Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday 20 August 2015

The history in everyday

Testimony Time:-Good day to my fellow Christians and welcome to the history of another day. Time flies and a lot goes in its wake. The interesting thing is we are all part of what makes the history of time. Very sadly though, we may have also witnessed the sour nature in time history as caused by people like us. They have become armchair critics in various camps, sending/putting forward different ideas that they think can serve as the best option to the orthodox ways of doing things. What are the state of affairs now that you have been put in charge? Are they getting any better? Would your efforts have been better served in a supporting role than actually being in charge? Do you need to pull him/her down to achieve your goals in the history of time? It is another history made today. Where will the pendulum swings, to the left, to cripple the standards of God? Or to the right, to maintain the ordinances of Gods righteousness in us? Father, we beseech you to look on this day in the history of time. Please support us so we can leave peaceful marks upon the sands of time in Jesus name. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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