Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
January 26
Testimony Time:-It was the greatness in Abraham that gave him the title of "father of monotheism". In what that can be described as the first 75 years of Abraham's life, people around him believed in and also practiced polytheism which allowed them to make themselves gods in every attributes of their lives. In other words, Abraham was the first among his kindred to move away from such practices. He was so endowed that God gave him the understanding to come to the realization that there is only one God who governs everything; even his childlessness. From then onward, that knowledge began to structure everything he did; Abraham then was able to experience God in a newer dimension.
As a result, Abraham was directed by God to move away from where everything was being governed by so many gods to a promised land that will understand the nature of His supremacy so that He too can fulfill covenant upon him; this was Canaan! (Genesis 12:1). And so in Genesis 17:1 "Abraham was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless".
Let me therefore reassure you that you are not a finished product until we return back to our Maker to give account of our stewardship whilst in this world. "For God will bring every deeds into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." (Ecclesiastes 12:14)
Let us therefore begin to look at those little songs/hymn, every church services, sermons/preaching, write ups and all other activities geared towards the proclamation of the Supremacy of God as methods being used by God to move us away from sins. It covers without us knowing challenges of all nature and the possibilities where our lives are being governed and monitored by ephemeral spirits. Not only that, it offers the opportunity to drink from the water of life which is in Christ Jesus. "But whoever drinks of the water I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give Him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."(John 4:14)
When we are therefore called to true worship and in any true Christian gathering; the expectations must be reliant on these principles:-
1. Believe in the word of God according to the Bible and nothing else.
2. set us apart from the evil kingdom
of the world-Romans 12:2
3. To link us with His mercy which is new everyday- Lamentations 3:23
4. To remind us to work before God like Abraham very righteously so that we can remain blameless.- Genesis 17:1
5. So that the constant Blood shed on Mount Calvary will not be in vain. This is against popular delusions that God’s wrath is not consistent with His goodness and the reason many now seek to banish it from their thoughts and the ability to
6. Offer and preach messages of peace with the purpose of winning souls for Christ.- Matthew 28:19 (just to mention a few)
Any gathering which prohibits the above or use the above as a smokescreen for any other illicit acts should know without saying that they are still being led by legion of gods and there is no Christ in them.
In Christ we profess and Christ we claim to know; let the Christ in us resonates the Son of God you are in Your name. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 25
Testimony Time:-The thought that shivers through me tonight reaffirms the purpose behind every daily occurrences; each has purposely been set up by God to link us with every broken covenant so we can always reclaim all unfulfilled promises from His throne of Grace.
Apostle Paul wrote- "Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. (Philippians 2:12)
Your daily presence therefore can serve two purposes; you can receive the grace set up therein (Lamentations 3: 23) and you can also be saved by living your life as per the word of God. (James 1:22)
How would you receive the day? For the purpose of being saved or just to receive the favors therein? You just cannot have one over the other, you either work to get both or you lose all and suffer the consequences.
In our hearts we draw close to you. Before every eyes, our feet closely run after you. In worship, we are somewhat closer to you. Let our spirit work close with Yours so that we will enjoy unbroken relationship and covenant with You. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 24
Testimony Time:-There can be absolute power in whatever we choose to control and or to dominate our lives. These attributes stem originally from what earns every individual enormous respect out of the ordinary things. However, and apart from the varying comforts derived from their dominance; If care is not taken what makes an individual so popular and relevant in life can also be misconstrued and used very wrongly even where ardent Christian eyes have been developed.
In such manner, Christian developments would have been so reduced to a level where satan's effort on their attributes can now be seen to be very dominant. Are you therefore popular because of your pet, wealth, ministry, beauty or other gifts such as prophecy? What of the skills attributable to some sports and the ability to speak and write well? Does that has any bearing on what intoxicates you with power and beauty you may not have tomorrow?
Quite naturally, many have been found to show more respect to all of the above mainly because of the fleeting comforts derived from each of the above gifts. Therefore "why should the living complain when punished for their sins? Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD. Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven, and say: “We have sinned and rebelled and you have not forgiven.“(Lamentations 39-41)
We pray to You Father, empower us so much that what gives us joy would also not be the reasons for our failures in Your presence. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 23
Testimony Time:-Ploughing truly? The business with God is determined by how true we are to His ways. Please note, God's plan for mankind is unchanged because we are truly His prized assets right from the beginning of creation. Genesis 1:32 confirms this theory-"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day". No wonder Christ was brought in immediately as a ransom after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.
Of all ailments, poverty of the mind is the most difficult affairs of men to deal with. But in relations to the plans of God towards every mankind, we can no longer claim to be poverty stricken both in His word and His truth.
I want to encourage you to begin to plough truly into the love of God from now; let people move away from showing more desires to love God through prayers, worship and kindness to neighbors only when they know they are going to die through one terminal illness or the other.
Talking about God's love, we need to go back to the story of creation to remind ourselves about how God has placed so much investment upon us; we beseech you O God to empower us so that we can give back meaningful returns to Your investment in us in Jesus name. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 22
Testimony Time:-Quotation for the day is from 2 Chronicle 7:14 which says "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land"
Are you called by God's name? Do you always humble yourself before men and in the presence of God? Have you been seeking the face of God righteously? Can you say categorically that you have eschewed and renounced every wicked ways in favor of the Ways of God?
