Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday 24 March 2016

March 8

Testimony Time:-Still on the general reflections to the true essence of the Passion Week. If all Christians can take the trouble to observe the whole Lenten Season at all; indirectly they are renouncing Satan's bid to recruit members away from worshiping God. Each participants would have considered the thin line which separates God from the Devil before taken the trouble to fast and observe all religious rites for the Passion Week. You Most certainly, there are laws guiding these simple practices as with other things in life. Keeping those laws would in the first instance determine if truly you are taking part in the religious acts that surrounds the Passion Week. Laws on the other hand gives birth to bondages; although those who finds themselves within the myth of any bondages often finds it hard to agree that they are the architect of their own misfortune. That singular act alone gives birth to some kind of mysteries and leads to how Christians now find themselves falling into different types of temptation. Also, Satan becomes empowered to seats at the forefront; and the willingness to gullibly fall for his tactics clearly confers his emblem of discipleship upon such individual. In Luke 4:8, Jesus showed His passion to honour His Father in heaven despite the Devil's temptation. "And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." Just how many times have genuine Christians finds themselves faced with diverse temptations? You can always live according to your own imaginations; really you don't need to observe and keep any laws. In fact and for all I care, you can hide behind some backgrounds and continue to misbehave in His presence; what you give birth to will always come from the flesh leading to severe bondages which you may not admit. Have you considered Galatians 4:19-27? "Oh, my dear children! I feel as if I’m going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives. 20 I wish I were with you right now so I could change my tone. But at this distance I don’t know how else to help you. 21 Tell me, you who want to live under the law, do you know what the law actually says? 22 The Scriptures say that Abraham had two sons, one from his slave wife and one from his freeborn wife. 23 The son of the slave wife was born in a human attempt to bring about the fulfillment of God’s promise. But the son of the freeborn wife was born as God’s own fulfillment of his promise. 24 These two women serve as an illustration of God’s two covenants. The first woman, Hagar, represents Mount Sinai where people received the law that enslaved them. 25 And now Jerusalem is just like Mount Sinai in Arabia, because she and her children live in slavery to the law. 26 But the other woman, Sarah, represents the heavenly Jerusalem. She is the free woman, and she is our mother. 27 As Isaiah said, “Rejoice, O childless woman, you who have never given birth! Break into a joyful shout, you who have never been in labor! For the desolate woman now has more children than the woman who lives with her husband!” Teach us Your Word Father and give us the wisdom to live away from every sinful acts so we can enjoy Your freedom according to Your riches and glory. Amen Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk Just Checking into His Presence...

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