Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...
Friday, 25 September 2015
'New' as a concept
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to a new day that signifies a new beginning. We must understand that God have settled everything that happens to humanity through Biblical verses. An example of such verses can be found in Psalm 19 where the Lord attests to the power of creation through the works of His Hand.
If the Lord declares everything new everyday (Lamentation 3: 23), what is the concept of "new" in your heart apart from that given by the Concise English Dictionary and or the Google Search Engine Machine?
You may have renewed your shoes and your dress today, setting it apart from the impression you had yesterday. But what state was your mind last night? Did you sleep with the service of God uppermost in your hearts which were also infectious to men? Have you woken up feeling the need to change from your deceit, guilt, lies, backbiting, cheating and then begin to be assiduous in your worship, kindness and trustworthiness, all in the Service of God?
If God had set everything anew through His Love, love among us as Children of God must be seen as a seed planted, albeit very carelessly but must grow and germinate no matter how, and that is if carefully nurtured with truth. What many don't realize therefore is that love as a seed planted is very dependable upon peace for it's growth to really have any meaningful meaning.
The day has been renewed by God as always, and that allows us to start everything anew. It gives us the pleasure to repair, amend, review, revive, reform and appraise our stand in His Presence today whilst taking yesterday into consideration. Therefore what is it that you have to renew, refresh and amend?
Please don't be as cunning as Satan the "father of all lies" and a murderer. Genesis 3:1 & John 8:44 describes Satan as the god of the present world. 2 Corinthians 4:4 also puts him in conflict to Gods plan as he purposely journeys to destroy God's true Church and the entire human race.
Christians therefore should not allow themselves to be used as mules by Satan in destroying the Church of God through the residue of what is left in their hearts having confessed their sins and have taken up CHRIST as the mantle of their faith.
May the Blood of Christ redeem us. May the Special Grace of His death on the Cross break all satanic tendencies upon in Jesus name.
Just checking in into His Presence...
Truly in His Presence or the eye service of man?
Testimony Time:-Good evening friends and welcome to another testimony in the presence of the Lord.
Can I then ask if you are in the presence of the "eye service of man" or within the fullness of His Presence?
There are two ways by which men can worship God, openly using their appearance to deceive and inwardly with their hearts. It means it is possible to deceive the world about your connection with Christ in terms of your title, your uniform/robe and by the virtue of your calling. This may also include the gift of prophecy, but does all these virtue resonates who you are exactly in the Presence of the Lord?
Please note, it does not matter how many of these virtues you pretend to have, what really matters is what you are in your innermost heart in your service to man and God. Without any doubt, the Lord has the power to determine the state of every hearts in relation to righteousness.
And so tonight, who are you apart from your robe, titles and your gift of prophecy? Does God reign in your heart, no matter what? What is behind your calling that cannot be made known? Has there been any potent poison behind every smile of yours? Useful time may not be on your side much longer, therefore begin by surrendering your heart to the wills of God today, and it shall be well for you.
If that is the case, you can be of good cheer because you have conquered the world. And so shall it be in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
And also from (Billy Edwards 9:45 PM, May 18, 2012) perspective.
Testimony Time:-A very good day to you all and welcome to another step of faith in the presence of the Lord.
Are you in the line of the truth walking towards heaven? Are you confused, thinking God has completely forsaken you? This article is for you if only you can read to the end. The good thing is, I heard the same message yesterday at a Symposium almost word for word. And today, I stumbled into this article because God wants to prove Himself further.
God will always be there for us, even during most challenging times
Billy Edwards
9:45 PM, May 18, 2012
We all go through tough times. We go through hardships of every kind. There are times when we feel like giving up.
We may become discouraged and don't feel like continuing to fight the battles of life.
We may feel like we are on a treadmill running with everything we have and getting nowhere. Life can become stale and boring. Sometimes we may feel as if we can't muster enough energy to continue life's journey.
All of us feel this way at times. No one is exempt from trouble and trials. It happens to the best of people. But we have to keep going even though it may seem as if the challenges and demands of life are going to get the best of us.
It is like there is no place to hide when hardships come knocking at our door. No matter how hard we try to keep it out of our life, somehow it always manages to find its way in.
Just because we have faith and serve the Lord doesn't mean we are free from worry and care. No one knew despondency and discouragement any better than the Prophet Elijah.
You would think that as many things as he did for the Lord, he would be spared the sorrows that come with life, but this was not the case. He had to endure the battles of life just like we do.
With an awesome demonstration of God's wonder and power, He proved to the worshippers of the false god of Baal that Jehovah was the one true God.
During this time it had not rained in Israel for a period of three years and the country was experiencing a drought like it had never seen before. After proving that God was the Lord of all, Elijah told the wicked and unbelieving King Ahab, "Go eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain" (I Kings 18:41).
Believing that Elijah was just blowing off smoke, Ahab didn't think much about it. After all, how can you hear rain approaching?
While Ahab was feasting, Elijah went up on Mount Carmel to pray and seek the Lord. He said to the servant who was with him, "Go up now and look toward the sea." And he went up, and looked and said, "There is nothing." Then Elijah said, "Go again seven times."
