 Pleasant words are as ahoneycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. 

25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. 26 He that labouredlaboureth for himself; for his mouth craveth it of him. 27 An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire. 

28 A forward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separates chief friends. 29 A violent man enticed his neighbour, and leaded him into the way that is not good. 30 He shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: moving his lips he bringeth evil to pass. 

31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness. 32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. 33 The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord."

Each verse has significant meaning and relates to the way we conduct ourselves and will determine what favour you receive from God through men. 

May we be cleansed spiritually in our hearts so that we can experience the blessings of the Lord first-hand in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday, 19 May 2024

19th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

It is a very rare privilege to be alive today. And on this Pentecost Sunday, It is a good time to reiterate that loving each other as Christ loved us would go a long way to satisfy one of the commandments of God. 

In considering love this morning 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 comes to mind; "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away". 

The amazing thing is, this passage does not qualify or prescribe such love to a specific person or group of persons, but to all without any discrimination. 

If you have been showing love mainly to those in your household and then find a way to denounce others (vice/versa), you are likely to be one of those who tolerates pest like cockroaches, mouse and wall geckos in your homes but exhibits a very high degree of intolerance towards your fellow man. 

Love and respect goes together and both have to be given unconditionally according to Paul in this Book of 1 Corinthians 13. The failure on our part to go through this simple process can only bring tears, which many are capable to share from. 

Therefore, we pray for your help O God, we beseech You to give us the Spirit to love ourselves genuinely according to Your Word in Jesus name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

18th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

The key thing today is, one day is enough to make the change you have always promised yourself and you don't need to look any further. The day may have proven to be elusive in nature to many, please know that once you have it in your possession, it can create opportunities whereby you can begin to amend, reshape, restart, revive and re ignite the passion God built in you and then begin to walk towards where He wants you to be. 

So where are you presently? Are you walking righteously before the Lord? Or are you still waiting for another day before you can make the important decision and begin to walk with God? 

How many days do you think you have left? Remember, everything in life depends so much on the story of one day. Therefore make today count in your favour. Let it be a blessing so you can shine in it. 

Do decide to make it a day worthy to be remembered, even when you cease to be part of it. The story of each life also starts and ends with one day. And so is the story of the intervals between the start and the end of each life. 

May we have the grace to spend each day wisely so that the stories of our life surrounded by each day will be counted as gain for us in the Kingdom of God. Amen 

Do have a blissful weekend. 


Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday, 16 May 2024

17th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

With His Grace we have been valued and therefore kept alive by God to see this day, but how much value you place on your life is determined by your response to His Words and His commandments. 

You may not know or pretend not to know that handling the affairs and warnings of God with negligence offers severe repercussions in the growth and development of our affairs in the world today. 

God cannot be mocked and whatever a man sows so he must reap. This principle operates in all we do and achieve; only we are very stubborn to admit. We therefore place the results of the repercussions on satanic influences, Witches, Wizards, old people at homes and every suspicion upon anybody we may have or have had little disagreement with. 

Some change churches as a result of their own achievement, even though they are the architect of their own misfortune. Very sadly, they live behind a place that represents the success story of their life. 

Today, I say keep the word of God and live a life of peace, joy and success stories will be yours or denounce His Word, teachings and commandments and see yourself thrive in retribution. 

May the Grace of God lift our souls and make them grow in His Word so that His Spirit will commend and not condemn us in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

16th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Even at this point, we must realise we are living on the fringes of borrowed time. This is because not everyone could sail through the dangers of the night. And that can mean no one except God knows when his or her time is up. 

Now that you have the grace to be alive, do you see yourself strengthened enough to seek the Lord this morning and irrespective of what position you may find yourself? Perhaps this article culled from "If not for God" can help to lead us to where we are suppose to be when our thoughts are broken, either through our conducts by way of sins or through what we may/thought we have lost because of the intervention of the enemies. 

“In 1 Samuel 30...David and his men returned from a three-day march and found their city burned and their families gone. Amalekite raiders did to David’s city what David and his men had done to many of the surrounding villages. It was a catastrophe. David didn’t wait for someone else to strengthen him. He didn’t say, “Well Lord, if You want to strengthen me, that’s fine. I’ll just wait here until You do it.” 

David knew that the Lord’s strength was there for those who wait upon Him, so he strengthened himself in the Lord his God. Notice (1 Samuel 30:6) that it was “David” who strengthened himself in the Lord his God. David was backslidden and wayward; but he was also now completely broken, ready to be filled. 

