Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Friday 3 October 2014

Still grumbling within His Testimonies?

Testimony Time:-Good morning and welcome to another Covenant of His. You may not know or may have simply forgotten; today was one of the promises made that has come to fulfillment.

A new month and a new day but what are your testimonies? Still grumbling upon what you are yet to receive from Him? Are you laid back in your worship of Him, thinking He had not kept His Promises? Or thriving still in some sort of unrighteousness because it is the order of the day?
You can stay upon your course; the Lord has nothing to lose. The Lord is busy attending to those who puts their trust in Him and worship Him days and nights.

Lord in this new month; give us the grace to attest to Your Grace upon us while we wait for other promises from Thee. Amen

Just checking in into your Presence...

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