On his seventh trip, he could see a cloud approaching which he described as "a man's hand." Elijah then instructed his servant to go tell Ahab to waste no time. The rain is on its way. Prepare for a downpour.
The last verse of Chapter 18 says that the hand of the Lord was upon Elijah and He blessed Him. The same goes for us, too. When we stand for what is right and do the things He wants us to do, He will do the same for us as well. It may not be the popular thing to do, but it is always the right thing to do, and we will be blessed.
Ahab rushed back to the palace and he excitedly told Queen Jezebel about Elijah and how when he prayed, God sent fire down from heaven and consumed the offering that he had laid on the altar. She was not exactly thrilled to hear about it.
In fact, she was furious about him killing all those prophets of Baal. Baal worship was so prominent during that day and age in Israel that one might say that it was the national religion.
Jezebel was so disturbed by what Elijah had done to the prophets of Baal that she was determined to kill him. She sent a message to him saying, "So may the gods do unto me and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by this time tomorrow" (I Kings 19:2).
Elijah realized that this was not just an idle threat. He knew that the wicked queen meant what she said. Fearing for his life, Elijah fled to Beersheba, which is located in the southernmost part of the territories in Judah.
So depressed by the possibility of being murdered by the evil queen, he cried out to the Lord that he might die. He poured his heart out to God by praying, "It is enough; now, O LORD, take my life; for I am not better than my fathers" (I Kings 19:4).
Have you ever felt this way? Elijah felt that his life was not worth living. He felt it better for God to take his life than being killed by godless men. As he anguished over the dangers that confronted him, he fell into a peaceful sleep, only to be awakened by an angel who said, "Arise and eat."
I like that because right when we don't think we can go any further, the Lord is always there to give us what we need to make it through our most challenging times. He gives us what we need when we need it. He can help us when no one else can. He will always be there for us and will never forsake us. He knows our abilities and our limits.
He loved us so much that He was willing to come and die for our sins. On that cross He looked down through the ages and saw us and all humanity. He took all our sins and shame upon Himself and paid the penalty for our sins.
The Bible says, "For he has made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might become the righteousness of God in him" (II Cor. 5:21). He came down from heaven to become like us that we may become like Him.
In this life, we will never be perfect. Even though we may be saved, we still have to contend with our old sinful nature. Perfection is a future state we will reach after death when we go to heaven to be with our God.
I will therefore encourage you all to get to know God personally and not through anyone. You must be able to cast all your cares unto Him knowing that He cares (1 Peter 5:7). Put Him first and entrust your trust in Him (Matthew 6: 31-33) and then begin to live each day at a time (Matthew 6:34). You will then see the glory of God manifest in all you do and so shall it be in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The Pouring of the Heart to the Lord-
The Pouring of the Heart to the Lord-
Oh Lord, would You broaden my mind,
I want to embrace Your wondrous love.
Lord, center my eyes on You like doves’
I want to serve You with all my heart
Oh Lord, give me courage and a brave heart
that I’d be standing firm till the end.
Lord, make me gentle and meek in heart
that I may comprehend Your mercy, Your tender kindness.
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus
I want to know the passions of Your heart
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus
You are like precious myrrh hidden within my heart.
The most beautiful dream could I have
is on the sea of glass and before Your throne,
by the dawn’s golden, glorious light
All day long to You I say, "Lord, I love You!"
What flows out of your anointing?
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another
area of presence of the awesomeness of our Lord. Please don't be surprised because Testimony Time today was culled from an article found in "If Not For God" which I just want the world to see.
"David was a shepherd, but there were a lot of shepherds.
David was good-looking, but so were a lot of young men.
David was young, but there were plenty of young men God could have chosen.
And God described what made David special in 1 Samuel 13:14: "What made David so special was that he was a man after God's own heart."
And it goes further-
"Whether you are anointed as deacon/ deaconess, A/Pastor or even full time Pastor. The real anointing happened when the Holy Spirit is upon you. The oil on your head was just a sign of this inward reality.
So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David. 1 Samuel 16:13"
And very sadly, many bears testimony of one anointment or the other, but how many like David are Spirit filled after the experience? Can we all safely say we are working after the Mind of God?
After your anointment, what signs follow? Of turmoil, rancor, greed, mischief or of love, Holy Spirit and humility?
Lord we beseech You to consecrate us for Your use. Let the anointment in us bears testimony to Your name and Your Kingdom in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Of what repute?
Testimony Time:-A very good evening to everyone and let me welcome you to a new week. Without mincing words, how do you intend to spend the week when you look at the week that is just concluded? Summarily, have you been exceptionally good or bad in your Christian Faith journey?
Let me remind you about King Herod the Great King. Although he was a king with stature, the Bible described him as a jealous King who was so insecure that the birth of new born babies tormented him. Ordinarily, the birth of new born babies should not usually strike fear into people's heart. But it did on King Herod because he wanted to maintain his viceroy-like grip on authority, then ordered the massacre of all the children in Bethlehem who were two years old. His regime as a king was therefore noted as a bad one. (Matthew 2:3)
Pharaoh was also a King whose reign in Egypt came to an abrupt end when he refused to allow the Israelites to go out of Egypt peacefully. His end categorized the stubbornness in his unsteady dealings in the administration of his regime with the people of Israel. (Exodus 7:16) And his reign indeed was snuffed out because of so many errors of judgment.
