Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 23 February 2015

We have a probe and heavenly probe.

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another season in His Presence.
Season unto season the Lord faithfully serves His own dutifully and the heavens declares His Glory. Excellent is His name and His Glory He had set above the heavens.
Please know that the Lord have ordained strength upon us today to be able to experience His faithfulness in His Presence but not without His probing.
No matter how much Grace you enjoy, alongside there is heavenly probing which we also enjoy and must be mindful of from time time.
Now you know, everyone is being probed constantly, how well do you stand and how much preparation are you giving?
God is God and He cannot be dethroned, we must therefore be weary of our conducts before Him who can enthrone and also dethrone without being dethroned.
Lord, into Your Hands we commit ourselves, give us the Spirit to be able to withstand Satan so that we will be forthright with Your Probing in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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