Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Direct/indirect summons of God
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Grace and welcome to another renewal of the Day through the Grace of God.
There are two ways that God uses to attract those He wants to His Kingdom. It can be a direct approach, just like He did to Samuel in 1 Samuel 3:1-18 or like Moses in the burning bush in Exodus 3:1-4:17.
God can choose to call people through men, like He did to David through Samuel in 1 Samuel 16: 1-13. And it does not matter how, when, why and who is called. What matters most is that every call is sovereign and recognized by God.
Each day that is born therefore becomes a banner that summons and also reminds us of the Lord's calling upon us and the need to worship and serve Him faithfully.
Do you remember your calling? Have you been called directly or indirectly by God? How do you operate within the sovereignty of your calling? Are you bringing people to Christ according Matthew 28:19 or you represent a caricature of what Christ truly represent?
Today is another reminder, summoning you to God's presence. You may pretend not to know or you may have simply forgotten. Let me quickly remind you that God is in it without any iota of doubt.
Samuel was called and was very successful in his calling. Today, whether you have called us directly or indirectly, let your Grace direct our footprints mainly towards the fruits of the Spirit so that we can have a share in your Kingdom. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The new look of God in the church.
Testimony Time:-Good afternoon and welcome to His Grace. Today's message is still very on time because God must have a purpose for the short delay.
As I wanted to begin to write, my very good friend shared a message that I also felt should be broadcasted, using the Testimony Time platform. Please read...
"Lot of Christians like to take God’s abundant grace for granted, being that he is very merciful.
These days a lot of people conduct themselves in offensive manners in church. Some engage in activities that are both distracting and very annoying. Some do things they wouldn’t try in their offices.
Below are some offensive things some people do in church. Sure, you would find one or more you are guilty of.
1. Constantly looking at your wristwatch to check time: Most people are guilty of this. Once the sermon is getting too long, they begin to take glances at the wristwatch, praying the service would come to an end quickly.
READ ALSO: The Church Is Leading You To Hell – Etcetera
2. Chewing gums: Have you ever sat near someone in church who is chewing gum like a cow chewing cud? You know how annoying that can be. Some even go as far as making silly sounds and blowing bubbles.
Top 15 'Offences' Christians Commit In Church
3. Receiving calls, pinging and texting: As if it’s not bad enough that your rings out during service, you will now go ahead to pick the call. You see some people pinging and texting during service. This is just so wrong. Would you be pinging if your boss was talking to you? God deserves more respect.
4. Flirting with a cute brother or sister: Some people’s purpose of going to church is to get ‘hooked’. You see some brothers and sisters giving each other flirty glances in church when they are supposed to be concentrating on the word of God.
5. Wearing party clothes to church: There are clothes meant for church. You shouldn’t wear your skimpy and revealing clothes to church. Just because the church allows you the freedom to be comfortable doesn’t mean you have to take it for granted.
Top 15 'Offences' Christians Commit In Church
6. Passing notes back and forth: It is not nice to be passing love notes during service.
READ ALSO: “It Is Well” – The Absurdity Of Nigerian Churches
7. Taking pictures during service: This applies to mostly the ladies. They are the ones who like to take photos of peoples outfit and hairstyles for fun or because they also want to make that style.
8. Sleeping and snoring during sermons: It’s funny when you spot people sleeping, snoring and falling over their neighbours. You might be tired and all but try and keep your eyes open. Its just for a little while and you will be in your bed.
9. Coming late: Some people are in the habit of coming to church when the sermon is about to start or half way into the service. Some give the excuse of not being able to get their children ready on time. During school days, how do you manage to get them to school before 8a.m.? If you can get them to school early and if you can get to your place of work early, you can also get to church early.
10. Gisting during service: Most people engage in silly chit-chats while the service is going on, not paying attention to to the pastor and end up missing out.
11. Keeping your eyes open during prayers to watch how others are praying: Close your eyes and pray your own so that your miracle doesn’t pass you by. Stop watching others.
12. Public display of affection: We understand you love your spouse a lot but can you keep the petting till you are out of the church. It could be distracting to those around you.
13. Reading novels: Growing up, I used to do this a lot. I would hide the novel in between my bible and read like i was preparing for an exam.
READ ALSO: Check Out These 10 Biblical Names That Are Forbidden In Nigeria
14. Jotting the pastor or speaker’s grammatical errors: Some people do this to keep themselves busy. Instead of listening to get the message, they pay attention to get all the errors the pastor will make.
