Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Saturday 20 April 2024

20th April 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

We must understand that God has settled everything that happens to humanity through Biblical verses. An example of such verses can be found in Psalm 19 where the Lord attests to the power of creation through the works of His Hand. If the Lord declares everything new everyday (Lamentation 3: 23), what is the concept of "new" in your heart apart from that given by the Concise English Dictionary and or the Google Search Engine Machine? 

You may have renewed your shoes and your dress today, setting it apart from the impression you had yesterday. But what state was your mind last night? Did you sleep with the service of God uppermost in your hearts which were also infectious to men? 

Have you woken up feeling the need to change from your deceit, guilt, lies, backbiting, cheating and then begin to be assiduous in your worship, kindness and trustworthiness, all in the Service of God? If God had set everything anew through His Love, love among us as Children of God must be seen as a seed planted, albeit very carelessly but must grow and germinate no matter how, and that is if carefully nurtured with truth. 

What many don't realize therefore is that love as a seed planted is very dependable upon peace for its growth to really have any meaningful meaning. The day has been renewed by God as always, and that allows us to start everything anew. It gives us the pleasure to repair, amend, review, revive, reform and appraise our stand in His Presence today whilst taking yesterday into consideration. 

Therefore what is it that you have to renew, refresh and amend? Please don't be as cunning as Satan the "father of all lies" and a murderer. Genesis 3:1 & John 8:44 describe Satan as the god of the present world. 2 Corinthians 4:4 also puts him in conflict to Gods plan as he purposely journeys to destroy God's true Church and the entire human race. 

Christians therefore should not allow themselves to be used as mules by Satan in destroying the Church of God through the residue of what is left in their hearts having confessed their sins and have taken up CHRIST as the mantle of their faith. 

May the Blood of Christ redeem us. May the Special Grace of His death on the Cross break all satanic tendencies upon in Jesus name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

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