This was strength for recognition, strength to repair his brokenness, strength for repentance, strength and determination to win back what the enemy has stolen. This is the same strength that raised Jesus from the dead! You must see yourself as a Champion first before you can notice what you have lost/missing. 

If this self drive is lacking, there will be no desire and the tendencies would be inbuilt for the person to continue to live abjectly in a deprived situation. 

We beseech You Father to repair the broken structures in us, rebuild our strength to work with You and keep Your Commandments. Let Your Love in us is strengthened so we will also see the need to love our fellow men in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

15th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Father, I just want to thank you for the glory you have invested in us through the beauty of another day. You have indeed given us a very rare privilege to stay alive and write about Good News that others can use so that they too can come nearer to Thee. 

The Good News can help to remove the fearful nature in men and that is if they are faithful and become realist in Christ according to what they read, hear, learn and see about God through Christ. 

Undoubtedly, they will become nurtured by the Holy Spirit. 

The Good News makes disciples in Christ and has the ability to also make fake Christians along the line. These erring Christians often quote relevant Bible portions to substantiate their misdemeanours, also in the household of God. 

But I say categorically that if you know and preach the truth, you are His(John 8:32) and if you use other means to enslave dithering Christians, there is no way that you and your cohorts can become free and free indeed. 

Therefore, make today good in itself, come back to Him and He will make disciples of you because if He sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36). And so you will become free to sins and consequently you will become slaves to righteousness. (Roman 6:18) 

The overall benefits of being enslaved to righteousness leads to holiness which also guarantees eternal life (Romans 6:22) and this is what we claim on this mercy day in Jesus Mighty name. Amen. Wishing you all a happy and rewarding midweek in the Presence of God. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

14th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Please know that everyday mirrors the way of God in us, either rightly or in an unrighteous manner, very surely we must know what we have achieved when we look back to the events of yesterday. 

But today, I want to encourage you as I write as a witness to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to follow the examples as stated in Acts 2:42-43 "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 

Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles." Therefore I say, unless you passionately seek the Lord by following His Commandments, you cannot act as a witness unto Him.

Being called a child of God, a Minister of God, or indeed a Christian would be tantamount to "just a child's play". As Christians, and without saying, you are a mirror unto Him Who bore our guilt, at the same time you occupy a witness seat unto those who do not know Christ or dithers about their stand in His Presence. 

Each day therefore should sustain, correct and elicit any corrupt motives in our drives and based on the above passage. Everyone should diligently seek and devote their time to honour the Lord's Commandments. 

We beseech You Lord, to plant our feet so that we can walk in your ways and let us press toward the Presence of your high Calling. Empower us to cut away things that persuade us to move away from Your Presence through Christ our Saviour. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Monday, 13 May 2024

13th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today, I am inspired to write about having "room for forgiveness". Is your heart so broad to know when you are wrong? And are you so brave to forgive when forgiveness is sought? 

These two principles operate very much in the Kingdom Dynamics. In that, your hearts need to be free from any pollution as may have been caused by unforgiving hearts. 

If we are then guilty of the aforementioned, how do we want the Lord to interpret our sins when it comes to forgiveness. Please also note that we cannot claim righteousness through Christ unless we have been forgiven. 

If we are coy to the issues relating to forgiveness, we will be limiting directly or indirectly the gifts of God’s Grace from coming to manifestation in our lives. 

May the Lord renew the right Spirit in us so that the gifts of His a Spirit can manifest among us unrestrained in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday, 12 May 2024

12th May. 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

We are almost half way through the year, but in the process how many of the Lord's errands have you successfully completed? As Christians, we have automatically become the salt of the World. 

How many lives have you sweetened and just how many have you destroyed? Within the church that you serve, how many souls have you led to Christ among the congregation? 

What flavour of Christ in you do you emit and how many people have seen the glory of God in you to such an extent that they become so enthused by the Word of God in you? 

You must be the light of the world, not just as a caricature of the Apostle of God, but as one that follows Christ rather very dutifully to such an extent that the glory of God shines through and culpable of drawing people to Christ. 

Today, it is necessary to drop- 1. The desert in your heart in favour of the richness of the Word of God. 2. Remove the poison in your tongue and replace with fruits of the spirit 3. The illicit look of your eyes and introduce those that yearn for the spirit. 

