Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
How physical is your control?
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to the manifestation of His Grace.
God has accomplished a lot of things through His Spirit so that the purpose of creation can be achieved. Human responses to the manifestation of the Spirit therefore becomes paramount in view of the weak human frame which are exhibited through the physical and emotional tendencies.
It is however imperative for us to suspend the physical control of our bodies that gives room for all human tendencies, seeping in through lust and sudden desires for the mundane things of this world. And the Spirit of God will then take absolute control of the weakened frame of our bodies for proper manifestation of the Spirit.
We must always remember that man is very incapable of satisfying God's justice and that purity is not about holiness alone but absolute relationship between you and God.
May this last Mercy Day in the month of July begin to do a new thing in our lives in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Bible is like secular manuals, do you agree?
Testimony Time:-Good morning everyone and welcome to the Palace of the On Time God. The Lord chose to simplify the way we live and has therefore already made known the greater part of His will, directions, teachings, instructions, examples and testimonies for us in the Bible so that we can be saved through His Words.
Very clearly and very much like the secular manuals, the Bible stands out and it is very full of instructions and directions as to how the people who are called by the name of God should live in this world so that they can enjoy the benefits in the Kingdom of Heaven.
This morning, what is your relationship with God and what is the place of prayer in the homes of all believer and in houses designated after the name of God?
Do we just read the Bible, walk into any church to dance, sing, give monies and then prayerfully wait for miracles to happen?
Mark Twain quoted once and that is "it is not the things in the Bible people don't understand that trouble them, but things that they do understand". And I am aware that "for the things that people don't understand, the Holy Spirit had been set up by God to teach and also direct so that we can obey the Words of God to the letters".
Where is the Lord's Spirit in your life? If you live a life filled with sins, most certainly, such life will be devoid of the Spirit of God and that means the clear understanding of the Words of His Grace will be very much elusive and it will then be like a sailing ship without a pilot.
Therefore Lord, we want You to take away every sinful lust in our hearts so as to allow your Spirit to teach and give us the understanding to allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit of Truth. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Guiding the gospel with clear intent.
Testimony Time:-Good evening to all partners in the Kingdom race. I am awfully sorry for the lateness in checking into His Presence today. It has always be my overall delight to share the words of instruction from God from time to time, to encourage, admonish, revive and challenge all those under the banners and pillars of Christ, to live according to His very clear Instructions. (2 Timothy 3:16,17)
As believers therefore, are we willing to guide the gospel with clear intent and show through faithfulness to His Instructions the need to proclaim the power behind every creation?
Do you also know we must be willing to surrender our thoughts and make it surfer as a consequence for not following lustful desires?
The time is now! We need to know we must guide and guard the Words of God the way we will protect our belongings jealously, otherwise we can never be in the right frame of mind to be called a Christian, let alone a Child of God.
On this very day, we beseech You to give us the privilege that will make our journey count before you in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Trading with Christ?
Testimony Time:-Good morning to all those who have chosen to be associated with the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Please know that you have not only made Him your Christ and Savior but also your very Good Shepherd.
Being in Christ is like trading or going into a business that will always produce results. In business however, there are certain conditions that has to be met in order for the business to flourish in any market operations.
Doing business with Christ also means operating under the laws of God which are certain, pure, unambiguous very simple to the core. (Psalm 19:7)
However, as simple as they are, they need to be followed with due diligence, discipline, simplicity, self control and humility. Just like Joseph in Genesis 37-50 and Samuel in 1 Samuel 4:22.
If you therefore fail to understand the cross words of God and follow them through as perfect as they are, you are bound to fall into the cross roads of Satan that will be so hard to decipher as attractive as they may be.
Remember Matthew 6:33? If you don't, you are missing the key to the Kingdom and to His abundance of Grace/inheritance.
May the Lord empower us so that we will not toy with the key to His Kingdom in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Patterned process of God.
Testimony Time:-Good afternoon Christian Soldiers. Welcome to the declaration of another feast declared by God in honor of the day's event.
Just wondering about what ministry each and everyone may have registered their interest because God has opened up so many Ministries upon which each and everyone can operate under His Canopy.
If you operate with the love of God in your heart, that is a ministry on its own. So also is when you perpetrate evil, cause confusion and set up tales that are not edifying. You also have some kind of ministries set up under your name.
Just as you may have set up this ministries unwittingly, directly or indirectly you may have have recruited or have been recruiting officers for yourself to operate and carry out your treacherous demands. And these can be achieved under the full blown of His Grace, bringing acrimony in the already patterned process of God's Work.
Today is another opportunity to swap your earthly ministries in favor of the ordained Ministries of God so that the purpose of God for creating the world can be achieved. And so shall it be. Amen
May the Lord open out hearts and cause our imaginations to operate only within the ministries created for the purpose of mankind in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
How valid is your claim in Christ?
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to the Lord's faithfulness.
