Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Perceive this and feel His Presence

Testimony Time:-It is another time to express warm wishes to ourselves as we experience another gift from God through His Grace for keeping us till this moment.

God's presence can be felt at all times but many still fail to get connected, not as a result of ignorance but through their nonchalance attitude. God cares. He paid the ultimate price by allowing His Son to die for our sake so that we can regain possession of His promise. What other price do you want Him to pay before you begin to listen to Him? Please remember, after Christ is judgment.

Lord we beseech You to give us the wisdom to learn from our fore fathers mistake so that from now we will begin to embrace your precepts and by so doing Christ will always wrap His Hands around us. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Friday, 24 October 2014

Still suffering from imperfections?

Testimony Time:-It is another time to wish ourselves a very good morning, albeit within the Lord's perfection.

When the Lord created the heavens and the earth in Gen.1&2, He was delightful that they were perfect. He now gave men the power of dominion upon all that He had created so that we can continue to tend and care upon His perfection. This is because Men have simply assumed the image of God and can therefore be considered perfect in His Presence.

Owing to the above, we have seen, heard and learnt about how the first man became imperfect. As a result, Christ had to come as a ransom to obliterate the level of the unrighteousness in us through His death.
By so doing, He can bring us back to the stage of perfection which already had proven so elusive. This is because the Lord reversed His original purpose upon men as a result of our unrighteousness. 2000 years on, are you still in this dilemma? How much care are you exhibiting in the Lord's Garden? Are you spiteful, revengeful, hateful, and engrossed with lasciviousness? What can men say about you?

Lord let the voice of man upon us has direct interpretation to the way the Heavenly declares our conduct in Your Presence in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Where has He gone wrong?

Testimony Time:-Good morning to all Born Again in the house and welcome to His righteousness within the Grace of another day.
We were created with delight and the Lord saw the outcome to be very good. In addition, God also gave man dominion over other things He had created. Genesis 1:26-31
His purpose for creation was to serve Him and be obedient to His Command so that we can share in His Glory. And not for us to act as a master over Him because of the little knowledge He gave us.
Where then has He gone wrong and what has He got to lose where we constantly fail to follow His precepts?
Please note, if you decide to serve, honour, obey, walk and work with Him, it is for your own good, otherwise we allow the challenges of the world to take over our affairs.
Lord, every power belongs to Thee, please use Your Supremacy to rule our affairs so that constantly we will be called Your own in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

A lamp unto our feet

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and family members of Christ. Please be aware that as good as our sleep was, it came to an end. Now we are faced with the reality of another day filled with the Presence of the Lord, but only for those who acknowledges His Supremacy.

Please note, all sermons, prayers, teachings, write ups and counselling based on the Words of God becomes a lamp to the commandments of God. So also, all reproofs for instruction should now become the ways of life- Proverb 6:23

Are you a Shepherd, a Pastor, a Prophet/ess, or infact a born again Christian? Who are you in your make believe garment? Do your anointing, status, claims and robe replicate what you carry in your heart? And at what level are the disparities?

Lord we beseech you to rekindle our desires to serve and honour You truthfully like the little children because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Wheeling His Grace

Testimony Time:-Good morning workers in the Vineyard of God and welcome to His Splendor as the Lord wheel His presence within the grace of another day.
Whatever you aim to achieve today, I encourage you not to come off that Wheel.
If you are still dithering about which path to take, get on board of the Wheel of Grace, its definitions and expectations and then begin to see every tumultuous experience of life disappear.

Lord we beseech You in Your power to keep us attached to your Wheel of Grace in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Daily gift, but for how long?

Testimony Time:- Good morning to all recipient of the gifts of God today. What a wonderful gift to be alive today!
It is not so much about being alive but about what we are doing with our lives within the opportunities given unto us.
The gifts we currently enjoy now may not be there tomorrow. There will be a time for our last breathe where such time which had been taken for granted before would now become insignificant.
What will then matter is judgement, if it comes today like a thief in the night, are you ready?
Remember for "true and righteousness are His judgement". Revelation 19:2
Let our hope in You match our claim in Your righteousness. Also, let the Christ in our looks, deeds and utterances relates very much with Christ in us because that gives us hope to our glory. Amen
Do have a peaceful week ahead. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Defined/defiled moments?