Haman was a counselor of Ahasuerus in the Book of Esther who stands head and shoulders above the rest of his peers in the King's mind. Armed with an indictment and a proposal, he approached the King to castigate the Jews, naming them rebels before King Ahasuerus because of hatred and jealousies. Haman eventually became cornered with his plot and he died as a result. (Esther 4:1-17)
In all the three scenarios, there was a shift away from the ordinances of God according to (Proverbs 6:16-19) "There are six things the Lordhates—
no, seven things he detests:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that kill the innocent,
18 a heart that plots evil,
feet that race to do wrong,
19 a false witness who pours out lies,
a person who sows discord in a family."
In this new week therefore, what step are you going to take? A step capable of granting you peace or that which can draw people into perdition and the wrought of God? Remember that popular statement in William Shakespeare book that says " to be thus is nothing, but to be faithfully thus" (Macbeth Act 3, Scene 1). And so, to be a Christian is nothing but to be faithful one.
As we step into this new week, may the grace of God lead us and take our feet away from any unrighteous path in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
In Christ alone
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to the Lord's Glory. Let me also congratulate you for being part of the Glory today, without His Grace we would not have been empowered to sail through the turmoils of the night. And now that you are here, please follow the link below and discover the essence of worshipping God.
In Christ alone my hope is found,He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my All in All,
Here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone!-who took on flesh, fullness of God in helpless babe.
This gift of love and righteousness, scorned by the ones He came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died, the wrath of God was satisfied- for every sin on him was laid; here in death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay, light of the world by darkness slain: then bursting forth in glorious day Up from the grave He rose again! And as He stands in victory Sin's curse has lost its grip on me, For I am His and He is mine- bought with the Prescious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me; from life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand:
Till He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
Just checking in into His Presence...
God's Master Piece
Testimony Time:-It is another day and let me welcome you all to another good morning friends.
We have made it this far not by power, might, hope, health, money or faith but by the power of His Grace. What you should know is that you also need faith in God to activate this power. "Faith therefore is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. What or whom we place our confidence in can therefore either positively or negatively affect our lives. Some may believe in people; others in riches; and some, more importantly in themselves. But I can assure you that those who put their trust in the Lord shall never be put to shame in anything. For God never fails!
Faith in the other hand has very little to do with what we can achieve and a lot to do with whom we believe in. By placing our faith in God and in the truth of His Word, we are victorious according to His perfect Will and that is irrespective of the magnitude or complexity of our situation. Faith in other words help us to align ourselves with God’s perspective for our day to day living.
If your life depends so much about your faith, how far can you go? Will you be able to stand before Him so you can cross over many nights?Can you keep up a good fight of faith in desperate situations knowing that your lives depend on it?
Faith in God in His Word is the only thing that can sustain you and if you loose faith in the Power of who bore your guilt, you make yourself become susceptible to Satan's wishes who will in turn give more than enough reasons for you not to keep up with your faith in Him.
Personally, there was a period I thought I needed God more that when I was created. My Church was burnt with nothing left. In under two months the church was rebuild and by the sixth month all that was lost had been replaced. All articles hitherto smeared with ashes now glitters with the Newness of the Lord.
To defy all odds and the thoughts of those who in their imagination felt that was the end, the Lord sprang a surprise. In that the first contractor was a Muslim, he was working with His money for seven days without collecting a dime. After the initial seven days, he only asked to be reimbursed with the value of the cost of the materials used on the premises so far. What an Amazing God to serve!
Help may not have come from where I expected, God still used His own people to build His Church thereby keeping and building my faith in Him. And the tenacity to serve, worship and believe in Him grows bigger by the day.
So this morning, what are you going through? Are you keeping your faith in Him? Is God in your journeys? If the answers to the two are positive, please know that you have a God that never fail and He will answer you when you least expect.
Do you remember this verse from yesterday? "1 Peter 4:19 "So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you",
Once again I say- God will never fail us and therefore let us be very careful not to fail ourselves. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Just two Bible verses
Testimony Time:-Good evening friends and welcome to another day. Within the little time I have on this platform, I want you all to consider these two Bible verses:-
Proverbs 1:15 "My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path:" and
1 Peter 4:19 "So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you."
May God never fail us. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Freedom to live?
Testimony Time:-Good evening friends and welcome to another freedom to live which has been given by God irrespective of age, color, creed and sex. As good as it is, this freedom also includes the power on freedom to choose and that is a good thing which can happen to any individual.
But very clearly, you may often find those who are drunk making right choices to stay alive and on the other hand, we may find those with all the right senses losing their lives under the same scenario.
The question on choice, although freely given by God therefore reverberates through in all conducts. Deuteronomy 30:15-17 sees choice described in the following language. "See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it"
Therefore brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.(Philippians 4:8)
May the Grace of God lead us as we consider our options in the freedom of choices so that we can continue to live and multiply in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Time itself is timed.
Testimony Time:-Good afternoon and congratulations for being able to ride into the presence of the Lord today,
Truly, how many of such exercise have you counted? And by the way, how many do you think you have left?