But you that is in Christ, how valid is your claim? Do you really create time to worship Him? How do you worship Him when you are in His Presence? Do you exhibit so much love at home and then turn it to hatred when you get to church?
When you get to His Presence, do you gossip unnecessarily and get drawn easily into frequent fights? Do you also pick faults, found in the camp of those who practice heresies and practice things you will not ordinarily do at home?
I want to assure you that these act does not constitute any sign of significant obedience to His Words, rather it draws people away from the value of His Presence. What is also certain is you cannot be a meaningful Christian without any valuable contribution in His Presence.
So how valuable are you to Christ apart from your normal trouble shooting? The irony is, the more honorable you are to Christ, the more honor you will earn to yourself as a person.
We depend on You God, we beseech You to empower us in all capacity and make our reign with You in this world to be meaningful so we can have a place in Your Kingdom in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Do you set a new standard in Christ?
Testimony Time:-Good morning to all members in the Household of God. Let me welcome you to a new day and a new beginning.
It is an opportunity to set your mind anew and begin a new journey with Christ where the destination is His Kingdom in Heaven.
Do you know that once you have accepted Christ, your aims should set a new standards parceled with the Kingdom Principles in mind? If your old ways of doing things is not different to when you have now accepted Christ, you cannot be classified as a new creature, although you may be seen and still called a child of God.
What classifies you as a Child of God is not so much about the church you go to, the gift of prophecy, the ability to write and deliver sermon but the ability to eschew what Proverbs 6: 16-19 describe.
The Bible is very succinct about the intention of God to mankind. What is yours apart from carrying the Bible as a camouflage? How valid is the Christian in you?
You have been renewed once again today. Make the day count and be renewed from your innermost heart so you can enjoy the newness of God in all capacities. And so shall it be in Jesus name. Amen
Create a new mind for us today and give us a new spirit. Let both work together with Your purpose for us on earth so that we can boast of the heavenly Grace even when we are still on earth. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
A letter written on every heart
Testimony Time:- Good morning to you all and how wonderful it is to share in His Grace today.
Proverbs 11:30 states "the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise"
Just how many souls have you won for Christ? How many souls have you sent packing from the House of God clandestinely?
What campaign do you meet out to the House of God through gossips, prophesies, misinterpretation or misrepresentation of facts? Do you know that in life, some words are better left unsaid if it will cause disunity, rancor and or constitute misconception?
The Bible in 2 Corinthians 3:2 claims "You yourself are our letter, written on our hearts, know and read by everyone". What can we say/read about you? Trouble in the time of peace or someone that build bridges instead of burning one? What are you noted for?
Remember what Ecclesiastes 12:14 says. "For God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing, whether good or evil". What
have you used your mouth to confess? And what are your secret moves? Do you undertake journeys that are edifying in nature or such that are culpable of sending you into perdition?
And just to round up, do you know you are judged by the amount of peaceful resolutions you achieved and not vice versa? If that is the case, walk rightly before God and let the whole world know that you are truly called after the name of God. After-all, that is the overall essence of our creation/calling.
Today is another day and God is not interested in what havoc you have caused up until now. His interest lies so much in your penitence and how you will close the overwhelming gap between you and Him.
Touch our souls today, make them work for you. Touch our mouth, let them confess only fruits of the Spirit and speak to our hands, let them be perfect for Your use in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
There is beauty of God in every day
Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to another display of the awesomeness of God.
The word that comes to mind is beautiful and as Christians, our initial thought will be to look at each day and see the beauty of God them. As the day progresses, directly or indirectly the thoughts of the goodness of the day very often evaporates as many through their hands invite calamities into the pattern of the day created by God, albeit with mercies.
Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis followed the above pattern. Although, the Lord had already described His creation as beautiful. (Genesis 1:31) Eve then aptly described and carried the beauty of God unto man made beauty, bringing the first sin upon the earth.
In like manner, how do you perceive the Lord's instruction? Do you consider them beautiful enough for you to shun all worldly attractions and deception in God's honor?
Or would you eschew the traits of self inducement to sins, just like what Joseph did against Potiphar's wife in Genesis 39?
The different is very clear, you can either see the beauty in God's law, commandments, precepts, statutes and abide by them or you can put the description of your beauty in everything that is unrighteousness and follow them through.
Adam and Eve may have failed in removing the beauty in God's law in their eyes but Joseph clearly displayed to us that with self will and control, one can through the help of God mastermind a great escape from the intricacies of Satan.
So this morning, I will encourage you to see beauty in all the commandments of God. You can get through them with a little self will. I am sure you will reap the rewards Just like Joseph did in the Book of Genesis. On the other hand, you can conjure beauty in all forms of unrighteousness and surfer the unknown penalty. The choice is yours!
In the area of your laws God, let us see the beauty in them so that Satan will not claim our desires like that of Adam and Eve. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Living within His Grace
Testimony Time:-Good morning to all Children of God living within His Grace according to His Promises.
This morning and more often than not, we all claim to believe in His Name and of course the power for Him to be able to deliver on all His Promises. A situation we get so engrossed with to the extent of nonchalance and or complacency.
