Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 28 July 2015

The Great retailer is Christ.

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends on the Platform of Jesus Christ. Let me again welcome you very sincerely to another day which the Great Retailer have decided to give to each and everyone free of charge. If the day has been retailed free of charge by God, we must know that the day must have a story to tell. That means everything in this world has some kind of stories attached to them. We must therefore consider time, worship, love, bodies including ears, tongues, eyes, hands and other body parts that are better left unmentioned. They all have tales they carry which must all be discharged when our souls are purged out of our flesh. They souls are harvested, bringing about the end to the journeys of all flesh while the harvested souls commences a new journey, albeit without the bodies attached to it. What was in your story last night and how did you spend your day? Was it filled with hatred, sinful nature including deceits, rumor carrier, uncharitable escapades and hearts that laments on undue somersaults that douses the Spirit of God as we walk in the path of unrighteousness? If everyday has and must have a story, what will be your new story today? Remember, today has been retailed free of charge, be proud and begin to lead a good Christian life so that your story in heaven will start and end on a very worthy note. We beseech you Father to give us the courage to improve on our stories where they clash unnecessarily with Your Precepts. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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