If the answers to the above can be in the affirmative; know that your sins are forgiven and you shall receive answers to your prayers. Not only that, the Lord is ready to heal all diseases, comfort the brokenhearted, recover every lost glory, bring back fruitfulness and grant peace where there had trouble in Jesus name. Amen
And if for any reasons we have fallen short in any of the Lord's requirement, all is not lost! What the Lord wants from us while we still inhabit the fleshy nature is the desire to sin less and that may cannot make us to be sin free.
Now that we have come to understand that everyday belongs to You and so is our fleshy nature; give us the empowerment to seek Thy face and also the desire to sin less before Thee in Jesus name. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 21
Testimony Time:-.Psalm 119:160 states "The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever." From this verse alone, we can infer that the presence of today alone is enough to establish the truth in the word of God that His kingdom rules forever.
The truth in the word of God has been established even before the creation (Psalm 90:2); therefore going by John 8:32 which says-"then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" then means we can only be free from the world troubles if we believe in His everlasting reign by abiding by the truthfulness of His word.
God uses each day to remind us that the definition of His truthfulness relies so much on the fact that His Kingdom stands forever. His mercies maybe new everyday (Lamentation 3:23), the business with God is not just a one day affair but such that bears everlasting logo that requires the ability to seek, find and maintain His righteousness; great is His faithfulness.
However, even if we live for just one day, we still cannot deny the truth in His words. Christian can therefore choose to run daily with the truth in God's word or go running with the truth of the world; presumably these may be what the Children of God considers to be the truth by definition: ultimately, these are attributes which run contrary to His word and often leads to crisis.
Now that you know the truth which comes within the full glare of the presence of the day, let me assure you that it serves as a constant reminder of the Lord's greatness and those who cherish freedom from crisis will abide by its principles.
How then do you want to run your day so you can be free from all burdens? The truth is we need to make a wise choice now because we only live once. May His grace instill in us the truth in His word. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 20
Testimony Time:-In order for us to gain from the excavation of the mechanism of inheritance; Amos 5:4 says so much about the intention of the Lord for His children through the people of Israel which was "this is what the LORD says to Israel: "Seek Me and live!"
These words directed to the people of Israel in those days are still very peculiar to the Christians of today because of the level of forgetfulness and our sinful nature. Kings were raised, Prophets were raised and indeed leaders were also raised to mentor, direct and guide the Israelite often in the way of God; and constantly Israelite found themselves in the pit of mire sins and it does not matter how many times those kings/Prophets and leaders were changed to suit them.
In worship and because of sins, the Israelite always found themselves out of favor with God. Offerings were defiled, godly dressings re branded, fellowship given a new name and revival programs turned into a jamboree. Looking around today, the same principle applies to the system of worship now found with the newly tagged status of the born again Christians.
The Israelite found out there were no gain in searching areas where God used to meet with His own people but now have been defiled and corrupted. It was God's intention to bring them back to Him by enjoining them to Seek Him in rightful places so they can find Him.
Have you defiled your worship in any way? What of your place of worship and your mode of dressing? Do they match with the ordinances of God? Is your heart pure enough; enough for the spirit of God to reside?
The word of the Lord today is "seek me and find me", let us know that there is life in meeting with this requirement; otherwise there can be serious repercussions.
Empower us to seek you until we remain comfortable with your presence taking control of our lives. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
Monday, 18 January 2016
January 19
Testimony Time:-Be Christ Seasoning...
We were again once dead
As often and with grace,
He kept some alive.
As we greet this new dawn...
Christ is the reason
Behind our every season
We have to remember!
Our reasoning...
So committed...
To offer His Seasons,
Reasons for His birth, life and death
And above all, His Resurrection.
He came not because of just one day
He died not because of just one day
He was abused not because of just one day
And so, He also endured All, not because of just one day.
Then give Him all, not because of This One Day.
Christ is the reason behind every Season
Be His seasoning for all Season.
Today is another Season,
Choose to be Christ seasoning
Not just for this one day
But until we're called home.
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 18
Testimony Time:-It is not too late to praise the Lord and Christianity is not so much about being sinless but it transcends the ability and the desire to maintain a sinless life. Therefore, there are no uncommon trends in those who practice Christianity to concentrate so much in finding faults in others based on their beliefs and perception; when very inwardly, it can be ascertained that they are likely to sin very differently in some sorts.
However, the success stories often linked to this opinion could not deny deluge offenders from using "God's eyes" to assess and run amok every effort made by genuine Christians to stay on top of every attributes that constitute the acts of sinning.
As well as this, a Church primary duty is to assemble different categories of people under one canopy knowing that those people are likely to have varying degrees in deeds, purposes and in thoughts.
What therefore makes a good Christian is the ability to surrender their views in favor of those that resemble Christ who bore our guilt because "He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed."(1 Peter 2:24)
It goes without saying that no one can do Christ work for Him, so why do Christians need to practice self-righteousness to the detriment of the teachings of Christ? If we call ourselves Christians therefore, we must see ourselves as continuous learners in the field of Christ teachings and that should reflect in the way we respond and relate with each other.
