Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 9 April 2024

8th April 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

As satisfying as this new day can be in the areas of the Lord's faithfulness, it is not a secret any more that many Christians level of influence in the Christendom have gone cold in a manner that is not fit for the Kingdom of God. 

Their journey in the Presence of God opens the delicate veil of the day with contempt and inordinate ambitions. These roar to such an extent that "the integrity of their hearts and the innocence of theirs hands"(Genesis 20:5) becomes misplaced in their service in His Holiness. 

It is also not uncommon that they may have been misjudged as a Child of God who bears testimonies unto His Name albeit fraudulently, but very really and truly, their positions as prophets, Pastors and Shepherds has no bearing to the Great Name of God they claim to represent; but rather, they are merely wolves in the sheep clothing. (Matthew 7:15) 

However, and with the understanding that it does not matter what end of the table one may finds him/herself, God's Mercy is infinite and He is ready to dish them unreservedly unto those who are penitent enough to seek His Righteousness. 

Therefore today, and in this new week, you can begin to lace your new hours before Him with the desire to seek His Righteousness by walking and working according to His dictates. 

And that is according to (1 Corinthians 7:17) which states "Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches". 

Let me assure you again that this is the challenge and we pray that God should empower us to fulfil this unique assignment according to His taste in Jesus Mighty name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

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