Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Monday, 2 March 2015

God's Garden

Testimony Time:-Good morning friends in God's Garden and welcome to another display of His Opulence.
It is a joyous thing to know or noticed we have marched into a new month called March. May this new month propel us into our destinies in Jesus name. Amen
This is a new season, what will guide you as you march into it. Are your thoughts holy enough? What about your steps? Are they confined mainly for holy acts?

Image result for image of god's gardenWe can only try, but God knows who His Children are. It is not about how you preach or the amount of followers that you can gather. It is also not about how prolific you are in writing, but it depends so much about how righteous you are, and that is between you and God. No third party can describe how righteous you are unto God, they can only speculate. More often than not, they cause confusion with their speculations even though they are guilty of more serious crimes.

Lord we beseech you to empower us with Your Strength so that we will listen to your prompts even when they are less audible. Let your glory envelope us so that we will be righteous in every encounter of ours in Jesus name. Amen
Wishing you all a happy new month.

Just checking in into His Presence...

Mr or Mrs Nice Culture

Testimony Time:-Good morning Friends in the Tabernacle of Grace, welcome to another opportunity in the Presence of God.
Please note that your position before the Lord carries so much authority. Authority to possess your blessings, to break bounds and also enjoy the fullness of God according to Psalm 23 -"goodness and mercies shall follow us all the days of our lives" and Jeremiah 29:11
However, do you know you can weaken your authorities to claim your possession before Him? This can be achieved through a lot of means. Eg. When you are weakened through lusts and desires, through anger and lasciviousness, and by not abiding in His words according to John 15:1
When you loose your anointing through unwholesome sexual adventures, your authority as men and women of God will resonates sex, so also all vices that the Lord have spoken against.
What represent your authority in the temple of God? What do you campaign about secretly with your virtues? What drive are you using to lead your congregations and what are your motives?
Mr Nice and Mrs Nice, what do you intend to get from your nice culture?
Today, you can still come back to God. Please note that you cannot plant an orange and expect to reap apple. If you are wayward in your righteousness, using smoke screen to elevate yourself in rank and through arguments, the day of God is at hand.
Lord teach us to apply our days unto your wisdom. Let your Grace elevate and position us with Your Desires in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...