Let your wisdom teach, let your Spirit lead and let your peace be certain upon us so we do not treat ourselves as miscreants; also in the Church of God Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
January 17
The time is here,
When reading makes meaning
When hearing is an opportunity.
When learning is no crime.
When change is a choice.
When writing is still a pleasure.
And the race is still on.
By every stroke of a chance
We will enjoy what is ours
Through our failings or otherwise
Life can screw our choice to the full.
Heaven would disclose its reign,
The earth would pour what it had eaten
And bleed the blood it had taken.
The wind shall purge the dead
When the heavens and its firmament
Forced and ceases to exit.
Surely, nothing can be hidden
Not under the once shinning sun
Reading, writing, listening
Seeing and the power to choose
Would never again
Be of any pleasure.
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just checking into in presence...
January 16
Testimony Time:-One way or the other, every Christian should be engulfed with preaching the good news of the finished work of Christ. This is a very serious business and it helps in keeping to the Great Commandment of Christ in Matthew 28:19 which says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".
Very clearly, this declaration is not about any mode of dressing and or the ability to speak good grammar. This assertion does not give any credence to any positions and gifts of any kind which includes prophecies, wealth and influence of any kind. Rather, it is the manner that those who call themselves Christians are able to use the name of Jesus Christ to lead people to Christ; in actions, speeches, dressing, preaching etc.
Using these perception, just how many people have you led to Christ by virtue of your preaching role? How many have you pulled from the jaws of Satan through the way you speak and dress? Are you really a true witness unto God's name, looking at your roles in the House of God?
If we must make heaven, then we need to practice consistency by using every gift God has given us to preach the good news of the finished work of Christ as confirmed in John 17:4-"I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do."
To God belongs all Glory, let the glory of Your completed Work transform our lives so that the Christian in us will not be at loggerheads to the Christ we serve. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 15
Testimony Time:-Galatians 5:19-25 describes the deeds of the flesh; let us face it, once we still live inside the flesh; temptations would come, challenges would always present themselves, doubts and fear will also set in. They will come naturally "just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned" Romans 5:12
In life, we shall always be faced with two decisions; one that sets us on the path of devotion to Christ and His teachings or the other which makes us react very emotionally to the circumstances of the world. Devotion to Christ teachings allows us to deal with life's issues according to God's Word. On the hand, when we react to every trials, tribulations and temptation emotionally, God's name is always removed from the equation as we flagrantly plunge into the unknown without the consideration of the love of Christ in our minds.
Things would change, bodies would change, desires and passions will change, friends would change and loved ones will sometimes fail you or desert you. And if they don't, occasions will come that death would spoil the joy. These are changes that can occur without our permission because the flesh system operates in every mankind.
God is the only constant equation because He will never change even though flesh will always be flesh! -"LORD do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed" (Malachi 3:6). The only way to overcome the intricacies of change is by adaptation; quite frankly we need Christ on our side to overcome the plausible changeable nature of man. I therefore say today that whosoever has given his/her life to Christ should have no problems if they walk, work and live by the Spirit. Otherwise, they are bound to find themselves overwhelmed by the burden of sin which is carried by the culpable sinful nature of flesh.
Whatever choice you make in the name of the "Christian in you"; albeit devotedly to His Word or emotionally to life's circumstances, be rest assured that the very outcome become yours very truly. Even at that, you can still call on God to the rescue because He will never change, He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19) and He will never change position." For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him" (Romans 6:9).
May the clamor for change upon all flesh today be that that will resurrect our love for You and rekindle our desires to walk according to Your taste in Jesus name. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 14
Testimony Time:-Google search engine describes fasting as "primarily a movement of willing abstinence or reduction from certain or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually a period of 24 hours, or a number of days"
Fasting is also a method used in religion and it enables participants to humble themselves before their God due to their willingness to abstain from food and water for a period of time.
In religion, those who fast believes the acts bring answers quicker in the area of their prayer requests to God. But can we successfully deny ourselves of some food and water in the name of fasting without first having the willingness to fast with our eyes, ears and generally the whole body?
What is the essence of fasting where are eyes, tongues and ears fall gullibly to disrepute and the stomach constantly yearns for food?
Can we honestly say we are fasting where the heart is lost in the maze and haze of what true fasting should be?
Do you honestly believe that you can fast without first going through the process of losing sleep all in the name of losing food?
Fast with your hearts, eyes and tongues and you will still have meaningful relationship with God. That alone can put someone on the same par with those people who did without food but have lazy eyes, ears and hearts in fulfilling all other Christian virtues.
In religion, you may fast for as long as you desire and still have little or no credence with the purpose for which such act is set up in the first place. Fasting therefore deals more with the position of the heart, eyes and ears and not the amount of days we can go without food.
Teach us Your ways Father and make them so simple to tread. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 13
Testimony Time:-Genuine Christian Ministries are not set up for the purpose of game shows and they should not be perceived as a place for different rehearsals. Attending any of them should not in anyway be a means to act as Christians, rather such gathering should aim towards showing results gained from the process of true worship and the believe that sets them in consonance to the rightful ownership to the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven.
What is your Ministry to you and what is it to the outside world? Do you still wrestle between the emblem of Christ ownership upon your Ministry and the desires of the flesh?