Therefore, before you begin to flaunt your presence between the seeds of time built purposely around the Grace of God, I will encourage you to take caution. This is because for each minute that is gone, very slowly but most assuredly takes us to that final exist in this world.
Time in itself is filled with certain mystery surrounding men and their inability to decipher the language of time. And the language now borders so much on the seed of time smeared between the uncertainties surrounding the fruits that are fruitful as against those whose tenure to germinate are already botched right the start.
Therefore, the glamour that surrounds being young today or indeed being alive today does not put you in the same position tomorrow and that is if we faint not. This is because eventually one must grow old. And whatever stage you are, you must be rest assured that if you stay within The Lord's Time Frame, you will not be forsaken. Psalm 37:25 says "I was young and now I am old,
yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread".
Very succinctly, that is a Covenant between us and God. But how faithful are you in your modus operandi when it comes to righteousness?
When we are in search of our daily needs Father, we beseech You to let out time in this world reflect your ordinances so that we can be part of your Kingdom in Heaven. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
It is a wake up call!
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another wake up call from our Lord Jehovah. Evidently, this is by Grace because many went through the same process last night and now they are sleeping in the Lord. This new day have therefore set us apart very differently.
However, we must also note that those who slept in the Lord have finished their race and the act to encourage them to listen to the words of truth have now ceases to exist.
This morning, the Grace of God have empowered you "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—(Ephesians 2:8) and that is the Gospel Truth!
Now that you know the truth, it is no longer works; otherwise Grace is no longer Grace- (Romans 11:6). How much interest do you have in working with the truth and for the truth? Remember, many in the secular world would spend lots of money in search of the truth in any court of law, only to prove a point.
John 8:32 says "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Have you been set free indeed even though you are a good Christian in the eyes of men?
We beseech You Lord to put our feet on the path of truthfulness so that in all we do, Your Grace will work with us and not against us. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Testimony Time:-A very good day to you all and welcome to another manifestation of His Grace.
In this new week though, it will be nice to have a quick assessment of how we have led our lives until today. And that is if indeed we relish in the delight of unrighteousness by giving it a new name called grace. Have you as a result fallen in anyway out of favor from the principles of God and then become crumbled before His Presence?
Today is a new day within a new week and without knowing you have entered into a new covenant with God. We can only be drawn into the enormity of His Presence if only we can abide be His Principles.
Proverbs 3:5-6 states "
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight."
Therefore "it is not the things in the Bible that we don't understand that troubles us, but the things we do understand" How God guides then is His responsibility, ours is to keep within His principle, be willingly trustful in Him and expects to reap from the Paradise of Delights.
What is it going to be today? May the Grace of God eschew all unrighteous tendencies in us so we can enjoy the enormity of His Presence in the Paradise of Delights. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
More than going to Church
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to another day in the service of our Lord.
It is good to know that today being the Lord's day, many will automatically display their Christian duties by going to church and undoubtedly, this may have become a norm that people follow without having to think about it.
Some may have also taken the duty of proving who they are in the Christian world through preaching, singing and oftentimes using money to further promote the work of God.
Apart from these scenarios, how far can you go in keeping the laws of God and His commandments. Do you always allow the spirit of unrighteousness to dominate your life even when you are very active in His Service? 1 John 5: 3 says "for this is the love of God, that we should keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.
We beseech You Lord to redeem us from the bondages of sin in Jesus name. Amen
Just checkin in into His Presence...
The basic instructions.
Testimony Time:-Good morning everyone and welcome to a new horizon, albeit with the permission of the Lord.
The Lord guides His Own using the basic instructions in the Bible; to instruct, encourage and admonish everyone in order for them to gain His Kingdom( Colossians 3:16- Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God).
We must however be strong with this special Grace of Christ Jesus by allowing our Christian duties to incorporate spiritual discipline which bears direct cognizance to the above. In that, Christian journeys are not always determined by the act of "cruising in splendor" to heaven but as a soldier of Christ who also must be able to endure hardship, difficulty and opposition, but only through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Can you always stand in public to defend your actions, either publicly or privately? If any of your conduct can bring the name of God into disrepute, please note that you have transgressed the teachings of the Lord and have not followed what Paul professed in 2 Timothy 2:15-"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth".
I pray to God to empower us in our Christian duties so we can stand boldly to defend our work as a Christian Soldier in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Cruising in splendor?
Testimony Time:-Good morning everyone and welcome to a new horizon, albeit with the permission of the Lord.
The Lord guides His Own using the basic instructions in the Bible; to instruct, encourage and admonish everyone in order for them to gain His Kingdom( Colossians 3:16- Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God).
We must however be strong with this special Grace of Christ Jesus by allowing our Christian duties to incorporate spiritual discipline which bears direct cognizance to the above. In that, Christian journeys are not always determined by the act of "cruising in splendor" to heaven but as a soldier of Christ who also must be able to endure hardship, difficulty and opposition, but only through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Can you always stand in public to defend your actions, either publicly or privately? If any of your conduct can bring the name of God into disrepute, please note that you have transgressed the teachings of the Lord and have not followed what Paul professed in 2 Timothy 2:15-"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth".
