Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to
another market place in the presence of the Lord. In my sleep, I was taken through the whole market
operations as related to every condition in the world.
We must see the world as a market place where after all
the interactions in the world, we still have to go back to our Maker. In our experience in life, we are likely to go through
certain circumstances like being jilted in love, loose someone very dear to us
or surfer some financial loses. They are to be considered as actual losses in
the real market operations. As a result, actual trade must continue, this time
with God until the final exit. Because, if we do not faint as a result, the
same market can yield good fruits.
Where we fail is when we begin to consider the world as
our own, when we don't usually see ourselves as returning back to our Maker and
we work very hard to do the Lord's work for Him. Therefore, all challenging circumstances must be likened
to a bad move in business and should not be the end of any market operations,
only if we are strong enough to see the Hands of God in everything.
The world is a market place, heaven is our real home. Let
all remember! Lord gives us the understanding to see this world as a
mere market place and that ultimately we must return to heaven where we truly
belong. Let our conduct be fit for the heavenly race. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...