Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday 26 October 2014

Perceive this and feel His Presence

Testimony Time:-It is another time to express warm wishes to ourselves as we experience another gift from God through His Grace for keeping us till this moment.

God's presence can be felt at all times but many still fail to get connected, not as a result of ignorance but through their nonchalance attitude. God cares. He paid the ultimate price by allowing His Son to die for our sake so that we can regain possession of His promise. What other price do you want Him to pay before you begin to listen to Him? Please remember, after Christ is judgment.

Lord we beseech You to give us the wisdom to learn from our fore fathers mistake so that from now we will begin to embrace your precepts and by so doing Christ will always wrap His Hands around us. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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