15. Getting distracted and thinking of that joint or restaurant you will be visiting after church or how you had fun the previous day.
Would you blow bubbles or make noise with your gum if you were standing in a court of law, and in front of a judge? Would you pick you’re your calls when your boss is talking to you? If your answer is no, then you shouldn’t do it in God’s presence. God deserves RESPECT and HONOR above these two examples.
Spit out your gum, turn off your cell phone, check that you’re appropriately dressed and make the most of the precious little time you have to spend in the presence of God.
Which ones are you guilty of?
None of them
Some of them or
All of them?
We look unto you God, we beseech you to let our attributes display Your Character in us always so that we can have a place with You in Your Kingdom. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
It is a new day, but at a cost.
Testimony Time:-Good morning to all friends in the Household of God and welcome to a New Harvest.
2 Corinthians 4:1 Confirms that "seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;". Therefore, let it be known today that the flesh may have a new Grace to live, but this is not without loosing some time in the Presence of the Lord.
As a result, the daily premium paid to us has a lot to do with our souls which must be decorated with fruits of the Spirit. By so doing, it surfers no effects in relation to time, because at the appointed time, our souls will be harvested when the value of all flesh are jettisoned.
Today, as we enjoy the new Harvest, do not work so much on things of the flesh. Over adornment of all flesh often causes distraction in the end. Hebrew 3:4 suggests, although there are many builders, but it is God that builds all things.
Are your ready for Him to build your house and indeed your pursuits for you? Please remember "if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land" Isaiah 1:19
As we have received His New Mercy today, may this Special Grace keep us on the path of righteousness so we can eat the goodness of the land. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Testimony Time Today:-Good afternoon friends and welcome to a new life in the Presence of the Lord.
There are lessons to be learnt from the following story. Reading to the end can make someone cry or simply have a serious rethink on how we jump to conclusions on many issues.
Please read the message as shared by my brother.
Dave and Clara have been
married 4 over nine years
without children. They
stayed with each other
and hoped that they will
have a child before their
10th year of marriage
because they were being
persuaded by family and
some friends to get a
divorce but they couldn’t
let go because of the love
between them.
Months passed...by and
while Dave was returning
from work one day, he
saw his wife walking down
the road with a man and
they looked happy.
Another evening, while
Dave was coming back
from work, he saw the
same man drop her off at
the house. Dave became
angry and sad.
Two days
later, after a hectic day at
work, Dave was taking
water with a glass jug
when the phone rang. He
picked it up and the
person said ‘hello dear, I’ll
be coming to your house
this evening to see you as
promised. I hope .....’’
and then Dave hung up the
It was a male
voice. He was sure the
person was the man he
had seen with his wife. He
suddenly became shaky
with this thought, ‘’Have i
lost my wife to another
man?’’ At that point, the
glass jug fell from his
hand and shattered into
Then Clara came running
into the room asking, ‘’Is
everything okay?’’ In anger
he gave his wife a push
and she fell. She wasn’t
moving or getting up.
Dave then realised that
she fell where he broke
the glass jug and a large
piece of glass has pierced
her. He felt her breath,
pulse and heartbeat but
there she lay lifeless. His
wife was dead.
In total
confusion, he saw an
envelope in her hand. He
took it, opened it and was
shocked by its content. It
was a letter and it reads:
‘’ My loving husband,
words cannot express
how I feel, so i had to
write it down. I have been
going to see a doctor for
over a week and wanted
to be sure before I give
you the news. The doctor
confirmed it that I am
pregnant with a twin and
our babies are due in 7
months from now.
doctor also happen to be
my long lost brother
whom I lost contact with
after our marriage. He
has promised to take care
of me and our babies and
give us the best without
collecting a dime.
He also
promised to have dinner
with us today. Thanks to
you for standing by
me...... your loving wife.
As the letter fell from
Dave’s hand, there was a
knock at the door and it
was the same man he had
seen with his wife... and
he said ......’’ hello Dave, I
suppose am right, am
Max, your wife’s
brother.....’’And suddenly
he noticed his sister in the
pool of her blood .... he
rushed her to his hospital
but it was too late, his
sister, Dave’s wife was
gone and so were the
In our relationships,
which include our
marriage, we should not
be too quick in reacting
when we haven’t
questioned our partner or
spouse on what we saw
or heard about them.
