Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday 29 October 2023

29th October 2023

 Checking into Gods Presence... 

Today is all about communication. It is so important that we have Communication in Law which is a course on its own in the legal field. 

The study is very necessary in the world today; it is to set principles, barriers and also serves to remove all area of doubt in the way we co-exist with each other.

Besides, I have also learnt that the best tool in communication is love and you must be able to give it in the face of adversities. Christ offered himself as a living acceptable sacrifice in the midst of gruesome trials so that we can recognise His love for us and each time we remember His crucifixion we should in return love our neighbours.

You cannot love without being able to give and this is not restricted to monetary and material values alone. Learn to give your time in worship, learn to humble yourself; it is part of giving, learn to help where it matters. Learn to accept things you cannot change and also learn to love very truly. 

These are the only way you can communicate the gifts of love based on the instructions of Christ and by so doing help to eradicate the confusion in the world.

Very clear and simple, love must be expressed and must not be ambiguous. There must not be any hidden assertion in the expression of our gifts. In law, they are termed misrepresentation and stands to be challenged.

That is why we have successful high rate in divorce settlement (alimonies) and a lot of high profile court cases relating to contract laws.

Is it the love of Christ that you have embraced? Then let His love shine through and through, and nothing more can be more pleasing.

Have you checked in into His Presence today, being the last Sunday in the month of October? 

May the love of Christ speak in all areas of our endeavours.  Amen. 


Just checking into His Presence…

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