Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Thursday 4 June 2015

Intricacies in the Power of God and the mysteries of Satan

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Mercy as I welcome you to the birth of another day where God is the Father. It is a great thing to be associated with the Father and the Son Jesus Christ (1 John 3:1). But also note that we need the Holy Spirit to act as a Comforter in times of trials and tribulations and to be able to decipher between the antics of Satan as he tries to intertwine between our lives and the Intended covenant of God upon each and everyone (Jeremiah 29:11). Without the Holy Spirit therefore, it is hard to understand the intricacies between the plots of Satan and the mysteries of God? very seemingly, they can both be alike unless the Spirit of God is resident in one. The stories of Job in Job chapter 2-40 and that of Joseph in Genesis 37-50 bears severe analysis to the above when we compare them to Saul's inability to continue in the way of God whilst David on the other hand had already become enthralled with the Holy Spirit. Saul's life continue to falter, he began to run after the mundane things of the world (1 Samuel 18:6) because of his constant rebellion to God ordinances. To make up for the shortfall in the Spirit of God, Saul started to seek power using illicit means. Even at this level, Saul was still deceitful as he spoke with the dead because the Holy Spirit had already deserted him (1 Samuel 16:14). Today friends, can you fathom answers to things of the Spirit? Have you got enough Spirit in your tank to understand the mysteries of God when it comes to challenges, either from Satanic influences or otherwise? Joseph, Job and David's lives are great examples of how we should allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit while Saul's life should remind us about how easy one can be led away from the sanity of the Holy Spirit. Without Your Spirit O Lord, we are prone to become preys to Satan and his antics, let Your Holiness empower us to such an extent that we will not fail before Thee in Jesus name. Amen Just checking in into His Presence...

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