Communication, Trust and
Patience are rare gifts we
can bring to our
Not everything we see or
hear or believe is right
about them.
And to everyman or woman, I pray that patience will have her perfect way in you and you will want nothing because patience is that great virtue you need to make it in life.
We look up to You God, to guide and also nurture us with Your Spirit. Let our inner thoughts serve to preserve our outer bodies from falling into any kind of tribulations. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Thursday, 4 June 2015
The genuine love of God or Microwave affair with God?
Testimony Time:-Most assuredly, it is another good morning to everyone and welcome to a new glory in the Lord.
As good as today might be it is certain many can still be very surprised to be a living witness of this grace. This is because such person have clearly written him/herself off, simply because of the tribulations of this world.
Wondering how many can choose to fall for everything, contrary to the description given us in Romans 8:37. We have been described as conquerors because Christ who loved us purged our sins in the process but now, He seats in judgement at the right hand of His Majesty. (Hebrew 1:3)
Why do you run down yourself? What is fear when you are described as a conqueror? If you are indeed a conqueror, most certainly you must be able to stand against the wiles of Satan and the fiery darts of the enemies.
Let me assure you that the only weapon that separates us from His love is the "microwave love" we choose to have with our Maker. We choose when, how and where to worship Him to our detriment. The repercussions are great and often reduce valiant in His Grace to villain in crisis.
Today, the Love of Christ for us still stand, it is immovable, unflinching and dependable. Therefore, stop building your love with Him on microwave affair. Every house is built by someone but He who built all things is God. (Hebrews 3:4)
We want You Lord, to rebuild us today and destroy all structures in us that has nothing to do with your name in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The time timing
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another time within the Lord's testimonies.
We may be puzzled that as much as we are operating within time in itself, there doesn't seem to be enough time lying around. And no matter how well we chase time, it has always proven to be as fleeting like a stolen glance. When we time time therefore, it will always show the sign of never enough because some things will always be left undone.
There is a Man that operates outside the perimeters of time. He has all time at His disposal and He is free to do as He pleases and His name is God.
Why then do we put our efforts on the mundane things of this world and not on the Lord who is never late.
Today, I encourage you to run your time within the time and the limits of God and you will be granted assurances of the way leading to your blessings.
I pray that as we operate within the time of the Lord, we will achieve everlasting peace in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Keeping the kingdom race anew
Testimony Time:-Good morning friends and welcome to another brand new day within a totally new month.
To survive within His Grace, we have to keep our pursuits in His Kingdom anew. Our thoughts must be so constantly refreshed in Him who created us and so also is our desire to seek and to serve Him.
Satan lurks and prowls, waiting for any act of complacency. The Children of God must be on their guard, keeping their faith in Him fresh and perfect without loosing their guard.
May we all have the courage to withstand all satanic tricks that the devil may want to use to draw us away from His Presence. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
It is for your good
Testimony Time:-A very good morning to you all and welcome to another Lord's Day. It is not just any Sunday because it also serves to bring to an end the month of May.
Today's message will be as shared by one of Christ Ambassadors. Please read till the end. I am sure you will know why.
From the beginning, the devil’s modus operandi has been to sow the seeds of doubt in the heart of mankind with regards to the plan and intentions of God for them. For example, while God’s reason for restraining Adam and Eve from eating the forbidden fruit was to keep them alive, healthy and prosperous, the devil came and told them that God did so because He did not have their good at heart (Genesis 3:4-5).
It was this type of doubt that the devil sowed in the heart of Joseph’s brothers after the demise of their father. Thank God Joseph was a man who knew the mind of God; He quickly quenched their doubts. For us His children today, God has revealed His plans and intentions for us in Jeremiah 29:11:
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
This is not an after-thought; rather this has always been God’s intention for us from the beginning of creation (Genesis 1:26). It is therefore a sin to doubt the good in God’s motives when He directs us to do something or live in a particular way that is contrary to what the devil or the world expects.
Because Joseph knew the mind of God concerning all that happened to him, he rejected hero-worship from his brothers and allayed their fears. He comforted them by making them understand that their negative actions towards him were used by God to fulfil His eternal good purpose in his life.
Genesis 50:19-20 thus says:
“And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.”
In other words, Joseph was saying to his brothers that it was not they but God who sent him to Egypt for a clearly defined purpose. Paul corroborates this truth in our memory verse.