But again, how valid is this believe in His Holy Name? Is it the type that is perfunctory in nature and mainly made to extract gains in His Presence? Or such that having gotten to the position of fruition in your escapade, you then forget the position of your humble beginning and begin to manipulate yourself out of His Presence?
Let me remind you that Satan once enjoyed a very lucrative position in heaven. He was described as the most beautiful of all the angels until pride got into him and he began to compare himself as God. Today, he roams the earth looking for those to choose as his disciples because he was banned from heaven as result of his nonchalance. (Isaiah 14:12-14)
Judas enjoyed the same privilege, rising to the position of a treasurer among the disciples which is the most trusted position in any organization. What happened? He forgot his humble beginning and sold his Master out.
This new week, how great is your believe in Him that created you. Can we describe your thoughts towards Him as half baked? Like those commonly exhibited to ourselves and clearly displayed by Satan and Judas?
Or such that rests solely on His Promises through thick and thin because His Covenant will never fail? (Psalm 89:34)
As you enjoy your presence before Him today, keep according to His Rules, do not shunt in your journeys of life, stay and journey according to His pace holding on to your Believe in Him and the Power of His Might. Most assuredly, you will experience God in a very new dimension and so shall it be in Jesus name. Amen
Wishing you all a pleasant week ahead through Christ that strengthens us. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
All within His Light...
Testimony Time:-Good afternoon and welcome to His Presence. May the Grace of God cover our endeavors in Jesus name. Amen
You are encouraged to stay within His Light to continue to enjoy His Grace. Please note, there is no other attribute that supersedes this gesture.
Wishing you God's favor this Sunday and the rest of your life in Jesus name. Amen
Just Checking in into His Presence...
What is your starting point?
Testimony Time:-Good morning to everyone and welcome to a new page in the history book of life.
On what page were you last night and how did you end the story? But on this new page, what is your starting point?
Surely it is of praise, of worship and of testimonies. Therefore open up your hands, pray and just say thank you God. That is all that matters just now because He has brought us to another fulfillment of His promise.
As we fix our eyes unto you today, let your love brings out the best fruit in us in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Just a brand new trend
Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to a brand new trend in the name of God.
Quite simply, it is another day popularly known and called "the weekend". Consequently, today must be very important in examining the achievements of the week.
In all, what have you achieved and what opportunities have you sorely missed through anger, hatred, gallivanting, mischievousness, frivolities, pride and jealousies?
Perhaps you don't know that when we allow ourselves to be blinded by all the uncharitable virtues above, very naturally and except by grace, we cannot receive from the goodness of Him who created us.
If you are overpowered by anything short of the Christian Virtues, in such state you will watch the goodness and mercies of the Lord drifts and sidle away unchecked.
Here is another Weekend to think. Do not allow the mischief of the days before to become the clog that will obstruct the goodness and mercies of the Lord which are renewed daily.
Merciful Father we pray in all attributes, for you to help us in such a way that will not allow the issues with self righteousness to deprive us of Your goodness and mercies. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The Great retailer is Christ.
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends on the Platform of Jesus Christ. Let me again welcome you very sincerely to another day which the Great Retailer have decided to give to each and everyone free of charge.
If the day has been retailed free of charge by God, we must know that the day must have a story to tell. That means everything in this world has some kind of stories attached to them.
We must therefore consider time, worship, love, bodies including ears, tongues, eyes, hands and other body parts that are better left unmentioned. They all have tales they carry which must all be discharged when our souls are purged out of our flesh.
They souls are harvested, bringing about the end to the journeys of all flesh while the harvested souls commences a new journey, albeit without the bodies attached to it.
What was in your story last night and how did you spend your day? Was it filled with hatred, sinful nature including deceits, rumor carrier, uncharitable escapades and hearts that laments on undue somersaults that douses the Spirit of God as we walk in the path of unrighteousness?
If everyday has and must have a story, what will be your new story today? Remember, today has been retailed free of charge, be proud and begin to lead a good Christian life so that your story in heaven will start and end on a very worthy note.
We beseech you Father to give us the courage to improve on our stories where they clash unnecessarily with Your Precepts. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Just another reign in His Presence.
Testimony Time:-Good morning to all neighbors on Calvary Street. Welcome to another reign in His Presence.
This morning, the question is of what category is your reign with Him? Could It be one that is filled with misconduct in His Presence and or the type that is capable of drawing people into perdition?
For you to be able to serve God, the issue relating to self control has to be considered. It is a disease that can cause the hearts of many to somersault with fear and into jeopardy, including even the most adamant man.
Are you therefore righteous enough or is it just a case of self righteousness? We must begin to consider therefore the Words of God in relation to its teachings. It is the only way that can build a home for us in heaven.
God, unto you we have come on this special day, let your mercy locate us and give us peace in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
By His stripes...
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to His Newness.