I pray to God to empower us in our Christian duties so we can stand boldly to defend our work as a Christian Soldier in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Where can we flee from His Presence?
Testimony Time:-A very good evening to you everyone. I am very much aware that the day is on its back already and it is still rolling. Therefore, where can I flee from His Presence? (Psalm 139:7)
If you look around you, the Lord's Grace is highly apparent. Go below the sea and experience the Awesome of His Might first hand and you will learn that His power creates a door in between the sea unknowingly but which no one can fathom. When the doors are open, the heavens will declare its Glory and the earth must surely shake.(Genesis 1:6).
And look up and see that His Righteousness established even the firmament, so much so that it cannot drop. Where can you then hide? Away from His Presence? That is cool but just remember, when all time ceases to exit, we will share in His Graceful Presence or be forced to allow the carelessness of the way we have lived our lives when we were in the world to take the center stage.
May we have the freedom to share in the Gracefulness of His Presence at the end of time in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
For record purposes.
Testimony Time:-Good day to you all and welcome to the Foot of His Cross as we share in the Presence of the Holy One.
You may not know or indeed pretend not to know that every action we take, either in deeds and or in speeches are recorded. These records will appear and continue to live in a log book which no one has the freedom to access until eternity.
Undoubtedly, all records will show how good and also how bad our conducts/regimes in the world had been. What follows is judgement which are forever imminent. 2 Corinthians 5:10 encapsulates this fact "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."
And so for the records, of what conduct are you? To be honest at least for once, what regime are you perpetrating? Are you marketing a regime that is filled with deceit, grudges, hatred and backbiting? Galatians 5:15
But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another."
As compared to Galatians 5:5 which says "For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness"
But know that Christ will not serve the purpose of a Saviour of anyone who will not own and rely upon Him as their only True Saviour. Let us take heed to the warnings and persuasions of all men and women of God to steadfastness in the doctrine and liberty of the gospel.
All true Christians, being taught by the Holy Spirit must wait for eternal life as a reward of their righteousness, and the object of their hope should be as a gift from God through faith their in Christ; and not for the sake of any sins that oozes out of unrighteousness.
True faith therefore works with grace which is exemplified by the love of God and the love shown to our neighbors. Let me assure you that without faith working by love, everything else is worthless. And that means no outward privileges, professions, gifts, costumes/robes, titles nor endowment will avail to acceptance with God, without sincere faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
We beseech You therefore Father, to direct our steps so that we can enjoy our hope in you through faith that exemplifies true love even to our neighbors. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
New dawn of Praise
Testimony Time:-Good morning Friends in the Sanctuary of God and welcome to a New Dawn of praise in the presence of the Most High God.
Without any shadow of doubt, it is a new beginning because the Lord wipes each day away to avail everyone, including everything the opportunity to start again.
And very much, it is a new day but what is in this new day and what can you see in the newness of the day? Could it be the debris from the unrighteous path of yesterday? How do you perceive yourselves in the New Presence of the Lord today? A constant sinner or someone whose feet are not far from the Ways of God?
Remember the instructions as directed by God in Joshua 3:3 which says "giving these instructions to the people: "When you see the Levitical priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD your God, move out from your positions and follow them".
From all what you have learnt, heard and seen under the banner of our Lord Jesus Christ, can you categorically say in the newness of the day today that you have moved away from your position of guilt and to the Lord's presence?
If the answer is no, are you able to jettison your old ways that is filled with unrighteousness and follow Christ in His newness today? If you can achieve this, then you have succeeded in moving out of your guilty position that leads nowhere to a new position that allows you to follow the Ark of the Lord, which represent His Ways.
Please remember that the people who love the Lord should hate evil and that the Lord watches over those who follow Him and frees them from the powers of the wicked. (Psalm 97:10)
May the Lord empower us to shun evil so that He can faithfully watch over us in order to free us from the power of the wicked and all challenges as a result of our sins. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Just how close you are to His Grace
Testimony Time:-A very good day to you all and welcome to a new glory in the Lord. Ask me, and I will tell you that the Lord is always proud of His achievements. Only you don't need to look far before you recognize how proud the Lord is to have kept each and everyone alive and that is to be able to enjoy the value of His presence today.
How well are you in His Grace today? Are you fearful about what you think you cannot achieve in your strides and in the Presence of the Lord? Have you asked yourself how close you are to His Grace?
If you are truly in Christ, you must know that surely the Lord is working on your behalf and while we are still alive, the Lord can still answer our prayers. So I encourage you all not faint while we serve and worship in His Presence.
May the Lord keep us and also allow His Presence to shine through in our lives in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Grace covers where there are no laws
Testimony Time:-It is another Sunday and yes we have made it to His Presence again. But lo and behold, this victory was only achievable through His Grace.
Talking about Grace, through learning I came to understand that the very mention of Grace means "Gifts Received At Christ Expense". Let us now see what Paul says about Grace in his Epistle to the Corinthians.
2 Corinthians 12:9 says "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
Grace and weaknesses can therefore be described as a battery with two terminals, namely positive and negative respectively. On this occasion, Grace supersedes and overwhelms genuine weaknesses. On the other hand, it must be noted that weaknesses upon weaknesses cannot achieve nothing in His Grace yard. Through the above analysis, a battery becomes dysfunctional when two negatives meet at a point.
