Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Friday 25 September 2015

The Pouring of the Heart to the Lord-

The Pouring of the Heart to the Lord- Oh Lord, would You broaden my mind, I want to embrace Your wondrous love. Lord, center my eyes on You like doves’ I want to serve You with all my heart Oh Lord, give me courage and a brave heart that I’d be standing firm till the end. Lord, make me gentle and meek in heart that I may comprehend Your mercy, Your tender kindness. Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus I want to know the passions of Your heart Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus You are like precious myrrh hidden within my heart. The most beautiful dream could I have is on the sea of glass and before Your throne, by the dawn’s golden, glorious light All day long to You I say, "Lord, I love You!"

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