4. And allow the Word of God to plough through the shallow areas of your life so you can be what the Lord wants you to be. And so help us God Amen. Wishing you all a blissful Sunday filled with grace, mercy, joy and riches in the Presence of the Lord. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

11th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

We simply call it another day but it is another time through His Grace, and we are very fortunate to be celebrating the birth of a new day this month. May the Lord of perfection, perfect all that concerns us this month in Jesus name Amen. 

Before I go on, I would like to know what relationship we all have with time, that is apart from the civil use in describing the past, the present and the future. All time is of God, but really and truly time also has its inscription vested upon man(Ecclesiastes 3). 

The inscription we have in the story of our time each day should reflect so much on the history of time. And overall time even when timed with all its intent and purposes, its riches thereof must bear great resemblance to the Word and Commandments of God. 

Time measures everything, whether it is good, past, present, bad or futuristic in nature. Time is so important to such an extent that a dead clock gives the correct time twice a day, this is the work of God because great is His faithfulness. 

These attribute alone should reinforce His existence in every experiences we may have/share in the world today. So how corrupt is your timing? When you are timed against your neighbours’ time, just how credible are you? 

What have you taken unlawfully before God that does not belong to you across all spheres of life? What is it are you marking time on? You must know that God sees the end even from the beginning, so why bother? 

Remember those who stay with the Lord will always reach their destination and it does not matter if the story of their time is tampered with by any ploy or plot. Even a dead clock tells the correct time twice in a day. 

God with you is far better and greater than the millions against you and so shall it be when you make Him your Cornerstone. Wishing you the very best in everything this month has to offer in Jesus name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday, 11 May 2024

10th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

We simply call it another day but it is another time through His Grace, and we are very fortunate to be celebrating the birth of a new day this month. May the Lord of perfection, perfect all that concerns us this month in Jesus name Amen. 

Before I go on, I would like to know what relationship we all have with time, that is apart from the civil use in describing the past, the present and the future. All time is of God, but really and truly time also has its inscription vested upon man(Ecclesiastes 3). 

The inscription we have in the story of our time each day should reflect so much on the history of time. And overall time even when timed with all its intent and purposes, its riches thereof must bear great resemblance to the Word and Commandments of God. 

Time measures everything, whether it is good, past, present, bad or futuristic in nature. Time is so important to such an extent that a dead clock gives the correct time twice a day, this is the work of God because great is His faithfulness. 

These attribute alone should reinforce His existence in every experiences we may have/share in the world today. So how corrupt is your timing? When you are timed against your neighbours’ time, just how credible are you? 

What have you taken unlawfully before God that does not belong to you across all spheres of life? What is it are you marking time on? You must know that God sees the end even from the beginning, so why bother? 

Remember those who stay with the Lord will always reach their destination and it does not matter if the story of their time is tampered with by any ploy or plot. Even a dead clock tells the correct time twice in a day. 

God with you is far better and greater than the millions against you and so shall it be when you make Him your Cornerstone. Wishing you the very best in everything this month has to offer in Jesus name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday, 9 May 2024

9th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Who is Christ that so much interest is pinned around Him? Let us examine Philippians 2: 1-18 and try to understand what Christ is all about and how we can go about in imitating His Humility. 

“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 

Who, being in very nature[a]God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b]of a servant, being made in human likeness. 

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Do Everything Without Grumbling 

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose. 

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[c]Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labour in vain.

But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me. 

May we be empowered to the point of being able to sacrifice and serve God in faith in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

8th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today I have been encouraged by Psalm 50:5 which states "Bring my faithful people to me, those who made a covenant with me by giving sacrifices". 

And so I ask on this merciful day, what sacrifice(s) can you make that can take you to the next level in your Christian duties? And when we talk about pictures, what image of you albeit made/recorded by the Spirit can jeopardise your Kingdom Works? 

And who among you have subjected people to extortion clandestinely, using the name of God? Please note, the Kingdom Call is not about the size of your bible? Or indeed how well you can preach, write and dress. It is also not measured by any spirit of prophecy or the size of your congregation. 

Purely, it is about how righteous you are to Christ teachings through your disposition to your fellow men and how willing you are able to follow His instructions. Therefore, and today, I genuinely ask you to make healthy sacrifice in the area of love in your relationship with men so that through you many can be brought to the group of Christianity. 

