Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday 18 January 2016

January 17

The time is here, When reading makes meaning When hearing is an opportunity. When learning is no crime. When change is a choice. When writing is still a pleasure. And the race is still on. By every stroke of a chance We will enjoy what is ours Through our failings or otherwise Life can screw our choice to the full. Heaven would disclose its reign, The earth would pour what it had eaten And bleed the blood it had taken. The wind shall purge the dead When the heavens and its firmament Forced and ceases to exit. Surely, nothing can be hidden Not under the once shinning sun Reading, writing, listening Seeing and the power to choose Would never again Be of any pleasure. Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk Just checking into in presence...

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