God has declared everything new again, giving us the opportunity to start afresh from where we have left off or to build on what we have already started that is within the confines of His Grace.
Therefore Children of Grace, what is it that needs starting afresh in your life? Could it be your retarded relationship with God that needs His revival or the love lost between you and members in Christ Assemblies, homes and work places?
For every endeavor, there is always s time to rethink, restart, refresh, realign and address towards the dictates of His Might. What is it going to be this morning apart from your unyielding position to righteousness the previous night?
The choice is yours? By His Stripes we were healed, (Isaiah 53:4-5) have you forgotten that? May the joy surrounding resurrection cover each and everyone today and always. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Seed of righteousness
Testimony Time:-Good morning Friends in the Tabernacle of God. Welcome to another story in our lives.
It is so true that the Lord has set us free again by keeping us till this very moment. However, if you must be free indeed you must have sown the seed of righteousness.
God loves the soul of men and sweet has been His remembrance upon their creation. The question is, how sweet have you been in His Presence? What seed do you plant in each day? One which is rich in unrighteousness, filled with disgust and guilt or that which is overwhelmed with His Grace coupled with the fear of His Might?
Today is another day and very soon it's story will be like yesterday because the day is never static. Therefore, what will be your input in the pattern of the day?
God whose love is forever rich, we beseech You to enrich our lives today. Let Your richness take away our guilt so that we can be free and free indeed. (John 8:36) Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
A meeting place
Testimony Time:-Good morning to all members in the Company of Christ and welcome to His righteousness.
Today has been declared by Christ as another "meeting place" to ask if our days, thoughts, deeds, worship have all been conceived with the most talked about Christianity?
Are you seeking perfection only within the Grace that bore our scars and healed us?
Remember, today might be the beginning of another journey for all flesh and the whole body. What happens when that body ceases to exist?
The answer is very simple, the errand of flesh finishes and another journey begins for our soul that has been harvested. And this new journey is for eternity. What a remarkable difference?
Father, Perfect is Your grace that healed us, therefore we stand together in unity through this platform to pray with That Only Name, let our seeds in You be mighty in Your name as we seek and claim righteousness in Your Presence. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Matthew 6:33
Testimony Time:-A very good day to you all and welcome to another opportunity to return to the path righteousness.
You are in it and I suppose we are all enjoying The benefits of Grace together. However, what you get out of it depends on how much you put on the path of righteousness. There is no doubt about it. Matthew 6:33
Today is another day, let your Grace overwhelm every of our desires so that our thoughts will always be aligned with your Grace in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The daily Grace
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to a brand new day where the Lord has declared everything anew by Himself.
Before we run away with the delight of the new day, let us pause and think for a moment about the following scenarios.
As a child, when we receive a new gift, we spend so much time to relish the moment. After some time, that delights begin to wane and the impetus to have another gift is rekindled in us all over again.
So also when we become grown ups. We celebrate birthdays, promotions, house warming and anniversaries from time to time. Sooner rather than later, the celebration becomes stale as we are already looking forward to a new position.
There is purely nothing wrong with all tendencies to aspire but when we all aim high, do we also stop to consider what the economists call law of diminishing returns?
It is so dangerous when we apply this principle to the daily grace of the Lord. We just must celebrate its newness as it is present in the morning dew and the same desire we must have even when the morning grows dim and night begins to take its form.
Would you allow diminishing returns to set on your pattern of the day? Are you easily lost in the maze and simply forgets who owns the day and your life?
What burns destiny is the ability to shun the covenant of God upon us when we shift focus away from His mercies which are forever new everyday. Lamentation 3:19-23
We fervently pray against all effects that allow our abilities to flourish before you to diminish in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Life cover
Testimony Time:-Good morning to all Christian Soldiers and welcome to a repeat of the Grace of God which is forever new every day.
John 3:16 states"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life"
This is a life cover we all take for granted. Although, it comes with nothing to pay and lots of benefit, we very often choose to go after the insurance of this world which carries lots of attachment and or condition.
The only condition with Christ cover is for you to believe in Him, nothing more!
Are you sincerely covered with Christ insurance which is hassle free or would you rather put your trust in the mundane things of this world and surfer the consequences sooner rather than later?
The choice is yours. May the blood of Jesus Christ place His eternal cover upon us so that we can sincerely be called into His Kingdom on earth and in Heaven. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
God has reasons to keep His Covenant.
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another sunrise which the Lord have kindly delivered to everyone that is kept alive through His Grace today.
However, do you believe God has reasons for keeping His Covenant through the rise and fall of the sun? Let me therefore assure you that the most important of them all is to offer each and everyone the opportunity to rise and shine where we may have fallen before Him the day before.
The ardent failure on our part is our inability to desist from offering sacrifice of unrighteousness on a daily basis. This is so bad that more and more gruesome mistakes are committed within the ploy to override our earlier mistake at all cost.
But now that there is another sunrise, would you continue in the same vein? Are you ready to begin anew and start to offer offerings of love, humbleness, worship, penitence, praise, prayers etc, which are holy and acceptable to God?