Lord, we beseech you to empower us to exhibit an offering of love to all men in accordance to your teachings in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

7th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

We are in a period of time where the name of God should be uppermost in our hearts and this should be by genuine efforts. The only thing that can stand in our ways are the unrelenting/unforgivable spirits. 

Please take a close look at the Martyrdom in Stephen in the Book of Acts 8:60. Despite the inhuman treatment visited upon him by the people of this world, he still managed to plead to God that this ferocious act upon him should not be counted as sin towards them. 

This singular act is traceable to our Lord Jesus in Luke 23:34, apart from this two there is no other person recorded to have suffered similar fate. What a great sacrifice of love? 

In part, being genuine with our Christian worship and duties should more often than not take us away from the comfort zones of our worship to the level of offering severe sacrifice in the area of love, forgiveness, worship and humility, just to say the least. 

Therefore, this new week, what are you willing to put to an end in all your uncharitable duties? So also, what do you hope to imbibe from all the Wordings of Jesus Christ? 

Time is not a friend to anyone because it can't be held to ransom under any guise. We are talking about the new week today and it can also be the end of time to anyone at anytime. 

Wishing you all the Grace of God in all we do. But please note there is no surer way to serve God other than to worship Him in righteousness. 

May we all get the empowerment to achieve this aim in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Monday, 6 May 2024

6th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

It is another day and we have made it to His Presence again. But lo and behold, this victory was only achievable through His Grace. 

Talking about Grace, through learning I came to understand that the very mention of Grace means "Gifts Received at Christ Expense". Let us now see what Paul says about Grace in his Epistle to the Corinthians. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 says "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 

Grace and weaknesses can therefore be described as a battery with two terminals, namely positive and negative respectively. On this occasion, Grace supersedes and overwhelms genuine weaknesses. 

On the other hand, it must be noted that weaknesses upon weaknesses cannot achieve anything in His Grace yard. Through the above analysis, a battery becomes dysfunctional when two negatives meet at a point. 

And furthermore, Grace covers essentially where there are no laws. Where there are laws, erring Christians become guilty of the offence and they are convicted through the Spirit of such acts. 

(Romans 5:13 "New Living Translation yes, people sinned even before the law was given. But it was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to break.") But however, redemption can still stem from that guilty verdicts and these would rely so much on being penitent from such misdemeanour. 

It is only then that the Grace of God can be abounding again. So, for how long are you going to boast of weaknesses upon weaknesses and still expect the Grace of God to abound? 

Nay, because once you have been washed of one sin, you are not expected to commit the same sin again. As Christians we cannot claim ignorance of the laws because we listen to them more often than not. Therefore let us keep them so we can all boast in our weaknesses and thereby invoking the Spirit of God to rest upon us for His Grace to abound. 

On this new day and a new week Father, wash us so we can become Yours, build us so we can be able to stand in Your Presence and lead us so we do not falter under Your Grace. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday, 4 May 2024

5th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Ask me, and I will tell you that the Lord is always proud of His achievements. Only you don't need to look far before you recognize how proud the Lord is to have kept each and everyone alive to be able to enjoy the value of His presence today. 

How well are you in His Grace today? Are you fearful about what you think you cannot achieve in your strides and in the Presence of the Lord? Have you asked yourself how close you are to His Grace? 

If you are truly in Christ, you must know that surely the Lord is working on your behalf, while we are still alive, the Lord can still answer our prayers. So I encourage you all not faint while we serve and worship in His Presence. 

May the Lord keep us and also allow His Presence to shine through in our lives in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

4th May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Without any shadow of doubt, it is a new beginning because the Lord wipes each day away to avail everyone the opportunity to start again. And very much, it is a new day but what is in this new day and what can you see in the newness of the day? 

Could it be the debris from the unrighteous path of yesterday? How do you perceive yourselves in the New Presence of the Lord today? A constant sinner or someone whose feet are not far from the Ways of God? 

Remember the instructions as directed by God in Joshua 3:3 which says "giving these instructions to the people: "When you see the Levitical priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD your God, move out from your positions and follow them". 

From all what you have learnt, heard and seen under the banner of our Lord Jesus Christ, can you categorically say in the newness of the day today that you have moved away from your position of guilt and to the Lord's presence? 