And furthermore, Grace covers essentially where there are no laws. Where there are laws, erring Christians become guilty of the offence and they are convicted through the Spirit of such acts. (Romans 5:13 "New Living Translation Yes, people sinned even before the law was given. But it was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to break.") But however, redemption can still stem from that guilty verdicts and these would rely so much on being penitent from such misdemeanor. It is only then that the Grace of God can be abound again.
So, for how long are you going to boast of weaknesses upon weaknesses and still expect the Grace of God to abound? Nay, because once you have been washed of one sin, you are not expected to commit the same sin again.
As Christians we cannot claim ignorance of the laws because we listen to them more often than not. Therefore let us keep them so we can all boast in our weaknesses and thereby invoking the Spirit of God to rest upon us for His Grace to abound.
On this day Father, wash us so we can become Yours, build us so we can be able to stand in Your Presence and lead us so we do not falter under Your Grace. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The sacrifice of love
Testimony Time:-Good morning and welcome to another testimonies of the Lord. We are in a period of time where the name of God should be uppermost in our hearts and this should be by genuine efforts.
The only thing that can stand in our ways are the unrelenting/unforgivable spirits. Please take a close look at the Martyrdom in Stephen in the Book of Acts 8:60. Despite the inhuman treatment visited upon him by the people of this world, he still managed to plead to God that this ferocious act upon him should not be counted as sin towards them.
This singular act is traceable to our Lord Jesus in Luke 23:34, apart from this two there is no other person recorded to have suffered similar fate.
What a great sacrifice of love? In part, being genuine with our Christian worship and duties should more often than not take us away from the comfort zones of our worship to the level of offering severe sacrifice in the area of love, forgiveness, worship and humility, just to say the least.
This weekend, what are you willing to put to an end in all your uncharitable duties? So also, what do you hope to imbibe from all the Wordings of Christ? Time is not a friend to anyone because it can't be held to ransom under any guise. We are talking about the weekend today and it can be the end of time to anyone at anytime.
Wishing you the Grace of God in all you do. And please note, there is no surer way to serve God other than to worship Him in righteousness. May we all get the empowerment to achieve this aim in Jesus name. Amen
Just checked in into His Presence...
Bring my faithful people to me?
Testimony Time:-Hello everyone and it is another opportunity to welcome you to another day in the presence of the Lord.
So sorry the message is coming rather late today. I have been overwhelmed by the Grace of Servanthood deposited in me, as a result my task has been so precipitating today trying to grapple with my domestic chores and the privilege accorded to me as I continue to work in His Presence.
However and today I have been encouraged by Psalm 50:5 which states "Bring my faithful people to me, those who made a covenant with me by giving sacrifices". And so I ask, what sacrifice(s) can you make that can take you to the next level in your Christian duties?
And when we talk about pictures, what image of you albeit made/recorded by the Spirit can jeopardize your Kingdom Works? And who among you have subjected people to extortion clandestinely by using the name of God?
Please note, the Kingdom Call is not about the size of your bible? Or indeed how well you can preach, write and dress. It is also not measured by any spirit of prophecy or the size of your congregation. Purely, it is about how righteous you are to Christ teachings through your disposition to your fellow men and how willing you are able to follow His instructions.
Therefore I genuinely ask you to make healthy sacrifice in the area of love in your relationship with men so that through you many can be brought to the group of Christianity.
Lord, we beseech you to empower us to exhibit an offering of love to all men and this is according to your teachings in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Metaphysical thoughts on this day last year and for your delights today
Metaphysical thoughts on this day last year and for your delights today. 11-17 were simply shared from a friend's post, because I believed they are very useful.)
1. Morality is the biggest enemy of the mind.
2. Conscience is the greatest obstruction to what the pleasures of the flesh has to offer.
3. The way to win a wall is to surrender.
4. What we want is not what we need and what we need must be greater than what we want.
5. You can allow God to steal your heart without loving Him.
6. God smile mainly to smooth our faces.
7. Today's worship are built in war zones, instead of churches/mosques
8. Humility makes you go far in life.
9. There would be a time that time itself will be tired.
10. To study human behavior is not a D.I.Y. You need the skills!
11. The reason we struggle with insecurities is because we compare our behind
the scene circumstances with everyone's public highlight reel.
12. We listen to the noise of the world instead to ourselves.
13. Don't be scared to walk alone. Don't be scared to enjoy it!
14. A beautiful woman uses her lips for truth, her voice for kindness, her ears for compassion, her hands for charity and her heart for love. As for those who do not like her, PRAYER!
15.Don't judge someone because they sin differently to you.
16. If you can be anything, BE KIND!
17. You have got enemies? Good! That means you stood up for something good in your life.
Just checking in into His Presence...
It is another new page!
Testimony Time:-A very good day to you all and welcome to a new page that opens another chapter in the life history book.
But hold on, what is Christ all about that so much interests are galvanized around Him? Some even preach, write and prophesy, using His name in a manner that pierce the hearts with the Words of truth. And others act as a camouflage about this same Man on the same subject.