Time indeed is of the essence but just how many of His sunrises do you think you will be able to count?
May the power of God give us the strength to present before His Grace offerings that are righteous and acceptable in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Christ resides in each day
Testimony Time:-Good morning and welcome to a new horizon in the form of a new day.
Before you revert back to where you left off last night, do you honestly believe that Christ resides in each day? If you do by association, what do you have in common with Christ?
Would that be mainly the cross you wear on your neck and or the Bible you carry as a link to His Holy Name? Could it be the various regalia we put on that only depicts who we are on the outside and but has no bearing to what exists in our innermost hearts?
Does your sound preaching stand for who you are in Christ? What you write and even when you write, does that attribute alone pin you to the Ways of Christ?
Please remember, for and in everything Christ is the Key because the Christ in you is the hope of your glory. (Colossians 1:27)
Let our thoughts and deeds from now have genuine common ground with Your Common Name through Your Supremacy oh Lord. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
How friendly are you with your Maker?
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends in the House of God and how are you today?
May the power of God revive all dead circumstances upon us in Jesus name. Amen
Today and being a new week, I want to ask each and everyone just how friendly we are to God? If indeed we have made God our friend, just how close is our relationship with Him?
You just have to understand that you can only walk with God if there is unity between you and His purpose for you. How do you measure in the light of this challenge?
The choice is yours, walk with Him and share in His inheritance whilst on earth or do otherwise and begin to lead a life filled with unmerited pressures.
"To obey is always better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of Rams"
May we be blessed today to obey the precepts of the Lord in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
You are simply an asset in His Presence...
Testimony Time:-Surprisingly to those who do not believe and to those who have very simply written themselves off at all fronts, it is another good morning and a new Testimony Time before His Presence...
The Wordings of the Lord is quite simple, stay with Him, walk with Him and work with Him and you shall find peace.
Please take time to read the Book of Judges. You will discover that when those who were called by His name retracted in their steps, believe, approach and thoughts, that was when they were delivered into the hands of the enemy, vice versa.
Would you believe that same principle applies today in the journeys of life? How much you allow the Word of God to translate and fester in your life matters. And what is your delight in the translation apart from the common individualistic approach to life?
Without mincing words, when you fear God and obey His Statutes by walking and working in His Ways, surely and most assuredly, God must deposit some assets in you. This has been confirmed, tried, tested and tasted!
The Lord is good to everyone, only our conducts deprive us of so many good things in life. We therefore pray for a turn around from this approach that is ruining the purpose of God upon us in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Regarding His Son
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to another inheritance which the Lord had kindly passed on to us as a matter of gain today.
Roman 1:3-4 teaches us so much about the Son of God- "regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life[a] was a descendant of David, 4 and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power[b] by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.
If you are therefore a true believer in the dead and resurrection of Jesus Christ, you will tailor each day that is given as an inheritance to you according to the values of His Holy Name. This is because somehow and somewhere what we have and cherish as an inheritance will be passed on whether we like it or not.
Let us know that each day counts in His Presence and also for our existence in the Kingdom race. What we plough into the day therefore can either make or unmake the level of our inheritance on earth as well as in heaven.
Christ lived among us as the Son of God through holiness and in death He rose to become Jesus Christ our Lord. At what level do you operate with Christ now and what do you intend to become when you pass on?
We pray for Your Spirit to overwhelm all earthly desires upon us that sets us at loggerheads with Your purpose in this world. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Cycle of peace
Testimony Time:-Good Children of Grace and welcome to another Cycle of Peace from our Jehovah God.
The Lord may have kept you to this very minute, but what cycle are you plotting or operating for yourself? Have you shunned your cycle of peace, repentance and deliverance with God to that of bondage, perversion and the mysteries of sinful choices?
Today, you are within another allotted territory of God, if you are still caught in the maze of this mysteries other that of seeking the peaceful nature of the Lord, you must begin to ask God for His verbal guidance so He can grant forgiveness on a lot of things you have falsely gotten away with.
Let your arrow in time point towards God plan for the human race and nothing else. That way we can begin to coexist with the original plan of God and the benefits of His Grace and so shall it be in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
A new boundary
Testimony Time:-A very good afternoon to you all and welcome to a New Boundary as set by the Almighty God.
As Gracious as our Lord can choose to be, He may have given us the freedom to act as we pleases. However and without saying, these freedom are set within a very strict boundaries which include to walk/work before the Lord and be blameless. (Genesis 17:1)
Have you got the right equipment to work within His strict Boundaries? Have you upgraded your status to match the dictates of the Bible? What do you have access to easily? Are you aware of what you should be equipped with?
Definitely not grudges, fighting, mutiny and lack of love but for us to be equipped with attributes that will kill all fleshy thoughts in us so that the Lord's Spirit in us can be awakened.
God has set His Boundaries, albeit with a purpose. What is your purpose to flout the working principles of His holiness?
