Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 3 November 2014

Where is the power?

A message worth sharing but also amended from a Christian Conference. Just to serve as your afternoon delight-
Where is The Power?
Acts 4:1-8 
When you are filled with the Holy Ghost you should have a desire to see people saved. If not, your filling is questionable.
John 16:14
The Holy Ghost isn't busy. The Holy Ghost isn't studying at the university. The Holy Spirit is not by word of mouth or using the ephemeral spirit.
You should not come to worship for others because of the spirit but rather because the Holy Spirit is inside you.
John 15:26
Why are you not a witness? The Holy Spirit inspires us to do this and that is why Elisha asked for the double portion of the spirit that was bestowed upon Elijah so He can become a witness unto the Ministry of Christ.
In the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the most neglected and also abused when many can claim they are led by the spirit when they are not. The bible says without the Spirit men are like an empty carcass and to lie under the guise of the spirit often leads to destruction in the end.
Romans 8:26
You are mastered by a stronger law when you get filled with the Holy Spirit.
When we compare ourselves to the New Testament church, we look like we are backsliding.
The bible says let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth.
The Holy Ghost is not an option or an accessory but a necessity.
You need a fresh filling of the Spirit everyday. Even before Jesus started the ministry, He went and got filled with the Holy Spirit.
Just wanting you all to check in into His Presence...

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