Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...
Friday, 15 February 2019
Warning against factions (1 Corinthians 3:1-9)
It is often common amongst Christians who listen to preachers to prefer one to another. If preachers are not careful, they can be carried away by the accolade they receive from listeners especially from those that have selfish ambitions. Let us look at a warning in Romans 16:17-18 –
“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”
Easily, factions can be created from situations similar to what happened between Paul and Apollo. When factions are created, positions are created and those with selfish ambitions will have opportunities. Selfish people often find it difficult to relinquish position or authority. Hence, division is always protracted.
Both Paul and Apollo were inspired preachers who furthered the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In 1 Corinthians 3:11, Paul made them to understand that his message and that of Apollo were based on the teachings of Christ. That is: “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” He explained in verses 5-6 that both Apollo and he are servants and each with his own task; he planted and Apollo watered.
“Who then is Paul, and who is Apollo, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? 6 I have planted, Apollo watered; but God gave the increase.” In other to make Apollo and himself less important, Paul gave the credit of their works to God (verse 8: “So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.”). It was important to do this as people were declaring support for either Paul or Apollo or making comparison between Paul and Apollo to determine the better of the two. There are situations like this in churches all over the world. If it is not happening now, it is has happened before. The best way of dealing with it is to give the credit of the work to Christ who laid a foundation that no one else could lay. What we should be concerned about is how we build upon the foundation; preparing people for the coming of Christ or death, which today, comes without warning.
When Peter objected to Jesus’ statement about going to Jerusalem to die, I believe that he unwittingly spoke for the devil. From the time John the Baptist declared Christ to be “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (Jn. 1:29), Satan tried to keep our Lord from going to the cross. In the wilderness temptation, he suggested that Jesus take the kingdoms of the world without the ordeal of Calvary. He incited the Jewish leaders to hate Christ, hoping they might kill Him by stoning. When these attempts failed, he switched tactics. He induced Peter to speak against God’s plan, and he “entered” Judas (John. 13:27). He prompted Peter’s denials of Jesus, the cowardice of the apostles, the brutality of the soldiers, and the heartlessness of the mob. Through all of this he hoped to convince Jesus that mankind wasn’t worth dying for.
Satan lost that battle, but he continues to fight. He does all he can to hinder the spread of the gospel. He even uses religions that promote salvation by works and rituals. Despite his efforts, thousands are being saved through faith in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. They can joyfully sing, “Hallelujah for the Cross,” because the cross and the empty tomb spelled Satan’s ultimate defeat.
Ultimately, spiritual growth requires faithfulness to God’s Word. If applied we should eschew hindrances that can cause factions such as, disobedience, lack of love, strife and lewd conduct. In 1 Corinthians 12:2, Paul outlined three basic principles for the fruits of the spirit that can eradicate factions in any Christian assembly. These are the principle of being in control. Unlike what happen in the occultist world, the power of the Holy Spirit moves supernaturally and does not affect people bizarrely. 2. All manifestation of the Holy Spirit will always line up with the word of God and will always glorify Jesus. 3. The main purpose of the Holy Spirit is to set people free bring them closer to Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Holy Spirit will always frown at anything that can cause rancour or division within the families of God.
On the other hand, rather than engage in the habit that can bring factions to any Assembly of God, Paul teaches us that even in diversity there can be unity. In 1 Corinthians 12:4, we are assured that God given His people spiritual gifts which He wants them to know how to operate effectively. This is a perquisite for the modern day reality lest we not be drawn into camps that can cause discord. It is the only way that can ensure spiritual growth, eliminate the power of darkness and by so doing bringing people unto Christ, saving them and elimination the risk of division by delivering Christ message which can only help to teach people how to use their gift responsibly and maturely too.
Also in Genesis 37:3, we learnt how faction between Jacobs twelve son’s also helped to propel Joseph to the destiny God had pre-planned for him. It means if we remain faithful to God’s vision, we can be assured of finding favour in His sight. We can suffer the temptation to believe that is by drawing factions that we can only achieve the destiny that the Lord has for us. This would not augur well for our Christian creed which encourages us to trust in the Lord’s simple providence (Romans 8:28) which confirms that He works all things together for our good a we continue to be faithful and obedient to Him in love to our neighbours and obedience to His will and purposes.
Father we thank you for this very rare opportunity, may your grace continue to live with us now and for evermore. Amen
Just Checking into His Presence...
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