God we want Your Presence to increase in us. We beseech You therefore to command all fleshy thoughts to decrease in our lives so that Your Purpose upon us can come to fulfillment. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Another God's prepared breakfast.
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another Breakfast as prepared by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Daily, Christ prepares Breakfast to those who only just managed to scale through the night. And the only credit attributable to ourselves can be feeling and knowing the Lord that we serve.
As with the mysteries surrounding the time that we serve under Him, that is only made known to those who the Lord chooses to reveal such to Himself.
Therefore, every breakfast in His Presence is very important and what we put in represent the fingers we are using to dine with Him.
What will be your order of the day today? Picking up from an inconclusive battle of yesterday or to give credit unto God and let Him be the judge?
What the whole world is guilty of is to allow themselves to be infested with the "mind of God" syndrome. They can pronounce who eats from who dies or who rules in a rather mischievous manner. Bringing the end time sooner instead of later.
Today is another Breakfast and it is a special one. Before us and where many still continue to swim in the ocean of unrighteousness, albeit armed with the "Mind of God", the year has been divided into two halves. And what have we achieved so far?
On this platform O God, we want you to put Your Spirit in us. Obliterate all tendencies that forget You so easily and call us Your own whether we like it or not. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Today is another seed time...
Testimony Time:-Good morning Friends in the Presence of the Most High God and welcome to another harvest.
You may not know, today is more like a fruit of the season that has been promised and delivered by God to those who are privileged to be alive today.
If today has been given to you as a seed time, there is an expectation that what you plant today will be ripe enough for harvest in a year's time.
What are you sowing today so that your harvest can be bountiful next year? The fight we engage in today may not have any meaning until the following year. So also are all fruits that are planted today, they can only come to harvest the following year.
Therefore, fight a good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12-14) because whatsoever a man sows, so shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7) and there is no doubt about what the rewards will be.
What grudges are you nursing and what hatred are you perpetrating? What plans do you have that are noble and what rumors are you flying? Remember the repercussions of all misdemeanor may not show until sometime when all deeds will come into open. Ecclesiastes 12:12-14
Today is another harvest before You Father, we beseech You to guide us when we make an input in the type of seeds we plant in Your beautiful Garden. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Blessed with God's desire.
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another sunrise.
We may have been blessed with the desire to display the Lord's faithfulness in His Presence today, but are we following the teachings of the Bible?
If we do, then let us bring every thought into captivity before Him and tailor them according to the obedience in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 1:7 encourages us to have attentive hearing coupled with listening hearts with perfect submission, not only in His Presence but to allow the principle to cut through all spheres of our life.
We beseech You Lord to render Your help where we have failed before You our Father in heaven. Let Your Spirit touch us and make us Your Own in Christ Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
God is very capable to deliver
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to another Perfect Will of the Lord. If it is the will of God for you to be spared till this day, definitely God can still deliver upon all His Promises.
God has the ability to deliver upon His Promises. And so we discovered that the Lord's promise to Abraham that he would be the heir apparent to the world was not to him per se or even through his seed by virtue of the law, but through the righteousness of faith which is in Christ Jesus. Romans 4:13,16
Therefore, what promises have you made before Him? If anything, we must remember the promise to serve and worship Him to the end. Are you on that trend?
We must realize we can only be blessed if indeed we obey His voice which is also in Christ Jesus. Genesis 22:18
We beseech You O God to give us hearts that are very attentive to Your instructions. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Your heart operations
Testimony Time:-Good morning Friends and welcome to the reality of God's Love.
God's Love has been poured out upon you and me today by the Holy Spirit and that is why we are very much alive. No matter your circumstances, God's Love is still very apparent.
Therefore, there is no need to set about the day with stingy and small hearts towards other people. Do not operate on a heart that is neither hot or cold or on a type of love that runs out very easily.
God we beseech you to allow our hearts to flourish on a type of love that is easily and readily available, just like Your Love that flows unchecked within the faces of all unrighteousness. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
A case of two Kingdoms.
Testimony Time:-Good afternoon to everyone who are called after the Wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I welcome you to the newness of His Presence.
We are all at the tail end of the first half of the year 2015. But are we taking stuck of our reign in time? Do we access our input in the Kingdom of God?
You may not know, there are two kingdoms in question. The Kingdom of this world and that of the heaven. However, it is how we deal with our reign in this world that will give us an inkling about what our heaven would look like.
So today, how have you led your life so far? Have you gone through the pattern of peace or otherwise? We must all know that God is a God of peace, otherwise Christ would not have come to the world for the redemption of our sins. If God can make peace with us after the fall of man by sending His only begotten Son to die for us, then we must live a life that is worthy of Peace.
May the Lord give us the courage to lead/live our lives under a peaceful process. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Please read, the story is very touching...
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends in the company of the Lord. I greet you in the name of God as I welcome you to another faithfulness of His Supremacy.
Today's message is also about a meaningful story shared by one of my sisters in the Lord. Please read to the end.
