Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Friday 24 October 2014

Still suffering from imperfections?

Testimony Time:-It is another time to wish ourselves a very good morning, albeit within the Lord's perfection.

When the Lord created the heavens and the earth in Gen.1&2, He was delightful that they were perfect. He now gave men the power of dominion upon all that He had created so that we can continue to tend and care upon His perfection. This is because Men have simply assumed the image of God and can therefore be considered perfect in His Presence.

Owing to the above, we have seen, heard and learnt about how the first man became imperfect. As a result, Christ had to come as a ransom to obliterate the level of the unrighteousness in us through His death.
By so doing, He can bring us back to the stage of perfection which already had proven so elusive. This is because the Lord reversed His original purpose upon men as a result of our unrighteousness. 2000 years on, are you still in this dilemma? How much care are you exhibiting in the Lord's Garden? Are you spiteful, revengeful, hateful, and engrossed with lasciviousness? What can men say about you?

Lord let the voice of man upon us has direct interpretation to the way the Heavenly declares our conduct in Your Presence in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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