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends in the Company of Christ and welcome to another mysterious ride with Him in His Holiness.
Do you know how potent His Grace is and how defiled is our presence to share in this Grace?
Holy! Holy! Holy! is the Lord, those who must worship Him must do so in holiness.
Today is another day in your presence Father; let us share in your Grace. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Saturday, 18 October 2014

His Word...

Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to His fulfillment.
Today, I encourage you to allow the Word of God to reside in you so that your path can be illuminated to receive your blessings.

It is the Word of God that can take you away from the realm of broken/un-kept promises and vitalize your bodies so that you can begin to witness the reality of Christ that you serve. (Romans 8:11)

When this shall occur now depends so much on you believing in His Word because Christ had already given His life so that our physical bodies can be nourished, mainly in His Presence. But are you working rightly before Him? Can you safely say you belong to Him? What mark do you carry-Satan, Jesus or a bit of both?

Father we want you to make a turnaround in all our hopeless situation and position us with your peace in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

Within your limited power

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to His Grace.
If we are all given the power to act 'God' just for a day, what are you going to do with such power? Possibly revenge/avenge some misdemeanors or simply to enrich ourselves.
Within the limited power given to us through His Grace, don't we do all these unjustifiably?
Lord you are the Supreme Being that will live forever, cancel within us all tendencies that equates the grace given to us with your Supremacy. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Thursday, 16 October 2014

What fruit?

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of the Most High God, welcome to His plantation where He is busy nurturing His plants in preparation for the judgement day.

We are like a plant in the nursery being guided to be fruitful. Only God that knows who makes it to the end from the onset.
Within His Grace, you have been prepared in that nursery to see today but what fruits are you bearing. Sour grapes or fruits fit for every consumption. The Lord knows our frame and He alone decides who seats in judgement with Him.
May the Grace of God guides us in His everlasting presence. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Surprise God, stay within His rules!

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another surprise from God through His preservation until now.
This morning, I want to encourage everyone to surprise God in return and stay within His rules to maintain His Grace, that is the only lubricant to the effectiveness of our prayers.
God, we beseech you to lubricate our willingness to uphold your statutes with your Grace in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

This morning

Testimony Time:-Good morning to all and welcome to His Presence. Today is another indication that we belong to Him and for each morrow that is born, we constantly move towards Him, albeit without knowing.
Therefore, spend every time you have before Him with care and faithfulness unto His instructions. There may not be another opportunity to make amends. Time is moving fast!
Lord teaches us to number our days before You with the understanding that no matter who we are today, we belong to You permanently. As a result, let us follow You faithfully. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence…

With no ifs and no buts...

Testimony Time:- Good morning Children of God and welcome to another call to worship through Him. It is the only reason you are still standing today.
If your thoughts are far from this objective you cannot be classified His own. How do you worship God? You worship Him by obeying His statutes always, no ifs, no buts and no lukewarmness. Deuteronomy 4.
Whatever we chase after apart from this instruction now represent our semi God even though we are all classified as Christians, an act that brings constant displeasure to our jealous God.

What are your thoughts this morning and what do you have in pursuits? Fame, money, women, men, position or what?
Lord remold our hearts so that we will always have the eagerness to worship you truthfully without seeking after our own desires. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

Measure for Measure

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to the Lord's luxurious presence. 
Within the opulence of His Grace, there are measures enough for those who walk in His path but sometimes we have to wait for it.

As much as these measures are worth waiting for, there are also measures for those who are unwilling to wait and flagrantly disobey His precepts.

Within God's Measures, what are your measures and measure for measure how are you fairing?
Lord we pray we become part and parcel of the measures of your Grace. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Time is always nigh

Testimony Time: - Good morning friends in His Vineyard and welcome to His Grace.

Without any doubt, this is another Time for us to repair the misdeeds of yesterday. You may have gone to bed with some amount of guilt, this is a new day, and make amends.
If you woke up instead, feeling elated upon all your achievements before Him, I will encourage not resting on your oars. Satan is still at work, claiming those that do not stand firmly.

Anyhow, time is of the essence. The only thing that you can lose and cannot reclaim. Use it wisely by working, walking, watering and winning for Him. In our time before You, do not allow Satan to claim us as his own, mainly through our attributes. Wrap us up securely with Your Power and make us to be beyond reach for his antics. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Your righteousness delivers

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another limitless presence of the Lord.
His mercies are forever infinite which we can always share from, only if you believe.
Do not be deceived, it is your sincere work within His Grace that can unite you with your heavenly bliss, not prophecies, not riches, power or mere worship. They may all fail you!
What cannot fail you is your connection with Him, worship Him tenderly, beware of His Power, although He is very compassionate, you must be fearful of what His power can do.
Lord please give us the understanding to know our bounds in relation to testing Your patience. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

In life, we die daily...

