Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Friday 25 September 2015

The desert in our hearts

Testimony Time:-It is another Monday today and also the beginning of the day that marks the end of August in the year 2015. More significantly, the year that started eight months ago now has four months to run. In the process, just how many of the Lord's errand have you ran and or successfully completed? As Christians, we have automatically become Salt of the World. How many lives have you sweetened and just how many have you destroyed? Within the church that you serve, how many souls have you led to Christ among the congregation? What flavor of Christ in you do you emit and how many people have seen the glory of God in you to such an extent that they become so enthused by the Word of God in you? You must be the light of the world, not just as a caricature of the Apostle of God, but as one that follows Christ rather very dutifully to such an extent that the glory of God shines through and culpable of drawing people to Christ. Today, it is necessary to drop- 1. the desert in your heart in favor of richness of the Word of God. 2. Remove the poison in your tongue and replace with fruits of the spirit 3. The illicit look of your eyes and introduce those that yearns for the spirit. 4. And allow the Word of God to plough through the shallow areas of your life so you can be what the Lord wants you to be. And so help us God. Amen Wishing you all a successful week in the Presence of the Lord. Just checking in into His Presence...

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