In any case, let us examine Philippians 2: 1-18 and try to understand what Christ is all about and how we can go about in imitating His Humility.
2 "Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded,having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in very nature[a]God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
7 rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature[b]of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Do Everything Without Grumbling
12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
14 Do everything without grumblingor arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[c]Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky 16 as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.17 But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrificeand service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.18 So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.
May we be empowered to the point of being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of our faith in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Godly image or what?
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to a new day coupled with the assertion that the mercies and faithfulness of the Lord are renewed daily. ((Lamentations 3:22-23)
The birth of this new day in the Presence of the Lord signifies certain victory on the pangs of death, having sailed through the unknown dangers of the night in the course of our sleep.
Much as it is necessary to rejoice in the Lord's faithfulness for keeping us till today, let us celebrate the new day with a caution because for every moment we are kept alive by His Grace we are also linked by reduction to the end of our time in this world.
It is therefore necessary to carve out Godly image for ourselves whilst on this earth. In doing so, we must remember that the first image culture was built around Cane. This allowed Him to kill his brother in Genesis 4:8 and by the same token, man allowed themselves to be overpowered by the same syndrome in all we do. To put it succinctly, since Adam and Eve undressed the image of God in their hearts to favor the Satanic influence, mens honor before God had been severely reduced because they ran out of favor of God. Man regime can now be treated and classified as ordinary prey to the whims and caprice of Satan.
Unless you begin to carve for yourself therefore a new image in Christ, you will continue to be absorbed by this same spirit. And quite significantly, the tendencies to fall out of line with God's image will always be very tempting.
Today therefore I ask, with which eyes do you see yourself? Are you made of God's image through Christ or secular image that lands you nowhere? The sad thing is many will not know the truth until they get to Heaven, and the very same people may have once lived as Christians.
Lord on this mercy day, we beseech you to renew the right spirit in us so that we will serve under you and not above you. And in all we think, do and say, we ask that you take center stage in our affairs in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
What is your relationship with time?
Testimony Time:-We simply call it another day, but it is another time through His Grace, and we are very fortunate to be celebrating the birth of a new day in the month of September. May the Lord of perfection, perfects all that concerns us this new month in Jesus name. Amen
Before I go on, I would like to know what relationship we all have with time and that is apart from the civil use in describing the past, the present and the future.
All time is of God, but really and truly time also has all its inscription vested upon man. (Ecclesiastes 3) The inscription we have in the story of our time each day should reflect so much on the history of time. And overall time even when timed with all its intent and purposes, its riches thereof must bear great resemblance to the Word and Commandments of God.
Time measures everything, whether it is good, past, present, bad or futuristic in nature. Time is so important to such an extent that a dead clock gives correct time twice a day, this is the work of God because great is His faithfulness. These attribute alone should reinforce His existence in every experiences we may have/share in the world today.
So how corrupt is your timing? When you are timed against your neighbors time, just how credible are you? What have you taken unlawfully before God that does not belong to you, this cuts across all spheres of life? What is it are you marking time on? You must know that God sees the end even from the beginning, so why bother? Remember those who stays with the Lord will always reach their destination and it does not matter if the story of their time are tampered with by any ploy or plot.
Please remember, in all you do that a dead clock reaches out to give out correct time twice in a day. And that God with you is far better and greater than millions against you. And so shall it be when you make Him your Cornerstone. Wishing you the very best in everything the Ember Months has to offer in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The desert in our hearts
Testimony Time:-It is another Monday today and also the beginning of the day that marks the end of August in the year 2015.
More significantly, the year that started eight months ago now has four months to run. In the process, just how many of the Lord's errand have you ran and or successfully completed?
As Christians, we have automatically become Salt of the World. How many lives have you sweetened and just how many have you destroyed? Within the church that you serve, how many souls have you led to Christ among the congregation?
What flavor of Christ in you do you emit and how many people have seen the glory of God in you to such an extent that they become so enthused by the Word of God in you? You must be the light of the world, not just as a caricature of the Apostle of God, but as one that follows Christ rather very dutifully to such an extent that the glory of God shines through and culpable of drawing people to Christ.
Today, it is necessary to drop-
1. the desert in your heart in favor of richness of the Word of God.
2. Remove the poison in your tongue and replace with fruits of the spirit
3. The illicit look of your eyes and introduce those that yearns for the spirit.
4. And allow the Word of God to plough through the shallow areas of your life so you can be what the Lord wants you to be. And so help us God. Amen
Wishing you all a successful week in the Presence of the Lord.
Just checking in into His Presence...
Room for forgiveness
Testimony Time:-A good day to you all on this very special day of the Lord called Sunday. May this last day in the month of August remove all darkness in our lives in Jesus name. Amen
Today, I am inspired to write about having "room for forgiveness". Is your heart so broad to know when you are wrong? And are you so brave to forgive when forgiveness is sought?
These two principles operate very much in the Kingdom Dynamics. In that, your hearts need to be free from any pollution as may have been caused by unforgiving hearts.
If we are then guilty of the aforementioned, how do we want the Lord to interpret our sins when it comes to forgiveness. Please also note that we cannot claim righteousness through Christ unless we have been forgiven. If you are coy to the issues relating to forgiveness, you are limiting directly or indirectly the gifts of His Grace from coming to manifestation in our lives.
