Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 23 February 2015

Another Cycle

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace, welcome to another cycle of the Glory of God.
Believe it or not, the world moves round and so also is everything that encompasses the world, these includes all Its Seasons.
We may have been chosen by God to outlive all these seasons, what we must cherish is that our body grows with the spent seasons bringing us nearer to the Seabird Call.
While we still have the grace to look forward to our unspent seasons, do consider your stewardship and your righteousness before Him. Are you a surface Christian or indeed nominal Muslims?
The irony of it is we know ourselves more than anyone what the answer is. Do note, God the Father who has the privilege to see into our innermost hearts can only watch when we fail to acknowledge His Supremacy into our lives.
Also, God can only work with us when and where we have chosen to be His. If you failed to belong to this Camp, you will have surrendered your identity willfully unto the camp of Satan where everything goes. As a result, being a dormant, or a surface and or a half baked Christian would therefore make sense in the camp you now found yourself.
Lord we beseech you to resuscitate all faith in you
that sleeps like a dormouse and connect us forcefully with your Spirit like you did unto Saul to become Paul. Make every season that we serve in Your Presence as Christians or Muslims to count in our favour. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

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