Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday 1 October 2023

1st October 2023

 Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today is another privilege to serve Him in His Presence. I give glory to His name for ushering me into another Mercy of His and to witness a brand new month of October. 

Let us therefore talk about sins this morning. Just wondering if we know we can kill the temptation to fall into sins by raising our standards.

Many Christians today fall for anything. By raising the stakes of what will make you fall erases such desire. 

We all have some standard in how we portray ourselves in the society, choose to set a very high status for what will make you fall from His Grace and you will never be found wanted in His Presence. 

Christ raised His status before Satan in Matthew 4:3-11 and we should follow His examples. 

The Grace of God strengthens, Grace speaks, Grace enables and Grace singles out. May the Grace of God be sufficient for us and increase our Spiritual Strength so that we do not fall into any temptation. Amen


Just checking into His Presence…

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