May the Lord renew the right Spirit in us so that the gifts of His a Spirit can manifest among us unrestrained in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The mirror in our lives
Testimony Time:-Good morning to you once again and welcome to another mirror in our lives. Please know that everyday mirrors the way of God in us, either rightly or in an unrighteous manner, very surely we must know what we have achieved when we look back to the events of yesterday.
But today, I want to encourage you as I write as a witness to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to follow the examples as stated in Acts 2:42-43
"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles."
Therefore I say, unless you passionately seek the Lord by following His Commandments, you cannot act as a witness unto Him and being called a child of God, a Minister of God, or indeed a Christian would be tantamount to "just a child's play".
As Christians, and without saying, you are a mirror unto Him Who bore our guilt, at the same time you occupy a witness seat unto those who do not know Christ or dithers about their stand in His Presence. Each day therefore should sustain, correct and elicit any corrupt motives in our drives and based on the above passage. Everyone should diligently seek and devote their time to honor the Lord's Commandments.
We beseech You Lord, to plant my feet so that I will walk in your ways. Let me press toward the Presence of your high Calling, let me cut away things that persuade me to move away from Your Presence through Christ our Savior. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Good news for others to share
Testimony Time:-Father, I just want to thank you for the glory you have invested in us through the beauty of another day. You have indeed given us a very rare privilege to stay alive and write about Good News that others can use so that they too can come nearer to Thee.
The Good News can help to remove the fearful nature in men and that is if they are faithful and become realist in Christ according to what they read, hear, learn and see about God through Christ. Undoubtedly, they become nurtured by the Holy Spirit.
The Good News make disciples in Christ and have the ability to make fake Christians along the line. These erring Christians often quote relevant Bible portions to substantiate their misdemeanors, also in the household of God.
But I say categorically that if you know and preach the truth, you are His(John 8:32) and if you use other means to enslave dithering Christians, there is no way that you and your cohorts can become free and free indeed.
Therefore, make today good in itself, come back to Him and He will make disciples of you because if He sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36). And so you will become free to sins and consequently you will become slaves to righteousness. (Roman 6:18)
The overall benefits of being enslaved to righteousness leads to holiness which also guarantees eternal life (Romans 6:22) and this is what we claim in Jesus name. Amen
Wishing you all a happy and rewarding weekend in the Presence of God.
Just checking in into His Presence...
Seek the Lord, that is irrespective...
Testimony Time:-Good morning and welcome to the faithfulness of His Grace. Even at this point, we must realize we are living on the fringes of a borrowed time. This is because not everyone could sail through the dangers of the night. And that can mean no one except God knows when his or her time is up.
Now that you have the grace to be alive, do you see yourself strengthened enough to seek the Lord this morning and irrespective of what position you may find yourself?
Perhaps this article culled from "If not for God" can help to lead us to where we are suppose to be when our thoughts are broken, either through our conducts by way of sins or through what we may/thought we have lost because of the intervention of the enemies.
"In 1 Samuel 30...David and his men returned from a three-day march and found their city burned and their families gone. Amalekite raiders did to David’s city what David and his men had done to many of the surrounding villages. It was a catastrophe.
David didn’t wait for someone else to strengthen him. He didn’t say, “Well Lord, if You want to strengthen me, that’s fine. I’ll just wait here until You do it.” David knew that the Lord’s strength was there for those who wait upon Him, so he strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
Notice (1 Samuel 30:6) that it was “David” who strengthened himself in the Lord his God. David was backslidden and wayward; but he was also now completely broken, ready to be filled. This was strength for recognition, strength to repair his brokenness, strength for repentance, strength and determination to win back what the enemy has stolen. This is the same strength that raised Jesus from the dead!
You must see yourself as a Champion first before you can notice what you have lost/missing. If this self drive is lacking, there will be no desire and the tendencies would be inbuilt for the person to continue to live abjectly in a deprived situation.
We beseech You Father to repair the broken structures in us, rebuild our strength to work with You and keep Your Commandments. Let Your Love in us be strengthened so we will also see the need to love our fellow men in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The affairs of God are based on His Words
Testimony Time:-Good afternoon Friends and welcome back to the Table of Christ. With His Grace, we have been valued and therefore kept alive by God to see this day.
But how much value you place on your life is determined by your response to His Words and His commandments. You may not know or pretend not to know that handling the affairs and warnings of God with negligence offers severe repercussions in the growth and development of our affairs in the world today. God cannot be mocked and whatever a man sows so he must reap. This principles operates in all we do and achieve, only we are very stubborn to admit. We therefore place the results of the repercussions on satanic influences, Witches, Wizards, old people at homes and every suspicion upon anybody we may have or have had little disagreement with.
Some change churches as a result of their own achievement, even though they are the architect of their own misfortune. Very sadly, they live behind a place that represent the success story of their life. Today, I say keep the word of God and live a life of peace, joy and success stories will be yours or denounce His Word, teachings and commandments and see yourself thrive in retribution.
May the Grace of God lift our souls and make them grow in His Word so that His Spirit will commend and not condemn in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
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