I read this and felt touched,i decided to share..................Dr. Ahmed, a well-known cancer specialist, was once on his way to an important conference in another city where he was going to be granted an award in the field of medical research.
He was very excited to attend the conference? ?and was desperate to reach as soon as possible. He had worked long and hard on his research and felt his efforts deserved the award he was about to obtain.
However, two hours after the plane took off, the plane made an emergency landing at the nearest airport due to some technical snag.
Afraid, that he wouldn't make it in time for the conference, Dr. Ahmed immediately went to the reception and found that next flight to the destination was after ten hours. The receptionist suggested him to rent a car and drive himself down to the conference city which was only four hours away.
Having no other choice, he agreed to the idea despite his hatred for driving long distances. Dr. Ahmed rented a car and started his journey. However, soon after he left, the weather suddenly changed and a heavy storm began. The pouring rain made it very difficult for him to see and he missed a turn he was supposed to take.
After two hours of driving, he was convinced he was lost. Driving in the heavy rain on a deserted road, feeling hungry and tired, he frantically began to look for any sign of civilization. After some time, he finally came across a small tattered house. Desperate, he got out of the car and knocked on the door. A beautiful lady opened the door. He explained the matter and asked her if he could use her telephone.
However, the lady told him that she doesn't have a phone or any electronic gadget but told the doctor that if could come inside till weather improves. Hungry, wet and exhausted, the doctor accepted her kind offer and walked in.
The lady gave him hot tea and something to eat. The lady told him that he can join her for prayers for which Dr. Ahmed smiled and said that he believe in hard work only and told her to continue with her prayers.
Sitting on the table and sipping the tea, the doctor watched the woman in the dim light of candles as she prayed next to what appeared to be a small baby crib. Every time she finished a prayer, she would start another one. Feeling that the woman might be in need of help, the doctor seized the opportunity to speak as soon as she finished her prayers. The doctor asked her what exactly she wants from the God and inquired if God will ever listen or listen to her prayers. He further asked about the small child in the crib for whom she was apparently making a lot of prayers.
The lady gave a sad smile and said that the child in the crib is his son who is suffering from a rare type of cancer and there is only one Doctor Ahmed who can cure him but she doesn't have money to afford his fee and moreover Dr Ahmed lives in another far off town. She said that God has not answered her prayer so far but said that God will create some way out one day and added that she will not allow her fears to overcome her faith.
Stunned and speechless Dr Ahmed was in tears which were rolling down his cheeks. He whispered, God is great and recollected sequence of events. ....there was malfunction in the plane, a thunderstorm hit, and he lost his way; and all of this happened because God did not just answer her prayer but also gave him a chance to come out of materialistic world and give some time to the poor helpless people who have nothing but rich prayers.
We should always remember five important steps in our daily life:
1) Ask
2) Believe
3) Receive
4) Faith
5) Giving
May God bless us all. Please don't stop praying,it will soon work for you. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Please read John's story.
Testimony Time:-Good day to you all and welcome to His Grace. I pray for the guidance of the Lord to sustain each and every one in Jesus name. Amen
Thanking God for His preservation upon us and the excellent turn out during our 4th Adult Harvest Celebrations. The whole event has been highly successful for His Name Sake.
Today, I am now fully back into the fullness of checking in into His Presence and I will begin with a story as shared by my uncle. Please take time to read till the end. You will know the reason at the end of the story and this is how the parable begins.
"Let me call him John. John had a double story house with five plus five rooms. One day there was a gentle knock on the front door. When John opened, it was the Lord Jesus. “Please come in”, John pleaded, “I will give you the best room in my house – it is upstairs.
Well, Jesus is a gentleman and said “thank you”.
The next morning someone hammered against the front door. When John opened it, who was there? The devil. “No” shouted John, “I don’t want you here” But the devil said “I’m already in” – and a big fight started and Satan poured filthy temptation on him which was horrible.
By the evening, John somehow got the victory and threw the devil out. Then he said “wait a minute”. I gave Jesus the best room in the house, why didn’t he come to my rescue?” Jesus said to John “Look, you gave me one of the ten rooms…” John was on his knees and said “I can see my mistake. Sorry, Lord. Let’s make it 50/50.” Jesus who is a gentleman accepted the request.
The next day was a repeat of the day before. Somehow the devil got in and out and John was totally exhausted. “Why didn’t Jesus come to my rescue today? I need to go and ask.” The Lord said “My son, why don’t you give me all 10 rooms and then, instead of me staying with you, you stay with me?” John broke down. He pulled the key of the front-door from his pocket and handed it to Jesus. Now, he had given Him all.
The next morning, it was still dark, when someone was knocking at the front door so hard that the whole building shook. John jumped, frightened and shaken out of bed, crying “O, it’s the devil again”, when suddenly he heard footsteps – but this time the footsteps were from inside the house.
Jesus was marching in majesty and power towards the front door. He had the keys to the whole house. His duty was now to answer the door very carefully.