Ephesians 5:29 declares that "no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church". Know ye therefore that Christ sacrificed Himself for the sake of the Church; those who comes into relationship with Him through any of His Ministries must be ready to serve and worship Him with genuine desires. They must also love and honor Him, knowing they are dealing with the body of Christ when they present themselves before Him in their different Churches.
Churches therefore are not meant for actors and actresses. They do not represent boxing rings or avenues for fashion displays; neither should activities therein be seen and classified as where a beauty contest can be held. It cannot be a den for robbers, drunkards or set up as stages to hold plays which deviates from the purpose of a Christian worship. A church is a place where those who seek God can congregate as Christians for the purpose of seeking redemption for their sins and ultimately gaining salvation for their souls.
O Jesus we have promised to worship You until the end, do keep our souls and make them Yours in Jesus name. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 12
Testimony Time Teasers Tonight:-
Right views-to keep ourselves free of prejudice and superstition and to see the true nature of life.
Right thoughts-to turn our minds away from violence and hatred in this world.
Right speech-to refrain from harmful talk and use words wisely.
Right Conduct: To see that our deeds come from peace and goodwill.
Right livelihood-to try to earn our living in such a way that we avoid evil. e.g Karma-money can be created in an evil way-e.g drugs
Right energy-to use our energy to promote the overcoming ignorance and destructive desire.
Right mindfulness- to cherish a good mind-for all that we think and do have their roots in the mind.
Right meditation-to study and read the Bible and to practice them to the best of our ability.
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 11
Testimony Time:-Let us face it, white is white and black is black. In terms of measuring the day; there is a huge difference between the application of these colors within the presence of the day and what the night serves on our plates. However, both the day and the night rolls into each other without so much of a fuss.
How we then perceive righteousness can be strictly linked to the gradients by which our days are celebrated within the Christian race; white for holiness and black for unrighteousness. Obviously, many would prefer to adulterate both colors, mixing what is black to a make believe white. If the amount of unrighteousness people exhibits can be translated into labour on a building site, it is very certain that mansions can be built therefrom.
How much are Children of God willing to dowse the unrighteousness in them with holiness? And of what degree can we portray white as white when it comes to representing God in the beauty of His holiness? What gives you the drive? Living the truth or loving the truth?
There are things we can do though: to speak the truth to one another; to render in our gates judgments that are true and always make for peace; let each one of us put away falsehood and speak the truth with our neighbors, for we are members of one another.
LORD empower us to be able to sojourn in your tent, dwell on your holy hill, walk blamelessly in your sight, do what is right and speak truthfully in your presence and before our neighbors. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 10
Testimony Time:-Let us get out of being a child and begin to adopt the rights to the true ownership of the inheritance of heaven. Apart from the fact that only God can prove who we are within the genuineness of our Christian worship, those who chose to be called Christians can consider themselves free to chase after things that presumably are good. However, they must also note that not all good things are healthy and peaceful for the kind of relationship God requires from us.
It does not matter what formula you are using to portray yourself in the Christendom. This can either be as a Pastor, Shepherd, Prophet/ess, Deacon or other men and women of God who are of very high repute. Remember, God knows your works even though their filth can be hidden to other men of God within the Christian race. God has the privilege to see and know everything even before the thoughts are conceived.
There may be enough prove that we have listened to the Voice of God, albeit in many ways which should have attracted and affected the most adamant man; quite clearly too and by the same token; many have also refused to follow direct instructions from God which includes among other things-obedience to His Words and true worship.
Why then do we remain thirsty in the midst of plenty? Isaiah 55:1-3 says "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.
Brethren in Christ, coming to church like a Christian cannot give you enough strength to receive salvation. The only sure way to be revived, restored and established as one of the disciples of Christ is by following His precepts and not by leaning on our own understanding.
You know your work and what it's worth in the Kingdom race. A time is coming that no amendment can take place in the way we have lived our lives. Therefore, make every second count in God's favor; our salvation in heaven depends so much on it.
Lord we have come again, empower us to eat that which is good and let our souls delight itself in fatness. Incline Your ear and come unto us so that we can hear to make our soul live. Also remember Your everlasting covenant with us which is as sure as the mercies given unto David. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 09
Testimony Time:-The concept that God controls everything and that no one can do without Him remains poignant and undebatable. Many are still caught wondering why in spite of the preachings, teachings, encouragement and overwhelming display of His might in all His creation, this message has not sunk in yet.
Many are quick to claim they have heard about God and quite rightly they are still learning about Him. But do they really know about God? When you have met, learn and read about Him, it is important to treat Him as per His name because He is God who is faithful and can keep covenant unto many generations to come. The good news is, If you have Him, He can turn the heart of kings to favor you, no matter what!
Therefore, when God gives messages, instructions and prophecies, they are meant to strengthened each and everyone until the fulfillment of those messages. What happens in between the fulfillment determines who you are before Him. As time goes on, efforts should be made not to allow the potency of the message to wane even where tribulations comes in between the processes. You must remember that God is a covenant keeping God. Doubts and fear belongs to Satan whilst faith belongs to God.
All God wants from you is to trust in Him. You may not believe, God is able to do what He said concerning your life and we should not worry about what God has promised concerning our lives. There is always a clear evidence that God has delivered on them; only we must be very cheerful in order to receive them. Therefore, "trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house. Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me" (Micah 7:5-7).
