Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Friday 25 September 2015

The affairs of God are based on His Words

Testimony Time:-Good afternoon Friends and welcome back to the Table of Christ. With His Grace, we have been valued and therefore kept alive by God to see this day. But how much value you place on your life is determined by your response to His Words and His commandments. You may not know or pretend not to know that handling the affairs and warnings of God with negligence offers severe repercussions in the growth and development of our affairs in the world today. God cannot be mocked and whatever a man sows so he must reap. This principles operates in all we do and achieve, only we are very stubborn to admit. We therefore place the results of the repercussions on satanic influences, Witches, Wizards, old people at homes and every suspicion upon anybody we may have or have had little disagreement with. Some change churches as a result of their own achievement, even though they are the architect of their own misfortune. Very sadly, they live behind a place that represent the success story of their life. Today, I say keep the word of God and live a life of peace, joy and success stories will be yours or denounce His Word, teachings and commandments and see yourself thrive in retribution. May the Grace of God lift our souls and make them grow in His Word so that His Spirit will commend and not condemn in Jesus name. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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