Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 3 November 2014

Trouble Shooting for Christ?

Testimony Time:-Good day to you all and welcome to another means of expressing what the Ministry of Jesus Christ entails.

Christ Ministries requires trouble shooters to assist in edifying His name by way of preaching, counselling, and charity and prophesy through His Grace.
Are you a divine trouble shooter putting out fires in Christ Ministries or one that causes fire in the House of God?

Life in itself is described as troublesome in Job 14:14. Do you still consummate trouble in your spiritual DNA with your soul hungry and thirsty without the fullness of Christ in them? Psalm 107: 4-5
In the Book of Genesis, God set out from the onset and described the differences between good and bad and the profits attached to them.

By the same token, I will advise you to be a divine trouble shooter for Christ, be a problem solver and not part of the problem.

Lord God of mercy, make us your own and allow us to work for the redemption of our souls in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

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