Today, God is looking for witnesses for His Kingdom but first you have to believe in Him, trust in Him and also hope in faithfulness. Would you then give Him a chance so He can deliver on His promises? This is because "the Lord answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith" (Habakkuk 2:2-4)
Father, You are the only One who can see the end from the beginning; we do know that Your desire is to make us witnesses unto Your Holy name by the power of the conviction we have received by Your Spirit. Make us today witnesses unto Your Divine Status so that many can be brought to the Feet of Your Cross in Jesus name. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
January 08
Testimony Time Teasers Today:-(As shared by Akinduro Oluwatumininu)
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone.
We leave you a tradition with a future.
The tender loving care of human beings will never become obsolete.
People even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed and redeemed and redeemed.
Never throw out anybody.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
Your “good old days” are still ahead of you, may you have many of them. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
Just Checking into His Presence...
Thursday, 7 January 2016
January 07
Testimony Time:-Let us be courageous enough to welcome another day and also remember it's tenure is not permanent in nature. This is because as the time ticks the day also loses some ground; each and everyone are then forced to trade in some part of their lives, although the process may not be noticeable.
Apart from the love of God, there is no other thing which is constant in this world, not even the love we share between ourselves. If God then say love Me so we can get more love in return, why do we need to be confused about that? Why is it that we naturally run after things that will push us back to God in the first place and then make our conditions worse off.
God is love, He who loves himself must first love God and we can only love God by keeping His Rules. It follows that we shall be denouncing the love of God if we run after the mundane things of this world. Having good quality of love in our relationship with God also affects the quality of love we show in our relationships with other people.
Life itself may not be constant, but by letting the love of God flow through us to other people has infinite benefits. After death, the only thing one can take to heaven is the love we have for the people. And the only rewards we can have in heaven are for the times we have expressed true love to God through obedience to Him, and the times that we have allowed Him to express His love for others through us.
Therefore, love forms the key for everyday use and the very sound basis of life stems from the love of God. Living under the guidance of the true love of God directly obliterates crisis and seeking and finding true love of God also removes crisis.
Have you shown love to anyone lately and how resentful are you to the true love of God? "Because as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
May the love of God redeem us in Jesus name. Amen
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January 06 Describe the genuineness of the bible and explain why we can rely on it for guidance in faith and in practice.
Describe the genuineness of the bible and explain why we can rely on it for guidance in faith and in practice.
The Bible is all about God and His will for creation. It is a book written by about 40 authors at different intervals where God reveal Himself and also give information about Himself. It comprises of two books- Old and New Testament; however the Old Testament has 39 Books while the New Testament has 27 Books. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible portrays old and new Testimonies about God showing how Christ is God in flesh among His people using progressive revelation.
The progressive revelation built upon earlier prophecies in the Old Testament and a lot of it relates to the birth, life, miracles, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. These validates Jesus claim that indeed, He was the promised Christ as professed by the Bible.
Furthermore, the genuineness of the Bible and why we can rely on it for guidance in faith and practice is further strengthened in Isaiah 53. Here we are able to see Jesus as the true Messiah from the accounts and prophecies that had been recorded in relation to Him. It also answers the question why the Jews were looking for a Messiah in the Old Testament.
In the New Testament, the Bible helped to ascertain salvation in Christ Jesus Himself and on the other hand our beliefs is assured on the basis of how the Old Testament describes the sacrificial system given to the people of Israel to temporary cover their sins as against that which is permanent in Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 9:22, the reliance of our faith on the genuineness of the Bible is further heightened.
This is because the bounds of the covenants were illustrated. It remained one of the reasons that necessitated Christ death because it is necessary for blood to be shed so that we can all be made whole once again, through the redemption of our sins. In the Bible, we see the Revelation of the same righteous God, who condemns sin but also have the desire to bring to Himself a fallen human race through forgiveness and also through Christ’s atoning sacrifice.
In parts, we discover in both Testaments that the knowledge of the Scripture accepts our attitude towards the present and also the future. This means the more we know about what God has done in years past through the Old Testament, the greater the confidence we have about what He would do in the days ahead, through the coming of our Lord in the New Testament.
Hence, we can describe the Bible as a channel whereby people are taught, correct and also led to the way of God. It reveals the life of creations and also ends time judgement without leaving the beauty of heaven which has direct influence on our disposition in the society today (1 Corinthians 2:13)
As Christians, we can rely on the Bible’s guide for guidance in faith and practice because of its sufficiency. This is because we are able to relate with God instructions on some particular topic and answers are also given to those questions that may be unclear to us. One must mention that there is no means of man adding to the words of God but rather God can add more to those words He had already spoken.
These assurances show how authoritative the Bible is, it is a final authority and there is no higher authority because the messages it delivers are honest and very clear. (Romans 10)
It is however clear, that these messages are divinely given by inspiration and or revelation through the illumination of the Holy Spirit.
This attributes confirms God as the author of the Bible and it is very reliable in all its Testimonies which today, has proved to be pinnacles that Christians rely on in practice and in faith. In Hebrews 11, today’s Christians are taught how living by faith pleases God. There were holy men of God who believed vehemently in the words of God, as a result, they did things by faith, lived by faith and also spoke with faith. In obedience to the words of God, these men of God did some crazy things.
