Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 28 July 2015

A new boundary

Testimony Time:-A very good afternoon to you all and welcome to a New Boundary as set by the Almighty God. As Gracious as our Lord can choose to be, He may have given us the freedom to act as we pleases. However and without saying, these freedom are set within a very strict boundaries which include to walk/work before the Lord and be blameless. (Genesis 17:1) Have you got the right equipment to work within His strict Boundaries? Have you upgraded your status to match the dictates of the Bible? What do you have access to easily? Are you aware of what you should be equipped with? Definitely not grudges, fighting, mutiny and lack of love but for us to be equipped with attributes that will kill all fleshy thoughts in us so that the Lord's Spirit in us can be awakened. God has set His Boundaries, albeit with a purpose. What is your purpose to flout the working principles of His holiness? God we want Your Presence to increase in us. We beseech You therefore to command all fleshy thoughts to decrease in our lives so that Your Purpose upon us can come to fulfillment. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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