Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Daily gift, but for how long?

Testimony Time:- Good morning to all recipient of the gifts of God today. What a wonderful gift to be alive today!
It is not so much about being alive but about what we are doing with our lives within the opportunities given unto us.
The gifts we currently enjoy now may not be there tomorrow. There will be a time for our last breathe where such time which had been taken for granted before would now become insignificant.
What will then matter is judgement, if it comes today like a thief in the night, are you ready?
Remember for "true and righteousness are His judgement". Revelation 19:2
Let our hope in You match our claim in Your righteousness. Also, let the Christ in our looks, deeds and utterances relates very much with Christ in us because that gives us hope to our glory. Amen
Do have a peaceful week ahead. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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