The Lord is saying to you that you should stop complaining about what is happening to you now; it is for your good. Things will work out for your good if you continue to love God even in that so-called unpleasant situation, which has a divine purpose attached to it. Once again I say to you: it is for your good, and you will soon know why.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
Genesis 50:15-21
Bible in one year:
1 Kings 2
Luke 1:26-56
Prayer Point:
Father, according to Your word, let all things work together for my good from today in Jesus’ Name.
Just checking in into His Presence...
Intricacies in the Power of God and the mysteries of Satan
Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of Mercy as I welcome you to the birth of another day where God is the Father.
It is a great thing to be associated with the Father and the Son Jesus Christ (1 John 3:1). But also note that we need the Holy Spirit to act as a Comforter in times of trials and tribulations and to be able to decipher between the antics of Satan as he tries to intertwine between our lives and the Intended covenant of God upon each and everyone (Jeremiah 29:11).
Without the Holy Spirit therefore, it is hard to understand the intricacies between the plots of Satan and the mysteries of God? very seemingly, they can both be alike unless the Spirit of God is resident in one.
The stories of Job in Job chapter 2-40 and that of Joseph in Genesis 37-50 bears severe analysis to the above when we compare them to Saul's inability to continue in the way of God whilst David on the other hand had already become enthralled with the Holy Spirit. Saul's life continue to falter, he began to run after the mundane things of the world (1 Samuel 18:6) because of his constant rebellion to God ordinances.
To make up for the shortfall in the Spirit of God, Saul started to seek power using illicit means. Even at this level, Saul was still deceitful as he spoke with the dead because the Holy Spirit had already deserted him (1 Samuel 16:14).
Today friends, can you fathom answers to things of the Spirit? Have you got enough Spirit in your tank to understand the mysteries of God when it comes to challenges, either from Satanic influences or otherwise?
Joseph, Job and David's lives are great examples of how we should allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit while Saul's life should remind us about how easy one can be led away from the sanity of the Holy Spirit.
Without Your Spirit O Lord, we are prone to become preys to Satan and his antics, let Your Holiness empower us to such an extent that we will not fail before Thee in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
The use of talents
Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to another testimony of life in the presence of the Lord.
Our major concern is to first value our existence in life today and by so doing we can begin to expect the transformation of such value if only we walk and also enjoy carrying out the precepts of the Lord.
If we fail to value what we have, getting any new thing from God would have automatically been reduced to zero. So, let us use our existence in life today to appreciate the goodness of God upon our lives. It is the only way by which we can invoke the riches in heaven to come upon us.
Before you ask for more talents, what have you done with those in your possession?
We beseech you God, as you renew our strength this morning, we want you to transform our talents and make them Your Own in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
Sinful acts lessen our immunity before Satan
Testimony Time:-Good morning to you all and welcome to the newness of the Lord's mercy.
When a Preacher preaches that we should walk with God and be blameless, they do so so that we can run away from any sinful acts.
If and when any Children of God sin and very flagrantly disobey the commandments of God, they carelessly and very recklessly lessen their immunity in the face of the fiery darts of the enemies and wiles of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10-11)
Christian who finds themselves on these pedestal cannot attract the Grace of God, without this Grace such person will be leading a meaningless life as he/she falls victim to every satanic influences.
Today, let us therefore be gracious unto ourselves for once-let us begin to walk with the Lord and be blameless before Him!
May the Lord order our footsteps today so that our thoughts and deeds will always attract the heavenly grace in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
A day lost or a day gained in His Presence?
Testimony Time:-Good morning once again and welcome to another sunrise. It is another beauty in the presence of the Lord, but men may have not stopped to consider the significance of each day that is born?
Significantly however, each day that is gained simultaneously becomes another day that is lost on earth but not necessarily in the Lord's Presence. It is so true therefore that men's reign may not be permanent in the world but through righteousness and the Grace of God, men can still share in the reign of God in eternity.
Therefore, I encourage you all not to deliberate too much on the passing day except in terms of righteousness but to think more on where we are suppose to spend eternity by the reason of Christ death on the cross.
Today is truly a gain in the physical sense but in spirituality what does it become? God is Spirit and those who must worship Him must do so in Spirit. John 4:24
Give us your power oh Lord so we can worship you in truth and in Spirit. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...
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