John was now wondering what would happen and stood right behind Jesus. When the Lord opened the door wide. Who was it? The devil of course. But when the devil saw Jesus standing in the door, he bowed low, very low indeed, and said “Sorry Sir, I knocked on the wrong door!”
Some have given 9 rooms to Jesus and on the door of room number 10 they have written “Strictly Private”. It is there where they have their secret sins and live their double life. But Jesus cannot be cheated. C’mon. Let’s sing it together from the bottom of our hearts. “Unto Jesus I surrender, unto Him I freely give….I surrender ALL, unto thee my God and Savior, I surrender all.”
This is my foolproof recipe for victory in the Year 2015! Does it speak to you? God bless you abundantly in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Who are you in His Presence?
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to the second half of the sixth month of the year 2015.
Today's message is about a story shared which is worth reading to the end.
"A lady committed a crime and she was sent to court. The punishment for the crime was life imprisonment. She shed tears for help but to no avail. When the case was called in court she started weeping. Her husband, family and friends who accompanied her started weeping but there was no hope.
Something happened before the lady could stand in the witness box. A man stood up and the court room was silent. Everyone looked at Him. He was noble and gentle. He stood in the witness box and interceded on behalf of the woman. The case was difficult, yet He used all His strength, energy and resources to fight on behalf of the woman.
After a long legal battle between the man and the accusers, the lady was set free. The lady fell before the man and asked 'WHO ARE YOU?' The next day the lady deliberately committed another crime and was sent to the same court.
As soon as she entered the courtroom, she saw the man who interceded for her the previous day on the judgement seat. He was no longer a lawyer, but a judge. With smiles on her face the lady said 'I have come again' The man lifted his head and said 'yesterday I was a lawyer, so I fought for you, even when you were guilty. But today I am a judge and my judgement must be fair.'
With tears in the ladies eyes she asked for the second time 'WHO ARE YOU' and the man replied 'I AM THE SAVIOUR'. Today Christ Jesus is our lawyer and redeemer, but a day is coming when He will give a fair judgement to everyone"
JESUS IS COMING SOON so we all claim. We meet Him everyday, often without noticing. SO today, PREPARE TO MEET HIM because Jesus stays with us at all times.
May the joy of the Lord keep us on His path. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
How attractive is God's design to you?
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Promise and welcome to another Sunday.
As we go about today, let us act, walk and remain within the Promise of the Lord. The Lord's Promise is faithful and righteous to all who stays within His confines (Jeremiah 29:11). There might be occasions where doubts may be high, please note that the Lord is busy running errands for us.
The question is, if you can faithfully wait and endure to the end, God's steadfastness will be favorably shown unto those who remains as His.
God, on this new day, give us the power to separate the attractive designs of Satan from Your noble Ways so we can stay within Your Promise Guidelines. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Timed time...
Testimony Time:-Good afternoon brethren in Christ and welcome to the abundance of the Lords mercy.
Every second that we share in the presence of the Lord is a privilege, a privilege that is timed irrespective of our wishes.
If we then enjoy a timed time before the Creator of Heaven and earth, how glorious will it be if we tread very carefully in the presence of the Lord in all of our attributes.
I have discovered that serving the Lord is not an issue per se but the forgetfulness aspect that comes to play in the way of our worship. Christians often forget who they are before Him and if that is not the case, it must be that they forget about how important the Lord is in their lives.
Why take risks? Renouncing the dictates of the Lord is tantamount to plunging into an irredeemable abyss. Christ death is once and for all. There is absolutely nothing that can bring Christ back to die for our sins again. Not at the rate the world is going anyway!
Stop, think and very carefully consider your position. The world is moving and so is everything situated in it.
On this day O Lord, we want you to eliminate the risk factors in our desires so that our life can be consecrated for Your use. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Setting sail?
Testimony Time:-Good afternoon Children of Grace. The message is a bit late today, but I still want to welcome you all to a brand new day.
We have already set a new sail within this new journey in the presence of the new day. However, only the Lord knows when, how and where each will disembark.
On Sunday, I heard a child preached, saying each of our journeys oftentimes present pot holes, red lights, zebra crossing, red routes, the sleeping police, speed cameras and green lights just to mention only few.
Significantly, these warnings serves as deterrents against pure nonchalance when it comes to exercising our freedom to live, drive, walk, fly or sail in life.
In like manner, we have all versions of these warnings in our daily routines, representing various challenges that we must pass through before reaching our destinations. The destination here being the Kingdom of God.
Our fore parents in the name of Adam and Eve severed direct fellowship with God in the Book of Genesis. From that time on men must toil to gain any advantage in life. Even then, they must operate within the Grace Factor. And the Grace Factor determines the level of reward meted out, taking into consideration the perils of this world.
What then are you depositing in your Grace Pots? Filth, representing uncharitable conducts? Or righteous leading to His Kingdom Hall?
As we checked into Your Presence today, continue to lead us away from all worldly troubles in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
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