Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday 5 March 2020

3rd March 2020

Checking into God’s Presence... For as long as the night will roll into a new dawn, there will always be a new day to celebrate to those who the Lord decides to keep. There is something unique about the Lord we serve; He is always full of surprises to those who wait patiently for His promises. Are you in a rush? Do you question His abilities? Are you considered as someone with no hope? Please note, with God there are no limitations. Often He comes in different guises to confuse your enemies. Your stories will change just like Joseph in Genesis 37. Today l pray that all limitations in our journeys will cease from and we will begin to experience His fullness according to His riches in heaven in Jesus Name. Amen Just checking into His Presence...

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