If the answer is no, are you able to jettison your old ways that is filled with unrighteousness and follow Christ in His newness today? If you can achieve this, then you have succeeded in moving out of your guilty position that leads nowhere to a new position that allows you to follow the Ark of the Lord, which represent His Ways. 

Please remember that the people who love the Lord should hate evil and that the Lord watches over those who follow Him and frees them from the powers of the wicked. (Psalm 97:10) 

May the Lord empower us to shun evil so that He can faithfully watch over us in order to free us from the power of the wicked and all challenges as a result of our sins in Jesus Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Friday, 3 May 2024

3rd May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

You may not know or indeed pretend not to know that every action we take, either in deeds and or in speeches are recorded. These records will appear and continue to live in a log book which no one has the freedom to access until eternity. 

Undoubtedly, all records will show how good and also how bad our conducts/regimes in the world had been. What follow is judgement which are forever imminent. 

2 Corinthians 5:10 encapsulates this fact "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." 

And so for the records, of what conduct are you? To be honest at least for once, what regime are you perpetrating? Are you marketing a regime that is filled with deceit, grudges, hatred and backbiting? Galatians 5:15 

But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another." As compared to Galatians 5:5 which says "For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness" 

But know that Christ will not serve the purpose of a Saviour of anyone who will not own and rely upon Him as their only True Saviour. Let us take heed to the warnings and persuasions of all men and women of God to steadfastness in the doctrine and liberty of the gospel. 

All true Christians, being taught by the Holy Spirit must wait for eternal life as a reward of their righteousness, and the object of their hope should be as a gift from God through faith in Christ. 

True faith therefore works with grace which is exemplified by the love of God and the love shown to our neighbours. Let me assure you that without faith working by love, everything else is worthless. That includes our outward appearances such professions, gifts, robes, titles or endowment as this alone does not make us acceptable to God. 

We beseech You therefore Father, to direct our steps so that we can enjoy our hope in You through faith that exemplifies true love even to our neighbours in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

2nd May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

I am very much aware that the night is on its back already and the day will follow suit even though it is still rolling. Therefore, where can I flee from His Presence? (Psalm 139:7) 

If you look around you, the Lord's Grace is highly apparent. Go below the sea and experience the Awesomeness of His Might first hand. You will learn that His power creates a door in between the sea unknowingly, but which no one can fathom. 

When the doors are open, the heavens will declare its Glory and the earth must surely shake. (Genesis 1:6). And look up and see that His Righteousness established even the firmament, so much so that it cannot drop. 

Where can you then hide from His Presence? When the world ceases to exist, are we going to share in His Graceful Presence or be forced to hell because we allowed the carelessness of the way we lived our lives take the centre stage. 

May we have the freedom to share in the Gracefulness of His Presence at the end of time in Jesus name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

1st May 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

It is good to know that today being the first day in a new month, many will automatically display their Christian duties by praying to God undoubtedly for the grace received from the previous month. This may have become a norm that people follow without having to think about it. 

Some may have also taken the duty of proving who they are in the Christian world through vigils, singing and oftentimes using different programs to further promote the work of God. 

Apart from these scenarios, how far can you go in keeping the laws of God and His commandments. Do you always allow the spirit of unrighteousness to dominate your life even when you are very active in His Service? 

1 John 5: 3 says "for this is the love of God that we should keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. 

And so in this new month oh Lord, we beseech to redeem us from the bondages of sin, satan and his cohorts. Also, render void the incidences of all unfriendly friends in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

30th April 2024

Checking into Gods Presence...  

The Lord guides His Own using the basic instructions in the Bible; to instruct, encourage and admonish everyone in order for them to gain His Kingdom (Colossians 3:16- Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God). 

We must however be strong with this special Grace of Christ Jesus by allowing our Christian duties to incorporate spiritual discipline which bears direct cognizance to the above. Christian journeys are not always determined by the act of cruising in splendour to heaven but as a soldier of Christ who also must be able to endure hardship, difficulty and opposition through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Can you always stand in public to defend your actions, either publicly or privately? If any of your conduct can bring the name of God into disrepute, please note that you have transgressed the teachings of the Lord and have not followed what Paul professed in 2 Timothy 2:15-"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth". 

As we draw the curtains for the month of April, I pray to God to empower us in our Christian duties so we can stand boldly to defend our work as a Christian Soldier in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday, 28 April 2024

29th April 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

We must often take opportunities to assess how we have lived our lives until this moment. Have you fallen away from the principles of God and crumbled before His Presence? 

