Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Wednesday 4 November 2015


Testimony Time:-Good morning friends. I am so touched by this message which I received today that I have to share. Please read, you will see it makes sense in the end- REMINDER!!! A match is 90 minutes A tv series is 60 minutes A movie is 180 minutes Morning devotion 10 minutes Sleeping forever Be smart to contemplate: 300 friends on whatsapp. 80 on the phone 50 friends in the neighbourhood. In times of need 1 Friend Funeral, family only In the grave, alone don't be surprised this is life. Verily, only your last day will benefit you. If you find dust on your white. Weep for yourself For whoever stopped reading bible For 3 days - Is called quitter NB: You are not forced to share. But as jesus says: Remind, for reminder benefits the believers Strange world: Vanity after vanity as storms. Death after death So and so died in car crash. Others from disease Others walking and fell dead All of them left life behind And we buried them Surely my day and your day will come. You who delay in sharing God's Word, for you are young Sorry, it's not written on the graveyard- FOR THE OLD ONLY Life is only 3 days long: Yesterday - Lived and never comes back Today - We live and wont last Tomorrow - we don't know where we will be. So greet. Forgive and be charitable For me, you and them will all leave... Oh God we ask you a good ending. Grant us heaven, Protect us from hell fire.....Ameen Brother/sister, if you grow up doing something you will die doing it and if you die doing something you will be resurrected doing it. If you read this post and you gained, it's reward... and if you share it, you spread it benefits. Interesting stuff: Streets - Busy Market - Busy Bank - Busy University - Busy Cafe - Busy Restaurant - Busy Stadium - Busy Girls -busy Guys - busy church - EMPTY My advice is ensure you read the HOLY BIBLE everyday even if it's a verse, and may God reward us abundantly Ameen. God sees you sharing it. Oh God bestows on us your bounties from where we don't expect. Amen! Wishing you all a highly blessed day and wonderful weekend too. Amen Just checking into His Presence...

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