Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday 3 March 2016

February 26

Testimony Time:- ‘For the LORD does not see as man sees.’ (1 Samuel 16:7 NKJV). Copied from Evangelist Bowale Ogunmekan's Facebook page. The message touched me in many ways; in that many Christians have been endowed with lifetime changing opportunities which may have been rebuffed under so many guises. Let us read, we can only be blessed if we choose to- "Look again at that situation you don’t understand. Try to imagine Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus. She is about to give birth to the Son of God who will one day redeem the world. She needs a place to stay for the night. Someone has the opportunity of a lifetime! Sadly, the record reads, ‘There was no lodging available for them’ (Luke 2:7 NLT). Opportunity knocks; but the innkeepers were too busy to open the door and seize it! Look again at that seemingly hopeless situation. Imagine a boy in the crowd following Jesus. Can you see him in the corner? Look again. His lunch basket contains five loaves and two fishes - just enough to feed one person. Andrew asks Jesus, ‘What good is that with this huge crowd?’ (John 6:9 NLT). Yet when the Lord blessed it, it was more than enough to feed five thousand people. Like the song says: ‘Little is much when God is in it’’. Look again at that enemy who seems unchangeable. Saul of Tarsus is attacking you. Why? Because he hasn’t yet had his life-changing encounter with Jesus on the Damascus Road. God hasn’t revealed to him what He’s revealed to you, so he is passionate about the wrong things. Don’t counter-attack, and don’t give up on him. God’s about to do great things for him - and through him. Rarely are people as they first appear. Nobody has to stay the same as they are today. When God begins to work in their life, anybody you know can experience a 180-degree turnaround - sometimes within twenty-four hours." Have you been blessed? It is pertinent that you divorce your marriage with anger, pride, low self esteem and being locked with the past. It is a must to shun lies, rumour mongering, adultery, fornication, lasciviousness and all other vices so we can be married to Christ. Don't just be a church goer, be Christ lover and obliterate all forms of uncharitable conducts in our lives in favour of His Righteousness. Time is going, are you going to continue to live like Lot who did not value so much the presence and position of God in His life? Would you care to know that Lot compromised everything possible by living in Sodom where he should not have been seen or lived because the nation were considered ungodly by God? Noah on the other hand was a righteous man to the core and his relationship with God was very different; he lived in the Spirit, worked/walked in the Spirit, moved in/with the Spirit and lived within the Lord's victory. Now which side do you belong? Lord on this new day, give us the right spirit to work with You, the right attitude to claim from You and enough wisdom to know we cannot live without You in our lives and that You will continue to exist even when we cease to exist in Jesus name. Amen Just Checking into His Presence...

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