Noah carried out the instructions of the Lord to the letter. Without seeing God physically, he believed on God’s revelation to him that he should build an Ark that would save some of His creation from destruction, as He was about to destroy the world with water.
The message also encouraged Noah to evangelize the truth about this impending doom so that people can change their ways and come to God. So also Abraham, he abandoned the comfort of his home to follow that which the Lord had shown him through revelation, that he should leave his immediate family and go to a land that he would show him. The Bible also made us to think about Abraham telling people that Sarah, his wife would have a baby after 100 years. So also, our faith in the Bible is further strengthened by the way David told the entire army about how he was going to slay Goliath- a 9 foot giant.
Overall, the teachings depict the facts that as Christians we have to let go our lives completely to God by only acting according to His dictates. It reinforces the idea that in obeying the words of God, we must be able to take risk. We are also discouraged from putting time on the time that His Will should be carried out in our day to day activities.
These issues were also clarified by our Lord Jesus Christ in the Book of Mark 11:23 (“ whoever says unto the mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but believes those things which He says shall come to pass, he shall have whatever he says” ).
This was addressed by Christ Himself in Mark 11: 12-14. This is a great story where Jesus applied faith in cursing a tree and nothing happened until the next day. The next day, Peter notices the tree has died from the roots. The Bible message is however clear. We are taught to “have the faith of God” and not faith of man. This is because; man’s faith lies in his own strength and mind while God’s faith lies in the Word that comes out of His mouth which is revealed through inspiration in the Bible. Hence, the Bible is genuine and can be relied upon for guidance in our faith and practice owing to the challenges that face all Christians today which can sway them away from the directions of the Lord.
Therefore, we can rely on the Bible because we are encouraged as Christians to turn any challenge into land of opportunities through our faith. Faith pleases God and only faith can show Him how much we believe in Him and His Word. As Christians however, we are therefore guided by the Bible to speak by faith, act with faith (James 5:15), live with faith (Hebrews 11:6; Habakkuk 2:4) and walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7) and above all that we are saved by faith (Ephesians 2:8).
Conclusively, the whole essence of Christianity is borne out of the fact that God created us in Christ Jesus for good works that we should work in faith and through this, Christ Jesus which was once far off had been brought near to us by the blood of Christ that He shed for us through the same faith.
Consequently, he created a new man in us by making peace as a result, between us and the Lord through the cross that finally laid the enemy to death. Hence, our faith and practice as Christians cannot be explained without genuinely accepting the authenticity of the Bible. The Bible is inspired and from Genesis to Revelation, God divinely influenced the human authors of the Scriptures in such a way that what they wrote was the very word of God.
By and by, the Bible stands out among all other books and the Bible confirms this in 2 Timothy 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 2: 12-13. Therefore, we can conclude that because the Scriptures are the inspired Word of God, the Bible is inerrant and authoritative and act as a correct view of God which ultimately, will lead us to a correct view of His word in faith and practice. This is because we now see God as all knowing, all- powerful and also completely perfect. His instructions through His Word is assumed through faith to carry the same characteristics and therefore when people rely on them, there is that belief that we can be called adopted sons and daughters of the Lord who carry out His injunctions as Christ Himself has taught us. The Bible is so genuine that immensely, we can rely on it for guidance for our faith and practice.
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Monday, 4 January 2016
January 05 (And the Stories of once upon a time)
Testimony Time:-Once upon a time; Christ once lived and passed through this platform and on the same platform today, we are having another fantastic appearance in the presence of the Lord. Very soon however, all privileges of today will soon be known and classified as part of the stories of once upon a time. Pretty much like what happened to Christ some 2000 years ago.
The difference is: Christ death may have occurred through crucifixion and presumably, He may have been sent to His grave like someone who meant nothing to the world. Let me assure you that Christ real stories began when He resurrected from the dead and from then on, His reign in life and death has changed the face of the world.
This is the same Christ that King Herod tried to kill. "Herod was furious when he realized that the wise men had outwitted him. He sent soldiers to kill all the boys in and around Bethlehem who were two years old and under, based on the wise men's report of the star's first appearance" (Matthew 2:16). Very suddenly, the Man whose life was sought by Herod, whose work, miracles and ministry was rejected by many unbelievers has now become our Savior and the crucified had grown to be crowned The Redeemer of our time; as rightly prophesied by Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 9:6 once upon a time- "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
And so once upon a time, Christ birth, work, life and death links Him up to the prophecies of His humble beginnings. In like manner today, I want us to remember what links us to the stories of our humble beginning once upon a time. What was your first taste of love? You will remember you loved very righteously. How easy was it to make friends with someone? I am sure a lot of efforts were put in from both sides to make it work. In worship, we did so brightly and believed all that came from the pulpit, prophecies, including pleas from men and women of God to serve, obey and honor God; (-"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction."2 Timothy 4:2)
Above all, we took cognizance of the divine nature of the Bible and what the Book says -"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16)
Children not only obeyed their parents but also those who can make decisions and apportion discipline on their behalf. Husbands loved rigidly and respected their wives and wives were too faithful to break their vows to their husbands. Whatever happened in the process came as a result of following due process given to the word love; these may include where friends, families and the Church of God may have easily played their parts. Stories of once upon a time!
