Testimony Time

Testimony Time
Just checking into His Presence...

Friday, 19 December 2014

The Daily Prompts

The definition of confidence is knowing you can do something and being happy doing it.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out where the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with dust and sweat and blood.

At best, he knows the triumph of high achievement; if he fails at least he fails whilst daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who new neither victory or defeat"- Theodore Roosevelt

It's not because things are difficult that one doesn't try. It is because one doesn't try that things are difficult." -Anonymous

All for your morning delights while we blossom in His Glory. Amen… 

Experience is not enough but Grace through righteouness.

Testimony Time:- Good Morning Dear Loved ones. A friend wrote "difficult times have been observed to often inspire people to become extraordinary in life if handled positively in the Presence of the Lord.

Challenges and adversities can actually push people towards their greatness as much as storms can lift anyone towards a deeper journey of happiness, fulfillment and above all, a significant life.

We can explore ways to gain strength to overcome life's challenges, but remember it is not so much about your experience but largely how you choose to respond to the adversities of life.

May the Lord of Grace guide us with His faithfulness so that we will be strong when we ride the storm's eye and then overcome all its afflictions in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

Defeat of darkness

Testimony Time:-Good morning brethren in Christ. Within this little time, I welcome you to another defeat of the darkness through His Presence.

Through this power I pray that as the new day broke forth, our joy shall flow endlessly. The stream of our gladness will also flow ceaselessly.

We will continue to swim in the ocean of comfort and drink from the brooks of fulfillment to our satisfaction.

I also pray by the same power that changed the night into a new morning that all the power-source of pains will be blocked and any pool of sorrow we may currently experience shall dry up in Jesus name. Amen

Do have a weekend filled with the heavenly bliss that is also enjoyed in His Presence. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

Favour is not a product

Testimony Time:-Good morning Children of God and welcome to His Favour.
A friend once shared-"Favour is not a product of qualification or an act of brilliance but simply an endowment of the Mercy of God".

Today, the Lord of Hosts shall walk in your favour and no one will be able to stand against you. God shall be your hiding place and will protect you all from trouble.

May the Lord's favour finds you today and always in Jesus name. Amen
Just checking in into His Presence...

Keep Hope alive!

Testimony Time:- Good Day to you all and welcome to His Preservation. 
Today is about another message that came through a friend; although modified, it is fit for the daily dose of His Words. This is titled " Keep hope alive"

Hope makes today possible and tomorrow very attractive and less threatening. Hope makes death bearable and should represent the fulcrum of our energy before His Presence.
Please note, we can only go forward in life if we believe and put our hope in Him who is I Am that I Am.

May the Lord renew our hope in Him in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

Is your process of separation divine?

Testimony Time:- a very good day to you all and welcome to His fulfilment. 

Today's message was sent by a devoted sister in Christ. And it is good enough to serve as the message of the day. Please read to the end.

“...Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites.” (Judges 6: 11)
That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.

While Gideon was threshing wheat in the winepress, an Angel of the LORD came to him; while he threshed wheat, he experienced divine a manifestation. Wheat threshing removes chaff from the wheat; so as Gideon separated the substance from the chaff, there was a supernatural manifestation; separation preceded divine manifestation.

Isn’t it true that sometimes, there is no divine manifestation because there has been no separation? Sometimes, because we haven't walked away from sin, wrong relationships, wrong attitudes, negative confessions, etc, God keeps His manifestation pending, waiting for us to separate from the chaff. Sometimes, delays in divine manifestation are occasioned by the chaff we hold on to.

Friend, God says, separate yourself from every chaff that will spoil your substance. Walk away from every relationship that is corrupting your purpose; walk away from every negative attitude that is pushing God away from you; stay away from every sin that easily besets you; stay away from every association that predisposes you to sin; stay away from every person, activity, attitude, etc that fills you with chaff.

If you've chosen to believe God, then do away with unbelief; if you've chosen to speak God’s word, then discard negative confessions; if you choose to have faith, discard doubt; if you choose to pray, stop complaining; if you want to live righteously, then discard sin and unrighteousness.

Gideon was still threshing wheat when the Angel came. God says, start the process of separation and He will show up for you. Your separation prepare grounds for divine manifestation.

Pray With Me: Lord, I discard every chaff polluting the substance in me, in Jesus’ name!

Have A Lovely Monday And A Fruitful Week. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...

A matter of just?

Testimony Time:- Good morning to all Sons and Daughters of the Most High God and welcome to another Testimony of His.

Christ ideals and opinions of us before His Father was not "a matter of just". It was a matter taken very seriously. As a result He humbled Himself to become a Lamb led to the altar as a sacrifice for the remission of our sins.

This morning while we all enjoy His Testimonies, are you just existing before Him? Are your roles in His Presence a matter of just or that that rekindles His ideals?

You have a choice, but remember He expects something in return for His selfless and ever loving sacrifice for the human race.

Let our worships and services before you be ideal to the extent that we can be considered fit for Your Kingdom in Jesus name. Amen

Just checking in into His Presence...