Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Friday 19 January 2024

20th January 2024

Checking into Gods Presence... 

Welcome to another sunrise which the Lord has kindly delivered to everyone kept alive through His Grace today. However, do you believe God has reasons for keeping His Covenant through the rise and fall of the sun? 

Let me therefore assure you that the most important of them all is to offer each of us the opportunity to rise and shine where we may have fallen before Him the day before. The ardent failure on our part is our inability to desist from offering sacrifice of unrighteousness on a daily basis. 

We continuously sin and often sin more in order to cover up earlier mistakes. Now that there is another sunrise, would you continue in the same manner? Are you ready to begin anew and start to offer offerings of love, humbleness, worship, penitence, praise, and prayers which are holy and acceptable to God? 

Time indeed is of the essence but just how many of His sunrises do you think you will be able to count? May the power of God give us the strength to present before His Grace offerings that are righteous and acceptable in Jesus  Mighty name. Amen


Just checking into His Presence...

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