And once upon a time, events of today would also be recorded as stories of once upon a time. Largely because men and women who could not kill a fowl then flagrantly kill his/her own with passion. There were somethings you dare not do in public then; those things are bought gleefully and shown in public under different guises as kids watch on as pornography. Besides, many roam the streets nakedly without knowing; and sadly too some Shepherds, Pastors, Counselor are just like them. Once upon a time, they were the shining examples but now they actively build enough walls with no bridges to link them up with.
The gifts of prophecies have been seductively profaned. In its wake guess works have risen to a very tall order. Very gullibly too, Children of God who have sold their right of worship to Satan and his cohorts are easily bamboozled by their lies. Soon, it will all be recorded as stories of once upon a time.
If Christ stories can be attributed to someone who lived once upon a time, so also the story of our humble beginnings will be measured against what we are now. How many people have been killed with pens, knifes, tongues, prophecies, "word of God", deception, beauty, pride and so on; once upon a time. And how many have we genuinely brought to the throne of grace? Hebrew 4:12-13 encapsulates that "the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."
Therefore Lord we beseech you to give us the power to "let us make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience" Amen (Hebrew 4:11)
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January 04 and The Lessons from the HEN:
Testimony Time Teasers Today:- Lessons from the HEN: (Shared as forwarded)
1. She first lays enough eggs before sitting on them: GOOD PLANNING.
2. When she starts sitting on her eggs, she minimizes movement: DISCIPLINE.
3. She physically loses weight while sitting on her eggs due to decreased feeding: SACRIFICE and SELF DENIAL.
4. She can sit on eggs from another hen: INDISCRIMINATE and GENEROUS.
5. She sits on her eggs for 21 days, patiently waiting and even if they don't hatch she will still lay eggs again: FAITH, HOPE and COURAGE.
6. She detects unfertilized eggs and rolls them out: SENSITIVE and DISCERNING.
7. She abandons the rotten eggs and starts caring for the hatched chicks even if it is only one: WISE, CONSCIOUS and REALISTIC.
8. No one can touch her chick: PROTECTIVE LOVE.
9. She gathers all her Chicks together: UNITY of PURPOSE.
10. She doesn't abandon her chicks before they mature: MENTORING
Live your dreams, one day they shall hatch and you shall see them grow.
Let this start your resolution for 2016. Live long and prosper!
May the presence of today empowers and cause the covenant of God to be fulfilled in our lives in Jesus name. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
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Sunday, 3 January 2016
January 03
Testimony Time:-We are upon the third ladder in a year that was classified as new at first. Spiritually, it has been a bright start unto those who already have been convicted by His Spirit, confirming their status as sons and daughters of the Holy One. The ladder could also represent a pulsating start for many one time church goers who suddenly finds their feet in churches at the beginning of each year.
As much as we are very sure of going to sleep at night time and waking up on the other side of the night; we must know by now that each moment carries some possible death penalty treats; for those who care to pass through this world. However, "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31). And because no one can claim immunity on the power of death, do you also know that even in death "many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt." (Daniel 12:2)
Today is here already and you are very much in it. Very proudly, we can be hopeful about tomorrow too; only if it comes. Don't you know that puts some clout upon its existence before the day begins to live? So what are you doing about today in keeping to the ordinances of the Lord? Keep grudges, feel grumpy, renounce your commitment with the Lord or just stop living? Or maybe, you want to carry your beauty in your eyes, your achievements in your head and your pride in your tongue?
Just remember, any havoc however so caused today may stand irredeemable forever and that is because of the uncertainty of tomorrow. So, if you must soar, do so in the name of Jesus, also love and hate the Jesus way. (Matthew 5:1-48) Finally, live every moment as if your life depends on it because each moment carries some possible death penalty.
We are again in Your field oh Lord, let Your Word be permanently etched in our hearts so we can regain Your Peace which Thou created after The Garden of Eden. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
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January 02
Testimony Time:-The year and the day may be new and the night may have temporarily been overpowered by the administration of the day. This is a revolving cycle which offers a fresh start to everyone. Besides, it gives new hope and the chance to see God in the newness of His power. Quite frankly too, nothing is changed with the exception that we systematically grow old with the intermittent change of time, day, night and year. More often than not; when things are going well for us; we find it so hard to put ourselves in the situation that thinks more of our last day in the world.
Otherwise, why is it that everyone wants to end up in heaven but no one wants to die? This concept again overrides the most popular belief which suggests our tenure in heaven is eternal when compared to the very short passage of time we call life on earth. This means no one is guaranteed to live for ever on earth and consequently too, no one can add an ounce to his/her duration of time in this world because "our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself." (Philippians 3:20-21)
If that should be the case, why would men fail to prepare their hearts daily to meet with their God as if each day is their last? It does not matter how long we live in this world, let me assure you that heaven is certain and it's reality can come at any time. Don't let us be carried away with the rise and fall of the sun, the day, the night and the year as we gleefully celebrate the presence of another year. Unless we begin to add value to our lives by obeying the Word of God, we will be leading a life which has no bearing to the Christendom. And that attributes alone can spell doom in a manner that transcends the earth and even right through to heaven.