Today is a new day within a new week and without knowing we have entered into a new covenant with God. We can only be drawn into the enormity of His Presence if only we can abide by His Principles. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 states " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Therefore "it is not the things in the Bible that we don't understand that troubles us, but the things we do understand" 

How God guides then is His responsibility, ours is to keep within His principle. Let us be willingly trustful in Him and expects to reap from the Paradise of Delights. What is it going to be today? 

May the Grace of God eschew all unrighteous tendencies in us so we can enjoy the enormity of His Presence in the Paradise of Delights. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

28th April 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Evidently, it is by Grace we woke up today because many went through the same process last night but did not make it to this morning. This new day has already set us apart. 

However, we must also note that those who slept but did not wake up have finished their race and the act to encourage them to listen to the words of truth now ceases to exist. 

This morning, the Grace of God has empowered you "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—(Ephesians 2:8) and that is the truth of the gospel.

Now that you know the truth, it is no longer works; otherwise Grace is no longer Grace- (Romans 11:6). How much interest do you have in working with the truth and for the truth? 

Remember, many in the secular world would spend lots of money in search of the truth in any court of law, only to prove a point. John 8:32 says "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Have you been set free indeed even though you are a good Christian in the eyes of men? 

We beseech You Lord to put our feet on the path of truthfulness so that in all we do, Your Grace will work with us and not against us in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday, 27 April 2024

27th April 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Time is precious but how often do we number our days? Before you begin to flaunt your presence between the seeds of time built purposely around the Grace of God, I will encourage you to take caution. 

This is because for each minute that is gone, very slowly but most assuredly takes us to that final exist in this world. Time in itself is filled with certain mystery surrounding men and their inability to decipher the language of time. 

And the language now borders so much on the seed of time smeared between the uncertainties surrounding the fruits that are fruitful as against those whose tenure to germinate are already botched right the start. 

Therefore, the glamour that surrounds being young today or indeed being alive today does not put you in the same position tomorrow and that is if we faint not. This is because eventually one must grow old. 

And whatever stage you are, you must be rest assured that if you stay within The Lord's Time Frame, you will not be forsaken. Psalm 37:25 says "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread". 

Very succinctly, that is a Covenant between us and God. But how faithful are you in your modus operandi when it comes to righteousness? 

When we are in search of our daily needs Father, we beseech You to let our time in this world reflect your ordinances so that we can be part of your Kingdom in Heaven. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Friday, 26 April 2024

26th April 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Welcome to another freedom to live which has been given by God irrespective of age, colour, creed and sex. As good as it is, this freedom also includes the power on freedom to choose and that is a good thing which can happen to any individual. 

But very clearly, you may often find those who are drunk making right choices to stay alive and on the other hand, we may find those with all the right senses losing their lives under the same scenario. 

The question on choice, although freely given by God therefore reverberates through in all conducts. Deuteronomy 30:15-17 sees choice described in the following language. 

“See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou may live and multiply: and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it" 

Therefore brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.(Philippians 4:8) 

May the Grace of God lead us as we consider our options in the freedom of choices so that we can continue to live and multiply in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 


Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday, 25 April 2024

25th April 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

We need faith in God to activate His power. "Faith therefore is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see” (Hebrews 11). 

What or whom we place our confidence in can therefore either positively or negatively affect our lives. Some may believe in people; others in riches; and some, more importantly in themselves. But I can assure you that those who put their trust in the Lord shall never be put to shame in anything. 

For God never fails! Faith on the other hand has very little to do with what we can achieve and a lot to do with whom we believe in. By placing our faith in God and in the truth of His Word, we are victorious according to His perfect Will, and that is irrespective of the magnitude or complexity of our situation. 

Faith in other words helps us to align ourselves with God’s perspective for our day to day living. If your life depends so much on your faith, how far can you go? Can you keep up a good fight of faith in desperate situations knowing that your life depends on it? 

Faith in God and in His Word is the only thing that can sustain you,  and if you lose faith in the Power of who bore your guilt, you make yourself susceptible to Satan’s wishes to ruin you. 

So this morning, what are you going through? Are you keeping your faith in Him? Is God in your journeys? If the answers to these two questions is yes then please know that you have a God that never fails and He will answer you when you least expect. 

1 Peter 4:19 says "So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you", 

Once again I say God will never fail us and therefore let us be very careful not to fail ourselves. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...