Testimony Time:-Good morning dearly beloved and welcome to a new life in His Presence.
It is a new day within a new week and time is still reckoning. One thing we can do to assure peace in our lives is to see the Hands of God in everything. 

Perhaps you don't know, the amount of love you deposit in the care, love, knowledge, work, keeping the statutes of God and loving your neighbours
shows greatly how much we truly love ourselves.

If we therefore love ourselves, we will abide with His rules. Very clear and simple because He who created us does not have anything to lose. But remember we die daily- 1 Corinthians 15: 30-42

Also, at one point we have enjoyed the fact that we were born into the world and consequently His judgement is imminent.
Lord we pray that through Your Love, all our struggle in this world will be deposited into discovering You at all times. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Listening to the Great Teacher

Testimony Time:-Good morning students in the classroom of God where our Lord is the Great Teacher.
So far, what have you learnt about Him or What can you remember about His Works? Are you accountable to His Grace daily and how far can you walk with Him before getting tired?
If you acknowledge God as a Silent Teacher then make His teachings manifest so that we can all claim to be His own as Christians.
Lord we recognize you as our Great Teacher today, please do not give up on us. Make us to be great students of Yours in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

Partners in His Government

Testimony Time:-Good morning to all officers in the government of the Lord. That we are alive today, we are simply part of His new government and His trust is upon us.It is true many could not make it to this point; you must know that their current deeds have no direct repercussion in this new government. 

They are now facing judgement according to their labour
in the world, whether good or bad.
What will be your input in this new Government?
 Please remember, it offers new opportunity to hold offices as He had commanded just before it is too late for the sake of those who could not make it to this day.
Lord we thank you for the opportunities given to be part of Your Government today, wherever we serve, we beseech You to give us the understanding to hold our offices according to Your dictates in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking into His Presence...

Simply a market place

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another market place in the presence of the Lord. In my sleep, I was taken through the whole market operations as related to every condition in the world.

We must see the world as a market place where after all the interactions in the world, we still have to go back to our Maker. In our experience in life, we are likely to go through certain circumstances like being jilted in love, loose someone very dear to us or surfer some financial loses. They are to be considered as actual losses in the real market operations. As a result, actual trade must continue, this time with God until the final exit. Because, if we do not faint as a result, the same market can yield good fruits.

Where we fail is when we begin to consider the world as our own, when we don't usually see ourselves as returning back to our Maker and we work very hard to do the Lord's work for Him. Therefore, all challenging circumstances must be likened to a bad move in business and should not be the end of any market operations, only if we are strong enough to see the Hands of God in everything.

The world is a market place, heaven is our real home. Let all remember! Lord gives us the understanding to see this world as a mere market place and that ultimately we must return to heaven where we truly belong. Let our conduct be fit for the heavenly race. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Friday, 3 October 2014

Freedom personified in Christ

Testimony Time:-Good morning Followers of Christ, welcome to another appointment with Him through His Grace.

Just to recap, 1 Peter 3:18 claims "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit" so that we can "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

Do have a great day in His Presence today and always. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Just what directs the Lord's space?

Testimony Time:-Good day to you all friends in the Company of the Lord. Although this note is coming very late, but within the little time that we have there is this probing question. Just how much space do you have in your heart for God?

What occupies your heart so much that there is no attraction for His Presence?
Whatever that overwhelms your heart will always represent your formation.
Lord we beseech You to use Your power to overwhelm our hearts with your love so that there will be enough space for the Love of Thee in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking into His Presence...

Still grumbling within His Testimonies?

Testimony Time:-Good morning and welcome to another Covenant of His. You may not know or may have simply forgotten; today was one of the promises made that has come to fulfillment.

A new month and a new day but what are your testimonies? Still grumbling upon what you are yet to receive from Him? Are you laid back in your worship of Him, thinking He had not kept His Promises? Or thriving still in some sort of unrighteousness because it is the order of the day?
You can stay upon your course; the Lord has nothing to lose. The Lord is busy attending to those who puts their trust in Him and worship Him days and nights.

Lord in this new month; give us the grace to attest to Your Grace upon us while we wait for other promises from Thee. Amen

Just checking in into your Presence...