Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Another God's prepared breakfast.

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another Breakfast as prepared by our Lord Jesus Christ. Daily, Christ prepares Breakfast to those who only just managed to scale through the night. And the only credit attributable to ourselves can be feeling and knowing the Lord that we serve. As with the mysteries surrounding the time that we serve under Him, that is only made known to those who the Lord chooses to reveal such to Himself. Therefore, every breakfast in His Presence is very important and what we put in represent the fingers we are using to dine with Him. What will be your order of the day today? Picking up from an inconclusive battle of yesterday or to give credit unto God and let Him be the judge? What the whole world is guilty of is to allow themselves to be infested with the "mind of God" syndrome. They can pronounce who eats from who dies or who rules in a rather mischievous manner. Bringing the end time sooner instead of later. Today is another Breakfast and it is a special one. Before us and where many still continue to swim in the ocean of unrighteousness, albeit armed with the "Mind of God", the year has been divided into two halves. And what have we achieved so far? On this platform O God, we want you to put Your Spirit in us. Obliterate all tendencies that forget You so easily and call us Your own whether we like it or not. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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