Their is a saying that goes; "when it is time it is time. Period! It has no guarantee but we can plan towards it if we are prepared to spend each day rightly and fully in the presence of the Lord. It is not untrue that we may not be able to claim absolute righteousness in the Kingdom race, however; our desires can be to sin less in the face of overwhelming temptations.
It is another year Father where you have made everything new again, create in us a clean heart so that we can be reformed to live a Christlike life in Jesus name. Amen
Http://testimony-times.blogspot.co.uk http://timetoreachmyheart.blogspot.co.uk
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January 01
Testimony Time:- What are the main differences between Pastoral Care, the Healing Ministry and Christian Counseling and what are the basic principles that should underlie Christian Counseling?
Pastoral care stems from the need of a shepherd to care for the sheep by ensuring they are fed through the duty of care. The duty of the Pastor does not stop there because it also involves the need to allow their dependence on his/her care during the time of trouble. His /her goal would be to place value on the flocks through care and where need be, to restore their body either by preventative and or prescriptive method so that they can be nurtured back fully into healthy functioning disciples.
The laws established by God to govern human nature are flagrantly transgressed. As a result, sins set in and dependence on God’s attributes falls low. Life loses value as sickness sets in due to ill health. People also die young. Every Christian Ministry operates in the world that is viewed as sick to offer every hand that seeks relief succor in the area of the physical and Spiritual essence. The Healing Ministry in any Christian assembly therefore operates under this umbrella.
Christian Counselling offers advice and encouragement based on the Words of God in an attempt to repair the present. The Counselors often needs to probe the past before meaningful advice can be given with regards to setting goals, resolving conflicts and also to explore the effects of psychological problems on any part of an individual. Mainly, their jobs also include restoring and resolving disputes between people.
Although, these attributes are similar and also interwoven by nature. In Christian Counselling, there are some basic principles that are necessary for their success. Prominent among them are the need to know the overall process of salvation as it is carried out by the chief counselor which is the Holy Spirit. This will enable the client/counselor to deal with the complex nature that some cases may bring from time to time. The Bible offers so much insight as to how to go about it using just one Personality in the Bible in the name Jesus Christ.
The root cause of the difficulty must also be identified in order to assist the client to overcome the issues with faith. This is because all counselling needs can be traced to some basic requirements such as need for love, security and the problems associated with low self- worth. The person also need to be taught about how to grow in his personal relationship with Christ and build faith that points to the fact that with God’s help, the problem has been overcome. Not only that, the client must be encouraged to take responsibility for his actions without blaming others for his/her low esteem or by simply reacting to what they do. Everything should be put into the care of God without murmuring.
The client must also be assisted by taking the act of faith further by receiving the empowerment of the Holy Spirit through baptism because such move helped the disciples to effectively move into the supernatural realm and trust God beyond anything they are yet to experience. This was after they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:4) Faith is required to be baptized by the Holy Spirit and the client must first of all be convinced in his own mind before this can be achieved.
Above all, it is common that most client come into therapy totally caught up with the problems of this world like fear, abuse, addiction, rape, depression to mention but a few. They are to be taught the Biblical principles to overcome these problems.
Specifically, it must be mentioned that it is impossible to overcome the lies of this world and the problems associated with it using his /her flesh or imagination. The needs of the client must be ascertained because without this step, a long time resolution cannot be assured because this same problem can re-assert themselves in another form. We have seen cases of addicts changing from one form of addition to the other because the root cause of the addition has not been diagnosed from the beginning; as a result, it makes eradication very impossible.
However, all these stronghold of Satan can be replaced with the eternal truth of the Lord Almighty through prayers. More importantly, as Counselors, you need to have undergone counselling skills to be able to offer any assistance in this regard lest issues become more complicated. By and by, as counselors, you are not immune from receiving counselling as well because oftentimes, the job itself can throw issues that may require help in certain areas to the Counselors.
Aspects of Biblical Counselling- Tim Wilkinson
Holy Bible- King James Version
Faith Therapy by Dr Reiner
Christian Counselling- Ellen G. White Publications
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December 31
Testimony Time:-And so the empowerment given to the year 2015 finally draws to a close in just few hours. From the ensuing darkness, the current year will be impregnated by the divine light which will ultimately ushers in a brand new year. We may be privileged to call it any name but let us remember that it is still the same world and the activities therein are very much like the market operations.
And so again, every individuals gets thrown into different kind of signals intermittently; what makes life therefore is the way responses are recorded against such unavoidable signals. Beloved, let us be mindful that God's Word override every signals we may likely receive; whether positively or negatively.
The Word however has rules of engagement;,and this stems from obedience and believe in every of His Word.You may not know that this same Word gives Christians authorities and its activation emanates from the same Word. But as simple as the Word is, there are prerequisites that must be observed. In that God will not share His glory with any one; for the power of God to be active, Christians must have compelling ambition to worship Him wholeheartedly as suggested in Deuteronomy 6:5- "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might"
Today is another day to reaffirm your desire to worship God wholeheartedly. We must also note that we may not be able to deal with the issues of sin permanently; what we can do is to aspire to sinless in every encounter so that we can activate the power behind the Glory of God. And so shall it be for us this new year in Jesus name. Amen
Wishing you the best that life has on offer today and always. Happy new year and may we also receive from God according to our needs in Jesus name. Amen
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